2 Wolfdogs and A Spaniels Assistance Dog Adventures

2 Wolfdogs and A Spaniels Assistance Dog Adventures Meet my Owner Trained Assistance dogs

Wicked Wednesday!!Image description: Meme of Sully from Monsters inc, looking sad with two fingers touching at the tip o...

Wicked Wednesday!!

Image description: Meme of Sully from Monsters inc, looking sad with two fingers touching at the tip on each paw. The text reads: Why did you break the treats... In half???

Please sign and share!! It is imperative that e collars are banned in England. This will not only protect dog welfare in...

Please sign and share!! It is imperative that e collars are banned in England. This will not only protect dog welfare in England, but also aid Scotland and Ireland in their fight to ban them. Anyone residing in England, Scotland, Shetland and Orkney islands etc, Wales, Northern Ireland can sign. Please do. Please be a part of the movement in making history to ban shock collars. Banning them in England will not only add us to the list of countries in Europe who have banned them, but will have an international impact and a trickle effect to other countries. Let's fight for dog welfare!

*NEW* post in Pets and Their People!
"We have less than six months for UK citizens to get 100,000 signatures on this petition to ban electric shock collars for dogs and cats." - Tasha Attwood of Mutts & Mischief
Read more & sign the petition here: https://www.petprofessionalguild.com/pet-owners/pets-and-their-people/pets-and-their-people-blog/uk-residents-urgent-action-needed-to-make-a-kinder-world-for-pets/

Cookie pusher aka extremist and proud! Image description: A brown smartie cookie laid flat and a chocolate smartie cooki...

Cookie pusher aka extremist and proud!

Image description: A brown smartie cookie laid flat and a chocolate smartie cookie with a bite out of it, on its side. An explosive purple image in the background with cloud shapes. The text reads over the centre of the image

I have launched a shop online via the Buy Me A Coffee website. So far I have created:A medical and journal pack: this is...

I have launched a shop online via the Buy Me A Coffee website. So far I have created:

A medical and journal pack: this is a tool to aid you, when your dog behaviour changes you don't always know where to begin or what to ask the vet. You may not feel ready for a behavioural consult but want help in the interim. This extensive and detailed pack contains information to help you to communicate with your vet or holistic therapist such as a McTimoney chiropractor. As well as tracking your dog's eating habits, sleep, exercise and much more.

Identify changes in your dog's behaviour or explore what may have changed or contributed to the change in your dog's behaviour.

Explore the Helsinki pain scale for your dog, explore video records for the Vets and therapists and gain an understanding of why your dog's physiology can greatly contribute to changes in their behaviours.

Have a copy of your dogs medical notes and details from Vet to hydrotherapist so that your professionals are all working within the same multidisciplinary team for you and your dog!

Collaborative care for dogs Ebook: Many dog guardians struggle with grooming, husbandry procedures and vet visits. I have created this interactive e- book with step by step video tutorials to help you and your dog to learn through the magic of collaborative care.

I am a collaborative care partner qualified with Dognostics as a collaborative care partner. I am extremely passionate about dog welfare and agency.

Having clear communications with our dogs can put them at ease and ensure that they are comfortable with all that life may challenge us with!

Canine Enrichment Ebook: We hear a lot about enrichment in the dog world and it is not always so easy to understand or even know where to start. We also want to know the benefits of what we are doing with our dogs and investing in. This pack will talk you through many different components of enrichment as well as the benefits and tutorials which show you enrichment in action and how to participate!

Separation anxiety Ebook: Separation anxiety in dogs can be one of the hardest behaviours to work with. But I believe the best way to help your dog with separation anxiety is by understanding separation anxiety, why it occurs, knowing you aren't to blame and what we can do to help your dog to feel safe and secure.

This Ebook is my most extensive work yet, solely focused on the topic of separation anxiety.

I have also included a complimentary vet pack, journals and trackers to help you on your journey to separation anxiety becoming a distant memory for you both.

And plenty more to come! If you would like to visit the shop, you can find the books and packs here

Hello and welcome, Tasha is a dog trainer and behaviourist based in Skegness, Lincolnshire. They are a multi award winning certified international holistic dog trainer and behaviourist. Known for being an international dog trainer and behaviourist, specialising in aggression, reactivity, puppies, as...

