Greenlove Raw Support

Greenlove Raw Support As an experienced raw feeder I offer advice, personal consultations and ongoing support for anyone interested in feeding their dog a raw diet

It is well documented that humans who eat a healthy 'natural' diet live longer and suffer less health problems than those who eat processed, additive laden junk food! The same holds true for canines. Dogs that eat a species appropriate natural diet, will be healthier and live longer lives. The problem is that, as a result of time-poor modern consumer lifestyle and clever marketing by pet food manu

factures, we have lost touch with what constitutes a 'healthy natural diet' for our furry companions! Dogs are descended from wolves, yes they may be domesticated and come in all shapes and sizes but this only happened during the past 15,000 years. Wolves have been around for 40 million years and despite the change in their outward appearance a dogs organs and digestive system remains identical to a wolf and thus they should eat a similar diet

Pet food may be convenient and it may be marketed as 'scientifically approved' but it is essentially junk food. Canned pet food has only been around since the 1900's and complete kibble since the 50s and 60s, it exists largely as a means of disposing of waste from the human food chain for maximum profit. Surplus grain and tainted or diseased meat unfit for human consumption is heat treated, highly processed and cleverly packaged to be sold as yummy meaty chunks of goodness for your cherished pet, the irony is that typically less than 50% of the product actually contains meat and the meat it does contain is largely VERY poor quality

Furthermore, an advertising loophole allows the nutrients added to pet food, at the start of the manufacturing process, to be listed on the end label, despite the fact that heat processing typically destroys upto 70% of these nutrients in the end product! This holds true for even the most expensive 'specialist' brands of kibble. The cheaper kibbles are even worse for your dog, containing additives, preservatives, chemicals and are usually bulked out with cheap fillers like grain. Dogs digestive systems are not designed to process grain, they do not have the correct enzymes to break it down, which is why dogs on a commercial diet typically excrete vast quantities of smelly poo! The grain simply passes straight through! Grain is also one of the main causes of skin allergies, diabetes and flatulence in dogs. Commercial pet food, whether canned or kibble, also fails to clean a dogs teeth and gums correctly. This is the reason that so many dogs have gum disease, smelly breath and rotten teeth, even from a VERY young age. The dogs jaw needs to be exercised and the teeth and gums stimulated, for a healthy mouth

The sad fact is that vets today are seeing a proliferation of pets with all manner of 'preventable' diseases. Some veterinary surgeons even suggest that as many as 9 out of 10 canine health issues, everything from bad breath, flatulence, allergies and skin problems, to cancers, liver disease, kidney disease and heart disease, may be directly related to a processed commercial diet. A processed diet can also have mental implications for your dog, causing him to be hyperactive, even aggressive as a result of additives and chemicals contained within it. Most people just want to do what's best for their dog, Owners feed kibble because its convenient but also because they typically believe it provides a complete, balanced meal for their dog. It is worth remembering that pet food manufacturers do not exist to promote health, reproduction, growth or longevity of dogs, they exist merely for profit. Alarmingly, these same pet food manufactures fund courses on nutrition attended by vets in training and pay veterinary surgeries commission on the pet food they sell! My argument is that you would not feed a 'complete kibble' to yourself or your family everyday for the rest of your life (1 hope!) so why doom your dog to this fate. It much easier and cheaper than most people realise to feed your dog a nutritiously balanced RAW diet and it has so many benefits for you both! If you are interested in switching your dog, or starting your puppy, onto a raw diet but have no idea where to begin then I can offer you advice, whether by phone, email or a face to face consultation to get you started. I can furnish you with step by step instructions to make the switch, lists of suppliers and personalised menu plans. I also offer ongoing lifetime support should you need it :)

What is your dog drinking ?Many raw feeders take great care over the nutritious raw meals they serve their dog and in se...

What is your dog drinking ?

Many raw feeders take great care over the nutritious raw meals they serve their dog and in selecting healthy natural treats for them but sadly neglect to consider the water their dog is drinking everyday.

