Bella Bear’s Pet Care

Bella Bear’s Pet Care My name is Natalie and I have set up a Pet Sitting business in Lisburn, In the memory of my beautifu

Permanently closed.

I’m afraid Bella Bear’s Pet Care is closing. It was lovely looking after all of the animals but just doesn’t work with having a young child. I’m sure I will be back at some point in the future though. I will miss the animals though 😞

🙌🏻🙌🏻 this is me 😬

🙌🏻🙌🏻 this is me 😬

Very good read, wish I’d have known about this.

Very good read, wish I’d have known about this.


Cancer is considered the leading cause of sickness and death in dogs. In fact, when it comes to the golden retriever, one study found that 68.3% of golden retrievers were diagnosed with some form of cancer and 65.0% of golden retrievers had a death attributable to cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 6 million new cancer diagnoses are made in dogs each year. “Since not all pets receive medical care or a definitive cancer diagnosis, this number likely would rise if every pet saw a veterinarian annually.” 📈- AAHA

One of the world's most extensively researched and promising natural compounds for cancer treatment is a medicinal herb that so desperately needs to be incorporated into our pets’ lives. 🌿 That herb is turmeric root. Turmeric has been used for thousands of years not only as a spice but also as a medicinal herb, and now science is beginning to understand why. 👩🏼‍🔬 Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies, and has been shown to have anti-aging properties.

Over the years, curcumin has been studied as a potential tool to both reduce as well as possibly treat, different forms of cancer.🦠 Various studies have found that curcumin can help kill tumor cells, as well as inhibit tumor growth in test tube and animal studies. With the ability to selectively target cancer stem cells, curcumin plays a significant role in suppressing the metastasis of cancer cells.

In addition, curcumin has also been shown to help boost the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and improve cognition by making omega-3 DHA, more available in the brain.🧠 This means that in addition to improving memory, and maybe even delaying memory loss, curcumin-boosted BDNF could be effective in delaying or even halting age-related neurodegenerative diseases.

More recent research has discovered curcumin may also protect the body from oxidative stress and damage caused by advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Studies show that cooking some foods at high heat results in the formation of more than ten to hundred times of new AGEs in foods. Processed canned and kibble dog food may contain significantly high levels of these AGEs. Animal and human studies show dietary AGEs result in increased oxidative stress, inflammation, and potentially organ damage, with more than half of absorbed AGEs bound in the liver and kidney. Accumulation of AGEs in the body over time may be a significant contributor of aging. Curcumin has been shown to not only protect the body from AGE’s damage but may also inhibit the formation of AGEs in the body.

👉 Our suggested dose for dogs: 50 to 250 mg two times a day, this is roughly 2 mg per pound of body weight twice a day. *Based on curcumin's naturally low bioavailability, source a product that has been formulated for increased absorption.

As with people, the longest lived dogs often have healthy dietary habits in common. In the Herbs for Health section of our new book, The Forever Dog, turmeric is one of the many herbs we recommend sharing with your dog. We also explain how to incorporate herbs into your dog’s meals, along with how much to feed. 🐾 Get your copy now:



All hail the mighty Sardine🐟!! These small fish are named after the "Blue Zone" island of Sardinia🏝, which is home to some of the longest-lived people in the world, and one of the staple fish consumed by these centenarians.👵🏼🧓🏼

Why feed these to your dog🐾? Because sardines are jam-packed with important nutrients, it makes them one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and one of our recommended “🌟 Core Longevity Toppers🌟” to add to your dog’s bowl!

Check it out: Sardines are a rich source of selenium⚡️ that is vital for thyroid health, and helpful in neutralizing free radicals and protecting the organs🫁 from damage. Sardines are also an excellent source of vitamin B-12⚡️ which supports healthy methylation, nerve function and detoxification. Sardines supply the highest levels of EPA and DHA ⚡️and the lowest levels of mercury of any fish.