Why did you bring a dog into your family? Audio link: https://youtu.be/F_U8ss46f7g?si=0Dc_7ZhxrHQsjoKW I brought a dog i...

Why did you bring a dog into your family?

Audio link: https://youtu.be/F_U8ss46f7g?si=0Dc_7ZhxrHQsjoKW

I brought a dog into my family because I needed that companionship, unconditional love, uncomplicated love, a companion to have adventures with and share my life with.

I think it's really important that this difficult topic is addressed. Socialisation.

Dogs just like us don't want to be friends with every dog that they meet. We need to rebuild the new normal, if friends and family have dogs it doesn't mean that your dog's are going to get along.

You choose your best friend but your dog's choose who they also feel comfortable with.

Your dog is amazing just the way they are and they are your companion. Not your best friends dog, not your parents dog, not your friends dog. They are your companion and yours alone. Love them for that very special role!

Did you know puppy parties and classes are an outdated 50 year old rhetoric? There is no evidence today in science that puppy parties or classes are in any way helpful to dogs and could in fact be the opposite.

It's down to the breeders during the critical and sensitive periods to expose puppies to socialisation experiences, this is not synonymous with playing with other puppies.

Early socialisation experiences for puppies with breeders looks like; early scent introduction (ESI) or early neurological stimulation (ENS) with neonatal puppies.

ENS promotes physiological health, improves cardiovascular activities, strengthens adrenal glands, builds a higher resistance to disease, stress tolerance and resilience. (1)

ESI or early scent introduction begins at the age of day 3 through to day 16 of the puppy's life for only one minute per day but begins to open the neurological pathways and can enhance the neurological performance for puppy's throughout their life through touch and scent as early neurological stimulation (ENS) is combined with ESI. (2)

Breeders will also expose to children where possible, car journeys, the vets, sounds and different textures.

Once they are adopted into their new family it is then up to the new guardians to continue with socialisation to novel situations and situations that they will experience as they become an adult and are an adult.

This could be getting used to traffic in urban environments, it could be desensitisation to bird scarers in a rural environment, it could be that the vets or the pet shop is on an industrial estate so getting used to the sounds of shutters and fork lifts can be helpful.

It could be that you live by a school, a construction area, a fire station, police or paramedic station. In which the main desensitisation needs is to sirens.

It's also really important to focus on socialising with your vet as this person is going to be a constant in your dog's life as well as the socialisation to the surgery, the sounds and smells and of course the groomer, should you have a breed which requires grooming.

Unfortunately, like much of the industry, the information we have today is 50 years old, 50 years ago socialisation classes were encouraged based on the information that they had then. Which in all fairness is very limited. 50 years ago Barbara Woodhouse was also the trainer most guardians looked to, shudder.

It's also been found in a much more recent study that different breeds have different socialisation windows and with breed variations this means that different breeds, very much can't just be lumped into a puppy party or socialising class. (3)

In 1999, researchers identified very few benefits of puppy classes in a controlled test study and reviewing the results of the puppies behaviour, post puppy classes. (4)

These results again stress the importance in further research in truly understanding optimal socialisation windows for dogs based upon their breed.

It was also discussed that a major limitation to truly understanding socialisation as a formal study is that although guardian questionnaires can be used, they can be unreliable and biassed and most importantly all puppies live in very different environments which also means the study results will not be consistent for analysis, which is why 50 year old rhetoric is still used today.

It also used to be that people didn't think twice about bringing a puppy home at 5, 6, 7, 8 weeks and now it is encouraged that puppies are 12 weeks old before going to their new homes for their optimal development and emotional wellbeing.

Epigenetics, maternal instincts and experiences for the puppies with their mother and other environmental factors, secure attachments and Oxytocin levels have also not been tested to develop a baseline of effective socialisation and experiences which shape whether a dog as an adult is likely to become fearful or bite. (5)

The other problem is that when dogs become adolescent and emotionally challenged they are relinquished and many stories are told as to why they are relinquished, this also means understanding relinquishment rates is also not reliable as people cannot be counted on to be honest about what they have or haven't done with their puppy which could of led to the “unwanted behaviours.” This is when we see relinquishment of dogs, as they haven't met the idea of companionship of the human. (6)

Many guardians I have worked with who had emotionally challenged dogs attended a puppy class or party of some kind and many felt lost, frustrated and first contact a lot of the time was: “If I couldn't help they would relinquish their dog.”