Tap water has been nicknamed the 'silent killer' and can be laden with pharmaceutical residues, chlorine, heavy metals and other contaminants.

Avoid exposing your dog to these toxins by filling his bowl with filtered or purified water or with clean rainwater !

Provide water in ceramic bowls rather than metal or plastic ones which can leach toxins into the contents

I regularly fill my dogs water bowl with nourishing bone broth, this is great for a huge vitamin and mineral boost especially for dogs that are under the weather, its also a great way of encouraging a dog to drink more if it needs to hydrate (drinking more also supports the kidneys to flush out toxins in the dogs system)

I have been raw feeding dogs for over 20 years, I have helped many people throughout the UK and abroad navigate the swit...

I have been raw feeding dogs for over 20 years, I have helped many people throughout the UK and abroad navigate the switch to a raw diet. I do not promote my own products and I aim to give people the confidence to raw feed on their own, safe in the knowledge they are feeding nutritious, balanced meals. my approach is a unique halfway point between BARF & Prey, advocating minces, chunks, whole carcass, bones, fish, offal and eggs with the optional addition of a small amount of correctly prepared nutritious and medicinal plants / herbs and supplements. I place an emphasis on the importance of quality produce and variety. I do not support the use of dairy, grain or large amounts of veg and I aim to steer people away from 'pet shop' raw food which I personally believe to be rather poor quality and often lacking in vital components such as 'blood' (which provides a wide spectrum of nutrients)

I fully respect that there is a lot of free information out there but in my experience some new raw feeders dont have the time or confidence to wade through the masses of, often conflicting, information. The intention of Greenlove Raw Support is to collate a vast amount of raw feeding info into a coherent guide which can be easily followed. My 'raw support pack' includes:

- A step by step guide on how to switch your dog safely to a raw diet
- A detailed list of suitable meat, bones & offal to feed
- A detailed list of suitable veg, fruit, botanicals & nutritious extras to feed
- Example weekly menu plan for your dog or puppy
- A list of UK raw food suppliers
- Key raw feeding questions & concerns answered
- Holistic lifestyle pointers for a happy, healthy raw fed dog
- A guide to travelling with the raw fed


Then there were 3, the little pups tuck into frozen raw duck necks, fantastic treat to keep them entertained and satisfy that puppy urge to bite everything - Necks are a better alternative to recreational bones like 'knuckles' which can chip teeth and far safer than raw hide chews which can easily get stuck in the throat. Feeding the raw necks frozen makes them harder to demolish and of course the pups are supervised at all times, I remove the bones once they become small enough to pose a choking risk to pups this small :) (my adult bullys eat duck necks in about 2 or 3 bites !)


The pups getting stuck into a whole raw rabbit


A big game Breakfast for the greedy pups, raw minced pheasant carcass with chopped chunks of a nice fat hare I found at the bottom of my freezer yesterday ! Soaked in raw organic goats milk


Dinner for the pups, raw duck carcass with chopped up sprats and raw goats milk

DISCOVER THE BENEFITS OF FEEDING YOUR DOG A RAW DIET - I just finished designing my new raw feeding support folder. This...

DISCOVER THE BENEFITS OF FEEDING YOUR DOG A RAW DIET - I just finished designing my new raw feeding support folder. This includes a step by step plan (with pictures) on how and why to switch your dog safely to a raw diet. The folder contains lots of additional info including a guide to all of the different types of meat and bones you can feed depending on your dog, a guide to exactly what fruit and veg you can feed your dog, as well as the importance of including herbs, nuts, seeds and a whole host of other anti-parasitic goodies. There is a guide to how to feed raw when you are on holiday, a long list of places and companies from which you can source raw food throughout the UK and a Q & A guide which address the many myths and concerns of raw feeding. There is even a guide to give you pointers on the importance of a stress and toxin free lifestyle for your dog and how best to achieve this - it has taken me ages but its nice to have a complete package to email or post to people to help them in their quest to feed their dog raw. There is so much info out there but sometimes its conflicting and confusing. I like to think this is a common sense guide, based on my 20 years raw feeding hands on experience and specifically designed around the many questions I get asked on a daily basis.

