Vicky Kelly - Dog Listener

Vicky Kelly - Dog Listener The kind alternative to Dog Training For more information please vist the website

Are you having problems with your dog?
- Excessive Barking
- Pulling on the Lead
- Destructive Chewing
- Fear Of Noise
- Aggression
- Fussy Eating
- Toileting In The House
- Jumping Up
- Nervousness

There is a natural, kind way of overcoming these problems, which does not require the use of any expensive gadgets. Vicky Kelly is a Highly Recommended Associate of Jan Fennell, teaching dog owners Am

ichien (R) Bonding - a revolutionary approach to communicating with your dog using a language they understand to form a relationship of trust where your dog will choose to obey you.

Hello again! As was hinted at in my recent post about what I am up to these days, I have added a second string back to m...

Hello again! As was hinted at in my recent post about what I am up to these days, I have added a second string back to my bow. As a self employed person it has always made sense to me to have more than one way of earning, but in today's times of spiralling costs of everything it is making sense to lots of employed people too! I am loving my new business and having a few extra hundred pounds each month for only a few hours work that fit in around all my other commitments. I am currently looking to grow my team. Do you know any smart, motivated and ambitious people that would benefit from a bit more income each month?

Hi everyone!It has been 3.5 years since I posted on this page!  I kept it open as I never knew if I was going to make a ...

Hi everyone!

It has been 3.5 years since I posted on this page! I kept it open as I never knew if I was going to make a come back as a Dog Listener one day. I still don't think that is likely.

Just to fill you in. I decided to take a 6 month sabbatical at the beginning of 2019 as I was suffering with exhaustion. Within a month of stopping I was pregnant with my now 3 year old daughter, so the game changed entirely! Keeping myself healthy during pregnancy and then being available for her once she arrived became top priorities.

Three years on, returning to Dog Listening still does not feel quite right to me. I continue to refer people who contact me onto other excellent Dog Listeners. I continue with my coaching business (see for more info) and have recently added another string to my bow - more info on this will follow as it might be of interest to some!

It's always lovely to keep in touch with old faces. There are other ways to be connect with me if you would like to. I have an instagram profile .kelly_coaching or you can connect with my personal Facebook account.

This picture was taken yesterday at the top of the new big wheel at Adventure Island with my daughter snuggled into my cardigan as she was a bit chilly up there. šŸ„°


Please note that the sabbatical has been extended until further notice. Back-up support still available, but new clients are not being taken. Many thanks. šŸ’›

Itā€™s Valentineā€™s Day today, and as an act of self-love, Iā€™ve come to a difficult decision that I have been toying with f...

Itā€™s Valentineā€™s Day today, and as an act of self-love, Iā€™ve come to a difficult decision that I have been toying with for a while. For those who have had a consultation with me, you will know that it is quite an intensive period of time. This is not without its side effects, and my health has been suffering. After 12 wonderful years, Iā€™ve decided itā€™s time for a period of rest.

As of 1st March, I will be starting a 6-month sabbatical from this business. I will of course, still be providing back up support for those who have already had a consultation. I am toying with some other ideas of ways that I may still be able to help, so please keep an ear to the ground on that front.

My love for dogs and what we teach hasnā€™t wavered, which is why this hasnā€™t been an easy decision. I still wholeheartedly recommend this approach with dogs. I have no doubt that it gives dogs the best chance for a happy life with humans. If you havenā€™t already, please read one of Jan Fennellā€™s books, then visit her website to find a Dog Listener in your area.

I will be continuing my work coaching people. If you are curious to know more about that, please hop over to my sister business. Butterfly Effect Coaching

NO MAGIC WANDSAs much as I would love you to be able to outsource your dog behaviour problems to me, to be fixed, it jus...


As much as I would love you to be able to outsource your dog behaviour problems to me, to be fixed, it just doesn't work like that. My role is to empower you with the information you need to make the changes yourself.

For some people, it's relatively easy and their dog doesn't resist too much, for others it's more of a challenge. Some people are very vigilant, others are more forgetful. Whatever the situation, it does take some work. Changes generally take time. Think about diet and exercise. How long and hard you may have to work before you see results.

But it's worth it. If your dog isn't behaving the way you want, it's not happy. I know you love your dog. I know you want your dog to be happy, so channel that desire into what you need to do to make the change. I'm in the background to support you on your journey.

Vicky x

It's been a while since I've written a blog, but inspiration hit recently.  Here's an article about how our compassion f...

It's been a while since I've written a blog, but inspiration hit recently. Here's an article about how our compassion for our dogs is often misplaced, due to our misunderstanding of what certain behaviours mean:

An odd title, perhaps. But bear with me while I explain. We humanise dogs so easily. Readily believing that they: Get excited about things (e.g the walk, or our return home)

Oh so true!

Oh so true!

True story! šŸ¤£


Merry Christmas everyone šŸ’›šŸ•šŸŽ„


I've already been booked by 2 families in advance of them taking in new pups. While Christmas may not be the ideal time to settle a dog into your home, there are lots of things you can do to make it any easier start for everyone. I do in-home consultations for all the family.


I just read that "petting a dog for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure by 10%". It's no wonder that we love to fuss our dogs. It's a shame that the fussing (if done at the wrong time) can lead to increases in theirs!


Following my post about happy dogs or getting what we need - I want to say about bit more about our needs.