I think it's really important that we embrace a new understanding of dogs. We bring dogs into our lives to become family members and sometimes dogs are emotionally challenged for a whole variation of reasons, as discussed in this blog.

We need to come to understand that our dog is our companion, not the neighbours dog, not a dog round the block or strange dogs that you bump into. Your dog is your companion and if your dog is emotionally challenged by other dogs, that's OK because your dog is your companion and yours alone.

Rethink puppy classes as even the experts don't believe there are any positive associations or benefits for your puppy and begin to embrace setting your puppy up for success in the life you live, the company you keep and the places you travel!


Boone, G. et al. (2022) The effect of early neurological stimulation on puppy welfare in commercial breeding kennels, MDPI. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. Available at: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/1/71
Cerebral blood flow and personality: A positron emission tomography. (2011). Available at: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/ajp.156.2.252
Morrow M., Ottobre J., Ottobre A., Neville P., St-Pierre N., Dreschel N., Pate J.L. Breed-dependent differences in the onset of fear-related avoidance behaviour in puppies. J. Vet. Behav. Clin. Appl. Res. 2015;10:286–294. doi: 10.1016/j.jveb.2015.03.002
Seksel K., Mazurski E.J., Taylor A. Puppy socialisation programs: Short and long term behavioural effects. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 1999;62:335–349. doi: 10.1016/S0168-1591(98)00232-9.
Serpell J., Duffy D.L., Jagoe J.A. Becoming a dog: Early experience and the development of behavior. In: Serpell J., editor. The Domestic Dog: Its Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, UK: 2016. pp. 94–102.
Marston LC, Bennett PC. Reforging the bond – towards successful canine adoption. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 2003;83:227–245.

Image description: A grey comic book window. The title reads Socialising with other dogs will not magic your dog into a socialite. The window has a cardboard box upside down which has a sign that reads: go away. In red spray paint. Someone is saying off screen: " Do you want to hang out?"
A comic style speech bubble reads P**f! Where to recipient of the question has disappeared under the box!.

We have 6 months for UK citizens to get this petition to ban electric shock collars filled to 100, 000 signatures. Since...

We have 6 months for UK citizens to get this petition to ban electric shock collars filled to 100, 000 signatures. Since the failure of the ban 1st February 2024 I have been in communication with the government who encouraged me to build this petition. In my original proposal I included facts and figures which I've included below. Because we are always challenged. If you wish to copy and paste or share the information that's absolutely fine! Please share everywhere and let's get shock taken off the table!


I am a Behaviourist in Lincolnshire UK and I am writing to you concerning the use of electric shock collars and the ban that didn't happen on 1st February 2024.

In August 2018, Michael Gove announced electric shock collars would be banned. Now in 2024 they are still not banned, nor is legislation in place for their ban, ban of sale or use.

Only the House of Lords have voted against them and not the House of Commons.

If we explore European Animal Welfare laws, specifically the Animal Welfare Act 2006 of the UK and the five freedoms which states:
A suitable diet
A suitable environment
To be able to exhibit normal behaviours
To be housed with or without other animals depending on species and the individual
To be protected from pain, suffering, disease and illnesses. The use of electric shock collars in fact breaks the law.

Here is the sound of a dog in distress due to an electric shock collar from the charity Dogs Trust UK. https://youtu.be/_nUCyLQWOTU This sound is undeniably excruciating pain, fear and distress that this poor dog is experiencing.

Shock collars are banned in:
Quebec - Canada

Electric shock collars are collars in which deliver an electrical current through two pins to the skin of a dog when the handler presses the button on the remote control which can be set at different levels. The collar can either deliver a low tingling sensation to a much higher painful shock depending on the settings. Humane Society, 2020

The electric shock collar is not yet banned within the UK, however in 2018 the British government did announce that they were moving towards a ban. The electric shock collar is banned in Wales under the Animal Welfare (Wales) Regulations 2010. Although electric shock collars are not yet banned in Scotland within the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 the Scottish government set out guidelines that the use of aversive training devices, which includes electric shock collars can constitute an offence for unnecessary suffering within this Act. Northern Ireland does not currently yet have any legislation regarding the electric shock collar. Association, B. 2020