I am a raw feeder with 16 years experience starting puppies on and switching dogs to a raw diet. I offer help and advice to people interested in the benefits of feeding their dog a species appropriate raw diet. I provide menu plans, tips, links to suppliers and the answer to all your raw questions !

blackberry season is nearly upon us - get out there foraging for yourself and your furry companions. Berries are packed ...

blackberry season is nearly upon us - get out there foraging for yourself and your furry companions. Berries are packed with antioxidants and vit c and are a lovely tasty treat. blitz them in a nutribullet or blender with a small handful of greens or herbs and add to your dogs meal. Ruby loves them so much she scrumps them straight off the bush !!!!


Here are a collection of blogs that contain quick tips on how to help remedy certain problems affecting your furry companions.


Some of my pups getting to grips with raw chicken necks. Pups that are weaned onto a balanced and varied raw diet are supplied with all the nutrients they need in a bio-available form, as nature intended, providing a solid foundation for growth and good health


Greenlove Raw Support - Tip of the Day - Remember that successful raw feeding depends on forging good relationships with suppliers and constantly being on the lookout for new sources of affordable, quality meat.

Make the most of your local area. If you have fish markets, or fishmongers near by visit them and talk them into giving you daily scraps and offcuts, it might not be a lot in one go but it adds up and your dog doesnt need much, favour oily fish over all else.

Same with butchers, get to know them, buy your own produce there and they will be more likely to be generous with scraps for your dogs, my butcher saves me up stuff that he knows I will like

If you live in the country, search out a gamekeeper or put an out out somewhere to find someone who shoots, game is a wonderful thing to feed and very cheap if not free if you can get it direct from source (though you will probably have to be prepared to pluck and gut it - though this is not as daunting as it sounds and well worth the effort believe me)

If you live in an urban area then chat up local restaurant owners, they might be willing to give you suitable raw bones or trim etc

Always keep ears and eyes open for new raw suppliers online. I order in rotation from a number of different people, who each provide something the other doesnt, or stocks a particular item at a better price or quality then i can get elsewhere. Club together with others to order in bulk and share the postage between you

This album is a step by step guide of a typical raw meal for the animals in my household. Please be aware that my dogs (...

This album is a step by step guide of a typical raw meal for the animals in my household. Please be aware that my dogs (and cat) are experienced at eating raw bones and that these largish portion sizes reflect their activity level (20 miles walking in the last 3 days !)

Im always on the look out for new suppliers, so here is another one. Always nice to see suppliers who source from organi...

Im always on the look out for new suppliers, so here is another one. Always nice to see suppliers who source from organic / free range farms - it bothers me a lot that many 'raw food suppliers' use very poor quality meat in search of a quick buck. Remember quality IS important when feeding raw. Cheap meat is typically raised in an intensive manner, pumped full of growth promoters, hormones, routine antibiotics and fed a species inappropriate diet, all of which serve to diminish the animal's happiness and the nutrient profile of its flesh. If you are into energy medicine, like me, then the happiness of livestock is as important as anything else because an unhappy animal is full of negative energy and anything that consumes it also absorbs this negativity to some degree (a very interesting subject for anyone who cares to read up on it :) ) #!/c/0/inview=product49448271&offset=28&sort=normal

buy organic petfood and raw meat products online, Bones,Tripe, Heart,

Here we have some veg trimmings (green beans, chard & carrot) lightly steamed in the pan & a few squishy strawberries and a over ripe peach on the right.

I used to bulk buy a limited selection of fruit/veg and prepare big batches which I would then portion up and freeze in sandwich bags, but I find this new approach offers better variety & makes use of veg/fruit scraps I have available on a daily basis. Things that might otherwise have gone in the bin are now saved in a pot and at the end of each day I have enough to feed all the dogs and cat the following day !