Some of you know that I also work with humans. I share a particular understanding that gives us an entirely different perspective on the way we see life. We start to understand that maybe things, people & activities aren't the routes to lasting happiness. Good news is there's an easier way.

If this sounds interesting and you want to know more, I write lots of blogs on this topic and host events too. I have a couple coming up in January. One in London, an evening talk, and one locally - a full day event. I'll put the links to the events in the comments, plus a couple of the blog posts.


If having happy & relaxed dogs is your top priority, then I am the behaviourist for you.

If your priority is getting what YOU want from your dogs, then you may find this tricky.

This method is all about seeing things through your dog's eyes, showing them what they need to see so they can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything is under control.

From that point onwards, their behaviour improves and we end up enjoying them much more, but more importantly, they enjoy us!

Taking our own perceived needs out of the equation makes this a much easier process.


Walking/marching to the train station the other day, I was coming up behind a man and his dog who were walking at a more leisurely pace on the same path. The dog had glanced over its shoulder at me a couple of times, so I made sure I overtook giving them a wide berth. This sort of behaviour is second nature to me, but I often wonder when I do it whether the owner assumes I am scared of dogs, rather than realising that I'm considering that the dog might be scared of me! šŸ¤”šŸ•šŸ’›

Vicky Kelly - Dog Listener

This time last year I offered a refresher event as an opportunity for you to have a reminder of the important stuff to be doing with your dogs, and to be able to ask detailed questions. We had a good response last time and it was useful to those who came. I'm just wondering whether to do another one early next year. Give me a thumbs up, or message me/comment if you'd be interested in this. I would probably look to do it on a Saturday. This video explains a bit more about why I'd be doing it.

Eek - I'm not really one for recording videos, but I felt inspired this afternoon! I hope this isn't too cringeworthy a watch. Just a little bit of information on why I'm doing the refresher event and who it's suitable for. Sunday 21st Jan, 10am. Tickets:


At a client's house, helping with their dog. There was something vaguely familiar about their drying plaster work. . .


I am frequently amazed by the things that people get told they *must* do with their dogs. This week has included:
- You must stroke them while they are eating.
- You must let this particular breed sleep on your bed.
- You must keep exposing them to the things they are scared of.

Personally I would not be happy about being stroked while I was eating. I have never met anyone who has got over a fear of spiders being repeatedly being shown spiders. The idea that any dog would need to sleep on the bed is beyond me.

If we really want happy dogs the thing we *must* do is learn to understand them - their nature, their concerns, and not assume they are the same as ours.

EDIT: it's worth mentioning that these well meaning comments often come from trusted parties. Dog wellbeing is fairly straightforward, but it is made difficult to navigate by all the well meaning advice out there. Just like our wellbeing (don't even get me started on that one!)

Aggression to dogs

The most frequently occurring enquiry I receive - aggression toward dogs. This brief article highlights why it happens and where the potential is to improve it:

Aggression to dogs 18 September, 2018Aggressive dog, Dog Behaviourvkelly At least 1 in 3 of the enquiries that I receive relates to aggression towards dogs on the walk. Why is this such a big problem? Simply put dogs are pack, territorial animals. That means instinctively they can see other dogs the...

Scary Mommy Time Out

Fascinating to watch/listen šŸ•šŸŽ¶
Not quite as amazing as listening to the wolves howl in Yellowstone Park all those years ago when I visited with Jan Fennell and many of my Dog Listener colleagues, but it's close!

This dog couldn't help but show off his soulful vocal range in his owner's piano shop. (Put your sound on to hear his passion)


One of the things I love about the work that I do (aside from just being really grateful that I get to help dogs and their humans) is that I get to go to some interesting places!

Does my dog enjoy the walk?

Okay, this article may be a bit marmite, but the whole purpose of it is to get you thinking - how do you know that your dog likes walking?

Does my dog enjoy the walk? 5 September, 2018Uncategorizedadrenalin, stress, walkingvkelly At least every other person that I help with their dog believes that their dog enjoys the walk. Even in cases when peopleā€™s dogs are exhibiting some rather undesireable behaviour, such as aggression towards ...


Wise words at any time of year, but especially in this heat.

For those worried about taking their dog for a 'walk', especially in the heat. please remember that this activity is a human choice, as no other species ever goes for 'a walk'. So far from denying a dog, we are, in truth, working with its nature. Jan


Jan Fennell


Fixing symptoms more often than not creates additional problems. Address the underlying cause and the symptoms clear up.

Help, my dog wonā€™t walk!

I have had a few enquires about dogs that won't walk recently, so I thought I would reshare this article I wrote last year about why this happens:

Help, my dog wonā€™t walk! 9 June, 2017Walk trainingwalkingvkelly Not the most common of dog behaviour problems, but I do get called to help about it every couple of months or so, are those strange creatures: dogs that wonā€™t walk. When I say wonā€™t walk, what I really mean is they refuse to go ou...


Also heard from another client today who sent me a lovely picture of her two previously really hyperactive dogs, being calm with her granddaughter. Not sharing here as it's not my picture to share, but always lovely to receive these sorts of messages! šŸ•šŸ•šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘§


Lovely feedback yesterday from a client who's dog was too afraid to walk, and stayed out of the way mostly at home too. After 2 weeks she is already more relaxed, being braver in the garden and not so reactive to bangs. There is a big light at the end of the tunnel for them, after nearly 2 years of trying before seeking my help.




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