We rode without a bridle!!! I also wanted to show how I think teaching Ted to lift his front legs is improving his postural awareness and I hope will make it easier for him to carry himself in the ridden work (we struggle with lengthening in trot and with canter being rather flat but both felt better today
). Weather not playing ball today, it went from Sun to pitch black so Pivo struggled to track us and then I decided to try riding without the bridle just as ANOTHER thunder storm rolled in. Im not that brave but at least we have video proof! I am going to keep doing it because it will help me not to rely on hands!
I often lack the mojo to set up poles but its sooo worth it. Really pleased with this. I had a brainwave this yr to stagger the horses 'holidays'. January was Ted's holiday so Tes has been in dressage bootcamp and then she'll have a break when Ted starts back this week. It's meant I've been able to stay focussed and motivated through Jan which is a first!
Tesni barefoot and bitless on the gallops this morning pilotted by Marie Hanlon. We did have a proper gallop after this (when i wasn't riding Ted one handed holding the phone) and I can tell you she took some chasing...Welsh fire breathing she-dragon that she is this is one little over achiever 😍
Downsides of free range barefoot horses on a equicentral / track hybrid in the winter in UK. 1. I had to bend down a bit to dislodge some frozen poos that were stuck to the track this morning which was a bit bumpier than usual after the rain and deep freeze, 2....errrrrrr that's it. The positives are too long to list or ill be late for work. Heres a sparkly frosty video of the horses coming in for breakfast. I just have to rattle and shout. They know where they need to go. #lazygirl horsecare 😍
Ted's Core Conditioning for Horses homework after a successful clinic at the weekend with Simon Cocozza. This is our new warm up (not normally with poles but they were there ready for the ridden work) so his back is up and everything's nice and flexible when I get on. Really helps to increase the intensity of Ted's workout whilst sparing my energy. My riding homework is shoulder in squares in sitting trot so trust me I need all the help I can get (will show you that when it's a little less god awful).
Trying out new saddles and taking the opportunity to practice. Nice little leg yield clip to show how balance in the trot is really coming together now.
Ted's done two weeks on a water treadmill (core strength bootcamp) and I'm really trying hard to make sure he keeps using himself properly and making the most of his new muscle memory...i know i'm guilty of not focussing enough on the walk. He's always had a tendancy to mince along like he's got wet pants on so we tried riding to some music today to help him get his swagger on. Seemed to do the job!
Tesni's dressage show debut. So much to see at Vale View; the indoor cafe, judges, heat lamps and table and all the signs and mirrors and drapes meant she was tense and we couldn't show off the lovely work she's producing at the home but .... she really tried and kept herself together and i couldn't be prouder of her. 65 point something and a rosette. Makes me very excited for next time as this was only a fraction of the movement she has.