Dozens of human studies involving hundreds of thousands of participants eating sardines twice a week found consumption reduces the risk of dying from heart disease🫀 by 36 percent, with Dr. Aleix Sala-Vila’s research group concluding regular consumption may increase life expectancy in humans by 5 years. These essential fatty acids also play a big role in your dog’s🐕 skin integrity by decreasing inflammation and promoting healthy skin function.

Sardines also supply a rich food source of vitamin D⚡️, which is vital for our dogs’ overall health and must be consumed in the diet, as dogs can’t make vitamin D from sunlight☀️.

Finally, these small fish serve up CoQ10⚡️, a coenzyme with antioxidant properties. Extensive research shows that CoQ10 boosts cellular energy output throughout the body. By increasing the efficiency of our mitochondrial powerhouses, CoQ10 reduces oxidant damage and provides protection for every cell in the body, potentially extending both healthspan and lifespan.

One of the best reasons to regularly feed sardines in place of other fish is because of their sustainability🌊 and low levels of contamination. Buy sardines packed in water (or fresh, if you can get ’em, steer clear of farmed fish). A sardine for every 20lbs of body weight, two or three times a week, will do the trick.

Looking for more Core Longevity Toppers to add to your dog's food to help improve their healthspan and lifespan? Checkout our full list of foods in the new The Forever Dog Longevity book! ➡️

Oh wow I never even thought of this 😱

Oh wow I never even thought of this 😱

Air fresheners can emit and generate a range of potentially hazardous air pollutants, many of which are listed on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste List⚠️ (keep reading for our safe DIY alternatives). The chemicals used in many room sprays have been associated with adverse effects on human health, including migraine headaches, asthma attacks, skin reactions, infant illness, and in some cases carcinogenic changes🧬, but what about our pets? 🐶

Our dogs share our living experiences 🏠, inhaling the same air and exposed to the same pollutants. They also suffer the same health consequences, but many animals cannot escape indoor environments with polluted air.

For an easy DIY home fragrance, create an aromatic stove-top simmer pot using your favorite herbs and spices:
· Bring a pot of water to a soft boil and add one of these Seasonal DIY scents (or create your own):

· Seasonal DIY scents:
🎃Fall: apple slices with peel, 2 cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, ground nutmeg, you can also replace water with apple cider
🌲Holiday: fresh cranberries, 1/2 orange slices with peel, 2 cinnamon sticks, whole cloves
🌱Spring: 2 bay leaves, 3 sprigs of rosemary, lemon slices, a few drops of vanilla extract
☀️Summer: grapefruit slices, 3 lavender sprigs, a few drops of almond extract

· After adding your aromatics, reduce heat and simmer for 2-3 hours, adding additional water if necessary.

In our new book, The Forever Dog, we give you more tips, hacks and easy steps to take to minimize your pet’s environmental stress, along with supplements to help reduce the toxic load on your pet’s body. 🐾

Available now at


Never Punish the Growl!

Punish and remove the growl, then you are removing your final warning on your way to a bite!

Leanne McWade writes:-
“It is a common misconception that you should never let a dog growl at you as this is their attempt to dominate you and become the pack leader. As we know this theory is outdated and factually incorrect. Nevertheless sadly we still see owners implementing these methods when their dog starts to growl.

Growling is a normal part of canine communication. It allows a dog to tell us that they are uncomfortable, scared or even in pain. It can sometimes be the only way our dogs can let us know when something is not quite right.

A growl often proceeds a bite, therefore a growl should be taken notice of. A lot would of taken place before the dog got to the stage of a growl. A growl should be a sufficient warning, but if ignored the dog will have no option but to escalate their behaviour.

A growl is the final warning, their way of saying ‘These are my weapons and I’m not afraid to use them.”

Very true

Very true


Sniffing on a walk is a must.


Cheryl wants JD to experience a loving home before it's too late

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Love this

I hate these things, never past through Bella’s lips - sooo dangerous

I hate these things, never past through Bella’s lips - sooo dangerous


How can one of the most popular chew sticks on the planet be so dangerous for your pets, you ask? I mean, most dogs chew on rawhide for hours on end, and not only does it keep them busy, but they seem to last forever.

