From biting to this. Crate training doesn’t simply mean a dog that doesn’t kick off in a crate. There is a lot more to it if you want your dog to feel comfortable and safe. Mabel arrived with a lot of conflict around small spaces and thresholds, whilst she would fall asleep in her crate and not typically vocalise, she was desperate to leave and even more desperate not to go in when asked. Changing a dogs opinion of something takes time and consistency but it also requires an element of removal of other options. A dog that has all the freedom to run freely through your house may take issue with then being asked to be confined. Combine this with a healthy dose of motivation and communication and you’re onto a winner! Is your dog crate trained? #cratesarecruel #cratetraining #cratetrainingsuccess #cratetrained #dogtraining #dogtrainer #trainthedog #offleaddog #obedience #training
Don’t fight over possessions with your gundog.
Resource guarding in lots of forms can be avoided by working with your dog’s genetics instead of against them, building trust around possessions and embracing your dogs love of picking up random crap on the floor will make for a much easier relationship. It’ll also make training a drop much simpler!
#resourceguarding #cockerspaniel #gundog #cocker #cockerspanielsofinstagram #possessionaggression #dogtrainer #dogtraining #trainthedog
Don’t forget the reasons you wanted to train your dog in the first place.
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #trainthedog #recall #looseleadwalk #heelwork #obedience #offleaddog #ecollar #pack #dogwalk
Small and mighty Bertie came with a bite history, as well as a serious enjoyment for the sound of his own voice. Reactive to dogs and strangers in public too, he would rather everyone stay home while he’s out. He’s had some all important social exposure whilst building up a bank of obedience skills and dare I say, we might actually be mates now! A long way from him wanting to rip my skin off my hands.
He spent a week learning the ropes of appropriate behaviour out and about and is now putting these skills to good use with us on The Walks (coming soon!)
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #trainthedog #littledogsdeservetrainingtoo #recall #looseleadwalk #obedience #poodlemix #fluffydog #dogwalk
Train your dog to ignore kissy noises, because it’s annoying as f**k and that person deserves this resting bitch face.
A lot of dogs will find baby talk triggering, in the extreme cases this is the start of your dog beginning to exhibit behaviours that they hope will gain them space with a possible escalation to snapping and biting. Teaching your dog what to do when Sandra from down the road starts talking to your dog like they’re an idiot helps your dog to navigate our human world.
#labrador #blacklab #labradorretriever #dogtraining #dogtrainer #everydaytraining #trainthedog #recall #looselead #pubdog
On lead reactivity is not caused how you think it is.
Stopping your dog from approaching unknown dogs and people doesn’t make them aggressive or anxious in the presence of dogs. When your dog dictates who they interact with and how, they might just get a bit pissed off when that changes.
The foundation work was in for this guy however after a break of training and some bad habits slipping in, he’d started to become a headache on walks again.
Introduction of the right tools for the job and some tweaking and his owner was back in control.
Don’t let your dog greet other dogs on lead folks, it creates problems!
#boxer #boxerdog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #trainthedog #looselead #looseleash #looseleadwalk #prongcollar
10 reasons why my 9 month old puppy can be off lead around lots of distractions.
1. Hand feeding through training every day.
2. Play time with me every day.
3. Structure and down time enforced so she isn’t over stimulated.
4. Obedience trained daily.
5. No interaction with strangers on a walk so she has no reason to seek their attention.
6. No interaction with unknown dogs on a walk so she has no value in approaching others.
7. Breed fulfilment through play and training.
8. Effective communication through e collar work.
9. High reinforcement history for engaging with me.
10. She’s a f**king superstar ⭐️ 🤷🏼♀️
Are you ready to raise the standard when it comes to your dog? Comment OFFLEAD below and we can get started!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #offlead #offleash #trainthedog #puppy #dobermancross #dobermanpuppy #reliabledogtraining #ecoller #recall #obedience