Although this photo shows green beans I dont actually feed these often, indeed I generally avoid peas and beans.

The bulk of the plant matter you feed your dog should be comprised of leafy greens and brassicas. Add other veg, particularly sweet veg and fruit, in moderation, though they do all provide good nutrients

Here is a brief list of good things to feed, starting with all the green stuff

Green things and brassicas - I save the tough outer leaves for the dogs, or any limp or slightly discoloured ones or the stalky bits etc

Lettuce, Cabbage, Spring Greens. Kale, Spinach, chard, sprouting, broccoli and cauliflower

I also feed some nettles or dandelions in moderation

Other Good Veg

Cucumber, Celery, Courgette, Peppers, Squash, Carrot, Parsnip, Beetroot, Sweet Potato


Apples, Pears, Bananas,Berries, Mango, Kiwi

Avoid Feeding

Potatoes, Onion, Leeks, Citrus Fruits


RAW Diet - Tip of the Day - Remember that there are lots of real food supplements you can add to your dogs basic raw diet each day which will bring additional health benefits such as repelling parasites, boosting organ function, detoxing and improving coat condition etc etc Things like RAW organic honey, RAW organic cyder vinegar (preferably with mother tincture), RAW crushed organic garlic, various high grade herbs/spices (dried or fresh), RAW organic virgin coconut oil (or even dried coconut shreds), various nuts and seeds (preferably pre soaked).

You dont need to feed all these things every day, just rotate them as and when but remember that regularity and quality are key when seeking the medicinal benefits of these foods :)


My 3 girls being fed after 6 mile walk today - big portions as tomorrow is a starvation day :) They all start with a whole raw mackerel each and then Crystal has bits of lamb, rabbit and leftovers from day before (when she was only given half her normal quota due to having a particularly lazy day !) Poppy has a big bowl of lamb breast as rabbit always makes her sick and Ruby has some lamb too and the rest of the rabbit. WARNING - sorry but an expletive slips out when Ruby is a bit keen to eat her fish and nearly has my fingers off :)


Whilst im not a fan of blood sports, I have to concede that the perks of the shooting season mean all my dogs eat like kings for FREE !!!! visited the game keeper today and was presented with a bin bag full (30 kilo) of pheasant, partridge, duck and pigeon which are all deemed 'too small' for the restaurant trade !!! my bullys didnt seem to think there was anything wrong with them :) and are now all snoozing pot bellied on the sofa !

hello all, sorry not been on here for a while, I have been busy building my own bull terrier and raw feeding website !!!...

hello all, sorry not been on here for a while, I have been busy building my own bull terrier and raw feeding website !!!! Thought I would post today with a link to another new supplier of raw food that I have recently found.This one is based in gloucester

My description


Ruby and bob cat enjoying a lovely fresh rabbit - RAW feeding at its best
(contains graphic images please dont view if you are offended by rabbits being eaten !!!!)


Ok RAW foodies If anyone lives near enough to me 'Lechlade in Gloucestershire' and wants a good supply of REAL FREE RANGE, SEMI-ORGANIC kid (goat) bones and chicken carcass, plus offal and other nice bits then please get in touch. The supplier is a lovely local guy who keeps kid goats and chicken in fantastic natural conditions. Prices as follows: Chicken Carcass £1.20 kilo, Bag of 10 chicken feet £1, Chicken giblets 50p, Kid bones £1.50 kilo, Kid offal £1.50 kilo - Its BEAUTIFUL quality and Im happy to get stuff for people or you can collect yourself from his place in Cricklade Wiltshire

My RAW menus are constantly evolving as I continuously research and discover new suppliers. At present my 3 dogs & cat a...

My RAW menus are constantly evolving as I continuously research and discover new suppliers. At present my 3 dogs & cat are settled in a lovely, varied, once a day regime which includes pured fruit/veg & potent fresh herbs mixed with a little mince and meaty bones for desert. I add fish, eggs and offal regularly in rotation & have a weekly fast day. This is an example of a typical evening meal




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