Well if you understood what it took to make this toxic “raw” leather stick, you would quickly understand what the problem is.

Aside from the horror stories circulating all over social media these days, of pets needing emergency surgery after consuming rawhide, the majority of pet parents today, especially the newbies, believe that this chew is some sort of dried up meat stick. Let me debunk that myth right away!

A rawhide stick is not the by-product of the beef industry nor is it made of dehydrated meat. Rather, rawhide is the by-product of the “Leather Industry”, so theoretically it is a leather chew. Sounds awesome, right?

“Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.”

So, how does this leather, which is conveniently rolled up into pretty shapes, actually get made into those rawhide chews?

Follow along my friends and I will enlighten you on how this hide travels through a leathery process where it transforms from hide to a not-so beautiful, colorful, chew stick. Here is a paraphrased tutorial that was explained by the whole dog journal several years back:

STEP 1: Normally, cattle hides are shipped from slaughterhouses to tanneries for processing. These hides are then treated with a chemical bath to help “preserve” the product during transport to help prevent spoilage.

(No one wants to purchase a black, spoiled rawhide stick!)

Once at the tannery: the hides are soaked and treated with either an ash-lye solution or a highly toxic recipe of sodium sulphide liming. This process will help strip the hair and fat that maybe attached to the hides themselves.

(No, no one wants to see a hairy hide…)

Next on this glorious journey, these hides are then treated with chemicals that help “puff” the hide, making it easier to split into layers.

The outer layer of the hide is used for goods like car seats, clothing, shoes, purses, etc. But, it’s the inner layer that is needed to make the rawhide. (Oh and other things like gelatin, cosmetics, and glue as well!)

STEP 2: Now that we have the inner layer of the hide, it’s time to go to the post-tannery stage! Hides are washed and whitened using a solution of hydrogen peroxide and/or bleach; this will also help remove the smell of the rotten or putrid leather. Bonus!
(Research also shows that other chemicals maybe used here to help the whitening process if the bleach isn’t strong enough.)

STEP 3: Now it’s time to make these whitened sheets of this “leathery by-product” look delicious! So, here is where the artistic painting process comes in.

“Basted, smoked, and decoratively tinted products might be any color (or odor) underneath the coating of (often artificial) dyes and flavors. They can even be painted with a coating of titanium oxide to make them appear white and pretty on the pet store shelves.” -

“…the Material Safety Data Sheet reveals a toxic confection containing the carcinogen FD&C Red 40, along with preservatives like sodium benzoate. But tracking the effects of chemical exposure is nearly impossible when it’s a matter of slow, low-dose poisoning.”–

Ok, now that these hides have been painted, it’s time for the final process.

STEP 4: Getting it to last forever!

Because the FDA does not consider these chews to be food, really it’s a free for all when it comes to the manufacturers of these leather strips, and the products they may want to add to these chews, to get them to last forever. Any sort of glue can be added here to get these bad boys to never come apart.

When tested: Lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium salts, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals have been detected in raw hides. So it’s safe to say that any sort of glues can be used as well!

Finally, it’s time to package and attach all the glorious marketing labels to the product.

Check out the fine print warning that’s attached with some of these rawhides:
“Choking or blockages. If your dog swallows large pieces of rawhide, the rawhide can get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract. Sometimes, abdominal surgery is needed to remove them from the stomach or intestines. If it isn’t resolved, a blockage can lead to death.“

(Oh, how lovely…)

And there it is! It’s now ready to be shipped to store shelves where it can be purchased for our loving animal companions.

How do proactive veterinarians feel about these chews?

Here is world-renowned veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker's take on the matter:

“The name ‘rawhide’ is technically incorrect. A more accurate name would be processed-hide, because the skin isn’t raw at all. But the term “rawhide” has stuck.