Within the UK there are many organisations who have publicly declared their concerns for the electric shock collar to cause pain and suffering to dogs and that they want the electric shock collar to be banned. These organisations include but is not an exhaustive list, the Pet Professional Guild British Isles, the Kennel Club, Dogs Trust, the British Veterinary Association and the RSPCA as well as individual organisations and individuals in which a petition was signed and delivered to the UK Government. Gov.UK 2018

An electronic collar is a collar which is placed around the neck of a dog, they deliver a shock which has been argued by some to be a tap or a tingle when activated. Serpell and Barrett 2016 (pp. 221-223) Serpell found Trainers would argue that the collars were used for tools for punishment also known as P+ as a consequence of not giving the desired behaviour or used in negative reinforcement R- that the unpleasant stimuli would cease when the desirable behaviour began.

Serpell found that there was always 3 types of collars available, ones used with a remote in which the handler can give a shock at a distance, one that did not require human intervention such as an electronic bark collar and the electronic collar which is paired with an invisible fence. Serpell and Barrett 2016 (pp. 221-223)

Serpell also found that people preferred the use of the electric shock collar due to the distance of handling the collar and the remote and that they believed that the dog would not associate the shock with the handler whereas they might with a choke or prong collar correction. Serpell and Barrett 2016 (pp. 221-223) which demonstrates that handlers are aware that shock collars cause pain and that dogs can associate the source of the pain coming from the handler.

Aversive conditioning or punishment is when there is an unpleasant punishment for an unwanted behaviour. Punishment is broken down into two formats, positive and negative punishment. Overall, 2013 (pg.75)

Positive punishment is the idea that when the behaviour should decrease because there has been an unpleasant punishment after the unwanted behaviour and negative punishment is based on the probability of the behaviour decreasing because something pleasant was removed after the behaviour occurred. Overall, 2013 (pg.75)

The idea of punishment is to eliminate a behaviour however when the punishment is only effective when given in the presence of the punishment this begins to stop being punishment and begins to become abuse. Overall, 2013 (pg.75)

Defra of the UK government commissioned a a questionnaire to understand owners ideas of shock collars to further understand the harm that they cause. The results showed:

Defra found the following answers from the participants.
• 6% answered there should be regulation for the devices
• 20% answered that electronic collars and fences are fine if long as they are used correctly
• 11% answered that electronic collars are effective tools
• 10.5% answered that more dogs would be euthanised if electronic collars were not used when all other training methods had failed
• 27% felt that fence containment systems were important
• 7% felt that fences improved the quality of life for the animals so that they are not restricted to being kept indoors
• 15% felt that remote collars were important for both safety and control
• 6.5% felt that electric collars improved the quality of life through freedom and a reduction in behavioural problems
• 9% felt that electronic collars did not shock the dog or that the shock is at a low level
• 17% responded that there was other training options available
• 23.5% responded that the devices were cruel and harmful

Data sourced from, Defra. Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. 2018.

The Kennel Club: also commissioned their own research project in which they found that. Kennel Club 2014

• 1 in 4 dogs showed signs of stress when compared to 5% of dogs within the non- shock collar range. Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014
• 1 in 3 dogs yelped when the electric collar was first used and 1 in 4 yelped due to uses thereafter. Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014
• 73% of the public disagreed with the use of the electric shock collar. Kennel Club commissioned survey, 2014
• 79% of the public felt that behavioural issues could be trained using positive reinforcement and not negative reinforcement collar. Kennel Club commissioned survey, 2014
• 74% of the public said that they would support the Government in bringing in a ban on electric shock collars. Kennel Club commissioned survey, 2014
The results suggest there is concern for welfare of dogs within England being trained with the use of an electronic shock collar, research papers demonstrate the statistical cause for concern surrounding the welfare issues as suggested by the general public as well as organisations such as the Kennel Club and Niki Tudge of the Pet Professional Guild calling for the ban of the electric shock collar. Kennel Club 2014 and Tudge and Nilson, 2016

