Cŵn Clyfar

Cŵn Clyfar Teaching dogs, children and their families games to develop safe, fun and rewarding relationships

Torri calon wedi colli Eddie mor ifanc! 😭😭Fe wnaeth e joio pob diwrnod ac wedi helpu sawl plentyn hefyd! Cysga'n dawel c...

Torri calon wedi colli Eddie mor ifanc! 😭😭Fe wnaeth e joio pob diwrnod ac wedi helpu sawl plentyn hefyd! Cysga'n dawel cariad bach 🌈🐶😘😇we are heart broken after Eddie died from a sudden heart attack 😭😭He enjoyed every minute of life and helped many children too! Sleep tight little one!🌈🐶😘😇

Trio gweithio gartre gyda phlant, cŵn, gŵr a'r dyn sy'n ffitio'r ein cegin newydd😊 yn her.🙈 (first world problems). Ond ...

Trio gweithio gartre gyda phlant, cŵn, gŵr a'r dyn sy'n ffitio'r ein cegin newydd😊 yn her.🙈 (first world problems). Ond yn cofio geiriau Lisa Nicholls.💕

'Winners never quit and quitters never win!'💪🥳

Trying to work at home with your kids, dogs, husband and the man who is fitting our new kitchen 😊 is challenging 🙈(first world problems). But, like with training our digs, never quit just take a break sometimes! 💕🐶

Rwy'n  meddwl mae hyn yn debyg iawn i Lurcher! Ydy'ch ci chi yn debyg?Lab Lurcher cross - Farley  =yes😊Collies- no chanc...

Rwy'n meddwl mae hyn yn debyg iawn i Lurcher! Ydy'ch ci chi yn debyg?

Lab Lurcher cross - Farley =yes😊
Collies- no chance 😜😜
Sprocker Eddie - no chance 🤣


Dog Guardians often contact us requesting 'training' for their best friend...

But when working with dogs with complex issues - whilst training will be part of a plan, it's more about addressing the underlying emotional issues, rather than just training.

🐾 Complex issues (and health)

Guardians may feel that just teaching a dog to look at you instead of lunging at a dog, or sitting still when visitors arrive is enough. However there are often complex emotions going on which can't be addressed with the above alone. Also pain is often linked to behaviour, so it's always important to liase with vets, physios and/or Dynamic Dog Practioners and make sure the guardian's dog has a recent vet check or in many situations book another appointment.

🐾 The job of those pet professionals working with behavioural issues are not easy

Each case is unique, often complex and emotional. There's the human support, the pet support, the in-depth knowledge and theory. The practical work that takes time and precision. There's the research before even meeting the client, the years of studying and experience.

🐾 Thank you!

Thank you to all those kind, ethical and trusted professionals that go above and beyond to helping pet guardians, researching the whole case and giving the best support.

Thank you to dog guardians who continue to support small business owners and have the courage to seek help when times are tough.

Living with a dog who has issues can be tough and incredibly stressful. However there are professionals out there that will give you the support you truly deserve.

Thanks for reading,
Helen Motteram

Founder and Manager of PPN

Sosej mawr! 🤪🐶💕

Sosej mawr! 🤪🐶💕

Optimistic chickens! Well, our chickens certainly aren't 'chickens'. I was one side of the enclosure and they were the o...

Optimistic chickens! Well, our chickens certainly aren't 'chickens'. I was one side of the enclosure and they were the other. I wanted to get them in without walking right around the garden to get behind them (lazy I know) so I threw a piece of pea-gravel just behind them, hoping they would move forwards
Instead they turned towards it presuming it was food 😃 Lesson - I have optimistic chickens. Like the dog's thinking. Am I aware? Is it important? Is it good or bad? Chickens said yes, yes, good 🐔 😍🐶💕


Skinner's are giving one lucky dog the chance to win the ultimate Field & Trial bundle worth £150!

This prize includes:
🐾 A box of their BRAND NEW Variety 12-Pack.
🐾 A box of their NEW Recovery Bars

Want to win? It's easy!

Like this post and follow us & Skinner's on Facebook.
Tag a friend in the comments who would love this prize for their dog! 👇

Bonus entry: Share this post to your Facebook story for an extra chance to win!

Competition closes on 12 August 2024 at 11.59 pm.