Rawhide chews start out hard, but as your dog works the chew it becomes softer, and eventually he can unknot the knots on each end and the chew takes on the consistency of a slimy piece of taffy or bubble gum. And by that time your dog cannot stop working it -- it becomes almost addictive.

At this point, there’s no longer any dental benefit to the chew because it has turned soft and gooey, and, in fact, it has become a choking and intestinal obstruction hazard.“

P.S. Ready for the jaw dropper?

An investigation by Humane Society International stated in their report, “In a particularly grisly twist, the skins of brutally slaughtered dogs in Thailand are mixed with other bits of skin to produce rawhide chew toys for pet dogs. Manufacturers told investigators that these chew toys are regularly exported to and sold in U.S. stores.” –

Rodney Habib Pet Health Site

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"

If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated by JD the Doberman

If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated by JD the Doberman

JD the Dobermann has been at Hilbrae rescue kennels since 2014. Due to arriving under socialised, JD ha… Cheryl Gibson needs your support for Build JD a Home

I always use yogurt on a lick mat for dogs but I think I’ll be trying Kefir next.

I always use yogurt on a lick mat for dogs but I think I’ll be trying Kefir next.

What's The Best Type of Yogurt🥛 to Feed Your Pet?🐾

Whether your dog has just finished a round of antibiotics💊, or you're looking to help combat diseases like allergies, digestive problems, obesity, diabetes, or liver disease, the consumption of fermented foods with probiotic properties, such as kefir, stands out due to its gut microbiota-modulating capacity and can be useful in the management of diseases like these.

Yogurt and kefir🥛 are both fermented foods, but according to the most recent veterinary science, Kefir, hands down, contains more beneficial bacteria. The study found dogs🐶 that were fed Kefir had a healthier gut within 2 weeks, and concluded Kefir may be used as a probiotic food supplement to improve a dog's quality of life!

Adding 1 tablespoon🥄 per 10 pounds of body weight of plain kefir to your dog's food is a great way to boost gut health, and is just one of our many suggestions in the "Mending the Microbiome🦠" section of our upcoming book called The Forever Dog!

Whether you have a canine companion with digestive issues or you're looking to help bulletproof your dog's gut, we offer up a series of ideas and tips that can really help your dog out! The book can be found here:


Keeping your dogs nails right is very important for their feet and toes . Long nails can easily be ripped out ,or cause a broken toe if too long . Nails should be cut at least every couple of weeks .If anyone is needing their dogs nails cut please message the page to arrange an appointment either in Antrim or Belfast . Normally we would cut nails at our walks but due to other commitments over the next few weeks we are unsure when our next walk will be .If you are unsure if they need cut or not get your dog standing on a flat surface and if you cannot slide a piece of paper underneath then they need cut .Greyhounds are different from a lot of breeds and people tend to forget about their nails also their ears .Ears need cleaning at least once a week you can get stuff to clean them or you can use a baby wipe to rub around the inside of the ear .Please check their ears regularly.2 pet hates of mine long nails and dirty ears


Kevin ,Sass ,Syd and Mr Doc are all still looking for their forever home . Please think about adopting a greyhound as they do make wonderful pets .There are so many dogs looking for homes all over and no spaces for others to come in. Please take the time to read up on them and see if they fit your lifestyle .Please Share

This is 100% me 🤣

This is 100% me 🤣

Anyone looking to adopt another dog??? 🥰

Anyone looking to adopt another dog??? 🥰




Does your dog have different types of barks? Here’s what they could mean:

🤣 sounds about right

🤣 sounds about right


We all grossly underestimate the power of oral hygiene. But the science is clear: oral health plays into everything about us. When our pets’ mouths and gums are clean and free of infection, we reduce their risk for dangerous inflammation that can affect their whole body.