In dogs, negative behavioural changes were found, these including pacing of the boundary, refusing to either leave the house or the garden, regressions in house breaking, sudden vehicle or passer by chasing, excessive barking when people enter or left the property, fearful of playing within particular areas of the garden and fear of getting into the car. Bowen-Vaccare, 2020

It was also found after 12 months of using an invisible fence and electronic collar system that dogs would begin to display aggressive behaviours, the aggression was found to be directed at passers-by and vehicles so the behaviour escalated from car chasing and chasing people walking past the perimeter to now becoming aggressive In this behaviour, aggressive with people leaving by foot, misdirecting onto other pets around passers-by especially when leaving by foot, attacking animals entering or leaving the garden, nipping and or biting at children when playing. These were the behaviour changes and behaviours documented. Bowen-Vaccare, 2020

Within invisible boundaries the dogs are found to become aroused by any outside stimulus and when the arousal heightens they then try to push beyond the boundary which causes them to be electrically shocked by the collar which they then pair the stimulus with the shock. Miller, 2003

Within a study specifically looking at the welfare issues concerning the use of electronic shock collars, three groups of dogs was studied, one group which was trained by experienced dog trainers who used electronic collars in their training, they were asked to train two groups of dogs, one group with electronic collars for recall and one group of dogs without electronic collars for recall and third group was trained by Trainers from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Cooper et al., 2014

They found that there were behavioural signs of distress when the dogs were trained with the electronic collar they tested this through cortisol measurements and urinary tests, they found the behavioural signs of distress increased when the higher settings of the electronic collar was used.

They also found that whilst the guidelines from the manufacturers of the electronic collars was followed this did give rise to poor welfare for the dogs who was wearing the electronic shock collars despite the manufacturer instructing that if the instructions were followed this would not harm the welfare of the dog.

They also found that the electronic collar did not make for superior training over training without the electronic collar but whilst there was no physiological damage found psychological disturbances were documented. Cooper et al., 2014

In the case of electronic shock collars the understanding of the use of the collar is to decrease behaviour which is not wanted, the research papers looked at also look at the welfare of the dogs, in which the electronic shock collars are used in testing their saliva and cortisol levels to determine the amount of physiological and psychological stress the dog goes through when the electronic shock collar is used which in turn affects the welfare of the dog in not meeting their lawful needs within the five freedoms. Animal welfare act, 2020

The results and the paper concluded that training with an electronic shock collar causes immediate distress in pet dogs, especially when used at the higher settings. Although the collars were used within the guidelines of the manufacturers to consider welfare, it was found that the electronic collars were negative to the dogs welfare and that the collars placed the dogs at risk when trained with an electronic shock collar. The results also concluded that the electronic shock collars were not the best method to train dogs with and that the reward system had a much higher rate of success. Cooper et al, 2014

The final report as discussed within the literature review submitted to Defra, the Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014 was written by Professor Jonathan Cooper, Dr. Hannah Wright, and Professor Daniel Mills of the University of Lincoln, the research paper above was included in the Defra final report.

The dogs were noted to react either by an ear twitch or some form of movement when the collar was switched on initially, the dogs were tested during play and within the test of the lowest pulse it was thought the dogs disengaged from play due to disinterest as opposed to the pain of the collar at this time.

It was also found that especially within the beginning of the use of the electric shock collar that the dogs vocalised the pain from the electronic shock collar both in behavioural observations and in feedback from questionnaires.

The reports also found that overall there was a change in the emotional state and the cortisol levels of the dogs in which were trained with the electronic shock collar as opposed to the dogs in the control group who were trained with positive reinforcement methods.

This concluded overall that electronic shock collars are aversive and can negatively affect the emotions of the dogs when trained with the electronic shock collar. Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014

In conclusion it has been found that electronic shock collars are essentially ineffective in their use when compared with that of positive reinforcement training. Cooper et al, 2014

It was also found that a substantial amount of owners who participated in the questionnaires for the research projects had either purchased the electronic shock collars second hand from the internet or could not explain how to use an electronic shock collar properly. Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014

It has been argued and concluded that dogs who were tested over the four days with the electronic shock collar showed a negative emotional state and cried when the electric shock collar was first used and a small number of dogs within the group over the four days cried during the use of the electronic shock collar and owners disclosed in their questionnaire that their dogs also cried with the first use of the electronic shock collar and with subsequent uses. Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014

It has also been concluded within Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014 that the manufacturers guidelines and instructions missed important information and was not entirely clear on the use of the frequencies of the shocks to be delivered, how to properly use the collars and how to phase out the collars as well as guidance on the age and the health of the dog.