Good luck everyone!




Cariad yw... Love is...🐶💕🐶💕🐶💕

Dwli ar weld y ddau hyn yn chwarae gyda'i gilydd! Dream team 😍🐶💕

Dydd Gwener Hapus! Happy Friday!😊

Yn ein ardd ni, mae ffrwythau ffres...a nyts!🤪🐶😍🥰In our garden we have fresh fruit...and nuts!🤪🐶😍🥰

Yn ein ardd ni, mae ffrwythau ffres...a nyts!🤪🐶😍🥰
In our garden we have fresh fruit...and nuts!🤪🐶😍🥰

Diolch i Ysgol Pontyberem am ein gwahoddiad i wneud dau sesiwn yn y Clwb Bwyd a Hwyl! Roedd y plant yn wych a joion ni m...

Diolch i Ysgol Pontyberem am ein gwahoddiad i wneud dau sesiwn yn y Clwb Bwyd a Hwyl! Roedd y plant yn wych a joion ni mas draw. Da iawn blant a da iawn Eddie!🥳😍🐶💕

Thanks to Ysgol Pontyberem for inviting us to do two sessions in the Bwyd a Hwyl club. The kids were excellent we all had a great time! Well done kids and well done Eddie! 🥳😍🐶💕

Llongyfarchiadau i Esme ac Ava May am ennill yn y cystadleuaeth lliwio yn   ddoe! (A dyma Tilly.ysbrydoliaeth Esme!)😍🥳🐶💕...

Llongyfarchiadau i Esme ac Ava May am ennill yn y cystadleuaeth lliwio yn ddoe! (A dyma Tilly.ysbrydoliaeth Esme!)😍🥳🐶💕

Congratulations to Esme and Ava May for winning the Cwn Clyfar colouring competition at yesterday (here is Tilly too...Esme's inspiration)🥳😍🐶💕

Yn barod am lot o hwyl yn Barklife Caerfyrddin heddiw 🐶🌞😃🥳🥳🥳

Yn barod am lot o hwyl yn Barklife Caerfyrddin heddiw 🐶🌞😃🥳🥳🥳

Does dim ots gan ein fel ni'n edrych, OND 🤪🤣🤣

Does dim ots gan ein fel ni'n edrych, OND 🤪🤣🤣

Dydd Gwener Hapus! Haul yn gwenu felly rydyn ni gyd yn gwenu hefyd!🌞😃😊🐶💕Happy Friday! Sun is shining = happy people and ...

Dydd Gwener Hapus! Haul yn gwenu felly rydyn ni gyd yn gwenu hefyd!🌞😃😊🐶💕

Happy Friday! Sun is shining = happy people and dogs! 🌞😃😊🐶💕

Sdim ots am y glaw! It doesn't matter about the rain! 🥰🐶💕😍

Sdim ots am y glaw! It doesn't matter about the rain! 🥰🐶💕😍

Rydw i wedi bod yn y Clwb Bwyd a Hwyl yn siarad gyda'r  plant am gynffon hofrennydd...sy'n dangos bod ci gwir yn hapus i...

Rydw i wedi bod yn y Clwb Bwyd a Hwyl yn siarad gyda'r plant am gynffon hofrennydd...sy'n dangos bod ci gwir yn hapus iawn! Yn gweld ci fel hyn yn gwneud i fi gwenu pob tro!🚁🐶😂☺️💕

I have been in the 'Bwyd a Hwyl' club this week talking to the children about helicopeter tails...that show that a dog really is very happy. It always makes me smile to see helicopter tails!🚁🐶😂☺️💕

Ydych eich cŵn chi yn mynd ar y soffa?  Yn nhŷ fi, maen nhw gyd yn gallu.😊🎥🛋📺 Fel arfer, dyw Bryn ddim yn gallu setlo am...