Beginner’s Tip: If you’ve never worked on cleaning up your dog’s mouth, using this blend of ingredients from your kitchen is an easy place to start. Baking soda is a safe abrasive that helps remove plaque, and coconut oil has innate antimicrobial properties. Using gauze, a cotton round or a soft cloth, massage the mixture onto a tooth, starting with your dog’s upper molars (where most plaque accumulates). By cleaning one tooth a day you can desensitize your dog to the teeth polishing process and minimize stress.

You’ll find more recipes and tips to help you make healthier choices in The Forever Dog book, available for pre-order now:



Every food you feed your dog has the potential to do 1 of 2 things: heal or harm. So what are your treats doing to your dog’s body?

Do the dog treats you are feeding help reduce inflammation or cause it? Provide antioxidants or just empty calories? Provide polyphenols or just synthetic flavors and dyes?

By replacing poor quality, highly processed dog treats with no nutritional value with fresh foods from your fridge, you’re treating your dog with whole-food sources of vitamins, minerals and bioactive molecules that feed health, not health problems.

Looking for more DIY fresh food ideas to inspire healthy canine snacking?! We coach you through how to successfully swap unhealthy foods and treats for healthier choices in the Forever Dog book, available for pre-order now:

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Love this

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What’s the best training treats for dogs with GI issues, including diarrhea, colitis, ulcers and sensitive stomachs? Unripe, or green bananas!🍌

Green bananas🍌 are the unsung heroes of gut health; they are low in sugar and high in pectin and prebiotics (non-digestible, resistant starch) which are powerful food tools to nourish your dog’s good gut bacteria💥🦠, increasing the production of butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. Research also shows the resistant starch in green bananas can have a positive effect on blood sugar control.

The anti-ulcer activity of green bananas has been attributed to a flavonoid, leucocyanidin, which may also inhibit the release of histamine in the gut. Resistant starch also contributes to the prevention of intestinal diseases, increases the synthesis of B-complex vitamins and mineral absorption, improves the immune response, and may aid in the prevention of the development of intestinal cancer, according to researchers.

Quartering green banana slices🍌 provides the perfect training treat for dogs with sensitive GI tracts. Suggested amounts, chopped into bite sized pieces:
Giant breeds: 1 green banana a day
Medium to large breeds: ½ green banana a day
Small breeds: ¼ green banana a day

One fact all of the microbiologists agreed on, when we wrote The Forever Dog book, was that the more fresh food fibers added to your dog’s bowl, the healthier your dog will be. Green bananas are a simple, easy way to build gut health! 🐾

Longevity researchers are clear: a diverse microbiome is critical for maximal health span, the longest-lived mammals have a microbially-diverse gut, created by consuming a variety of gut-building foods. If you want to learn more about certain longevity foods and treats from your fridge that should be rotated into your dog’s diet plan and how much to feed to strengthen your dog’s immune system, our new book called The Forever Dog is packed with surprising new science that will help your dog live healthier, happier, and longer. The book is set to hit book stores, worldwide, in 3 weeks! You can reserve your copy here:


“If you don’t make your dog’s physical and mental wellbeing your priority, unintended health consequence are inevitable….” 💔

This quote from one of the longevity experts we interviewed really hit home for us, because we know what the overwhelming response to this statement is:


But what if you had the tools you needed to maximize your dog’s wellbeing?

Then that changes everything, because you have a roadmap. You have a plan. You know what to do next. 📝

Confusion turns to clarity, and that’s why we wrote this book.

There has never been a dog book published with all the latest longevity science in one place, provided by the experts doing the research, until now.

The wellbeing of our animals rests in our hands. With knowledge comes the power to make better choices, and we’re humbled by the number of Longevity Junkies around the world that have committed to learning more and doing better for their dogs. 🙋🏼‍♀️🐶🙋🏽‍♂️🐶🙋🐶🙋🏿‍♀️🐶🙋🏻🐶🙋🏾‍♂️🐶🙋‍♀️🙏🏼🙋🏽🐶🙋🏻‍♂️

We are one month away from unleashing the around the world, and we can barely contain ourselves. The is about to begin. Pre-order your copy here:




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