Leaving the use of the electronic shock collar open to interpretation as was found in the questionnaire results by Cooper, et al 2014 that 6% of owners had used the collars on the highest frequency during training.

The dogs within the positive reinforcement group were found to have high cortisol markers, which could be the anticipation of the enjoyment of the training as could be seen in the body language and the lip licking at the presence of the food.

Electronic shock collars prohibit a dog from being able to express normal behaviour whether this is with the continuous use as recommended by Krohn, L., 2017 (p.4) or whether it is with a cued warning that a shock will be given if the correct behaviour was not given. Cooper, et al. 2014

The conclusion within the Defra commissioned study AW1402, 2014 from the owners feedback was that there was a higher result of improvement with the reinforcement training than there was for the use of the electronic shock collar feedback being effective, this highlights that if positive reinforcement training is more effective than shock collar training than there is no need for altering the emotional state of the dog negatively based on the use of the electronic shock collar.

If a dog cannot express their normal behaviour this is a violation of the five freedoms within the Animal Welfare Act 2006 Gov.UK 2020 and the dog is not having their five freedoms lawfully met.

The evidence is hard to argue when 8 countries within Europe have already successfully banned the use of the electric shock collar as have Australia and Quebec, Canada.

It is time the UK set the standard as an independent country and stood alongside Wales who has banned the use of shock collars since 2010, to set a standard for animal welfare and the prevention of harm and abuse to dogs within the UK.

As a Wheelchair user who walks 3 large breed dogs on harnesses there is absolutely no need or excuse for these barbaric devices. It is time the UK came down hard on animal abuse and enforced the animal welfare act to ensure the protection of animals within the UK and to allow them to be free from abuse and distress as the act states.

I have included references to back up my statements and for quick reference to look them up.

Yours Sincerely,

Tasha Attwood
​ISCP. Canine. Dip. Prac
INTO Dogs Certified Canine Behaviourist and Trainer


GOV.UK. 2020. Animal Welfare. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 June 2020].
Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. 2018. Electronic Training Collars for Cats and Dogs in England. Summary of Responses and Government Responses. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 June 2020].
Association, B., 2020. BVA Policy - Electric Shock Collars and Training Aids. [online] British Veterinary Association. Available at: [Accessed 4 June 2020].
Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. 2018. Electronic Training Collars for Cats and Dogs in England. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].
Serpell, J. and Barrett, P. (2016) The domestic dog: Its evolution, behaviour and interactions with people. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Overall, K., 2013. Manual of Clinical Behavioural Medicine for Dogs and Cats. St. Louis (Mo): Elsevier.
Cooper, J., Wright, H., Mills, D., Casey, R., Blackwell, E., van Driel, K. and Lines, J., 2013. Studies to Assess the Effect of Pet Training Aids, Specifically Remote Static Pulse Systems, In the Welfare of Domestic Dogs. Final Report in Defra Project AW1402. [online] Randd.defra.gov.uk. Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].
Thekennelclub.org.uk. 2020. Electric Shock Collars. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 June 2020].
Tudge, N. and Nilson, S., 2016. The Pet Professional Guild - The Use of Shock in Animal Training. [online] Petprofessionalguild.com. Available at: [Accessed 2 June 2020].
Bowen-Vaccare, L., 2020. Do Electric Shock Collars Harm Dogs? - Whole Dog Journal. [online] Whole Dog Journal. Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].
Miller, P., 2003. Electric Dog Fences: Are They Safe? - Whole Dog Journal. [online] Whole Dog Journal. Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].
Cooper, J., Wright, H., Mills, D., Casey, R., Blackwell, E., van Driel, K. and Lines, J., 2013. Studies to Assess the Effect of Pet Training Aids, Specifically Remote Static Pulse Systems, In the Welfare of Domestic Dogs. Final Report in Defra Project AW1402. [online] Randd.defra.gov.uk. Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].
Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk. 2018. Electronic Training Collars for Cats and Dogs in England. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 June 2020].

I petition for the ban of electric shock collars due to the harmful effects they can have.





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