Ydych eich cŵn chi yn mynd ar y soffa? Yn nhŷ fi, maen nhw gyd yn gallu.😊🎥🛋📺 Fel arfer, dyw Bryn ddim yn gallu setlo am hir. 🐶💕Mae Farley yn ddwli ar gwtshes, 🐶💕Zuni yn hapus cael cwtshes ond mae’n rhaid i bawb setlo’n dawel 🐶💕🤫ac Eddie yn rhy brysur yn chwarae🐶💕⚽. Beth amdanoch chi? Ac yn bersonol...dydw i ddim yn gallu eistedd ar y soffa i wylio ffilm gyfan heb gwympo i gysgu!🤔😂😴

Does your dog go on the sofa? In my house, they all can.😊🎥🛋📺 Usually, Bryn can't settle for long. 🐶💕Farley loves cuddles,🐶💕 Zuni is happy to have cuddles but everyone has to settle down quietly 🐶💕🤫and Eddie is too busy playing. What about you? And personally...I can't sit on the couch to watch a whole film without falling asleep!🤔😂😴

Dydd llun Hapus!  🤔Ac rwy'n chydymdeimlo os ydych chi'n trio gweithio gyda phlant a chŵn yn y tŷ sy moyn joio'r gwyliau ...

Dydd llun Hapus! 🤔Ac rwy'n chydymdeimlo os ydych chi'n trio gweithio gyda phlant a chŵn yn y tŷ sy moyn joio'r gwyliau Haf! Fy 'top tip' ar y funud, gwnewch cymaint rydych chi'n gallu wrth i'r tywydd yn ddiflas ac wedyn gad popeth i fod wrth i'r haul gwenu a joiwch! Rwy'n eitha siŵr bydd pawb sy'n gallu yn gwneud yr un peth!🤣🤣🤣☀️🌼🌸🌺🌻🌞🐶💕

Happy Monday! 🤔And sympathies if you are trying to get some work done with a house full of kids and dogs who want to be having fun! My top tip at the moment is to get as much done while the weather is miserable and then drop everything and run when the sun comes out. I'm pretty sure everyone else who can will be doing the same!🤣🤣🤣☀️🌼🌸🌺🌻🌞🐶💕

Good when it's summer hols and you don't have to rush tomorrow! Happy Sunday!!🤪😉🤣🐶💕Gwych i gael cysgu'n hwyr bore fory! ...

Good when it's summer hols and you don't have to rush tomorrow! Happy Sunday!!🤪😉🤣🐶💕

Gwych i gael cysgu'n hwyr bore fory! Gwylia Haf! 🌞🤪😉🐶🐶

Ond....mae'n gywir on'd ife?!🤪🤣🐶💕But...it's true isn't it!🤪🤣🐶💕Also we can over use our dogs names so that they are usele...

Ond....mae'n gywir on'd ife?!🤪🤣🐶💕

But...it's true isn't it!🤪🤣🐶💕

Also we can over use our dogs names so that they are useless as a recall cue. Don't worry though we can always teach a new one 😉

Peth defnyddiol iawn, llenwch o flaen llaw....just rhag ofn!😉😊🐶💕Really useful. Fill it out in advance....just in case 😉😊...

Peth defnyddiol iawn, llenwch o flaen llaw....just rhag ofn!😉😊🐶💕

Really useful. Fill it out in advance....just in case 😉😊🐶💕

Have you downloaded your free pet info sheet from the printables page of our website yet? We have a special occasion to attend tomorrow and we will make sure our pet sitter has a completed sheet so she knows all about our dogs needs and who to contact in an emergency 🏥🆘🐾

Yn gynnar bore ‘ma, roedd Bryn yn cyfarth.🤔  Rhyfedd iawn!  Felly, codais i, i weld dwy wlithen o’i flaen e.🤪  Rydym yn ...

Yn gynnar bore ‘ma, roedd Bryn yn cyfarth.🤔 Rhyfedd iawn! Felly, codais i, i weld dwy wlithen o’i flaen e.🤪 Rydym yn gwneud bach o waith ar y tŷ ar hyn o bryd felly maen nhw wedi dod mewn rhywsut. Ond… mae wedi hala fi i feddwl🤔 ‘Beth sy’n codi ofn ar eich ci chi?’🐶💕
Very early this morning I was woken by Bryn barking.🤔 He doesn’t normally wake in the night so I got up to see what was up.🤪 Only to find him staring at two slugs! We are getting work done on the house so they had managed to get in somehow. It got me thinking though 🤔‘What scares your dog?’🐶💕



Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 20:00
Thursday 08:30 - 20:00
Friday 08:30 - 20:00
Sunday 08:30 - 17:00


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