In September 2018 a storm blew the show from its chains causing irreparable damage to the booth resulting in the need to build a new one but sadly also causing extensive damage to our original 1860 proscenium.
Very luckily, two years ago I was introduced to Mr Christopher Drewitt, not only is Chris a part time Punch & Judy Prof. but his full time job is Senior Carriage Restorer at the Royal Muses at Windsor Castle & Buckingham Palace.
Well if Chris is good enough for the then Queen and now King … 😁
Over the past 18 months Chris has painstakingly and enthusiastically restored our beloved proscenium taking every care to strip back, strengthen and restore it to probably the best it has ever been.
We can’t thank Chris enough for agreeing to take it on, his diligence, his hard work and his respect for this part of our family history. We are so happy!
Would love to put it back on the show but very apprehensive about putting it out in the salty seaside weather offering a target for the seagulls 💩. Rest assured we will find a way to make sure people can see it.