I like to check videos from previous sessions before I go to see an animal. This reminds me of how the animal was moving when I last saw them. This has got to be one of the funniest gait assessments! I hope it brightens up your day!
Just look how relaxed Willow is after her physio. I first saw her in November (video in the comments). Like many young active dogs she had developed restrictions in her muscles which when released made her much more comfortable. Her owner has been good at following advice and her muscles have generally remained relaxed however she does still benefit from a session every few months.
The before and after videos which I send to owners are fantastic for seeing the difference physio can make. They also allow me to analyse gait in detail when writing the report. Not only do they provide a record of progress but as I watch them before I revisit an animal they remind me how they were moving when I last saw them. Editing, analysing and sending them to clients I consider is time well spent!
Here is Cookie, I am sharing this with his owners permission. You will notice that he looks a bit wobbly on his back legs. On the 12th January he lost the use of his hind legs, expensive imaging was not an option, he is a rescue dog and due to his age the owners were advised spinal surgery should not be undertaken. His initial vets recommended euthanasia so his owners took him to a different vets where they suggested physiotherapy. We are all delighted with his progress and hope it will continue!
Thank you to all my amazing clients for supporting me this year. I wish you and your furry friends all the very best Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!
Here’s the lovely Finnley with his new friends during his recent physio session. A video to hopefully brighten your day like they did mine!
From calm ex-racehorses to wriggly cocker spaniels! Every patient is different and I love the variety and challenge of helping each animal move and feel more comfortable.
Here’s Pepper after her physio. She is very active and does like to stand on her hind legs to be part of what is going on! This leads to tight muscles and restricted movement. Her owner is a dog trainer which makes my job much easier, although when the patient is as wriggly as Pepper the treatment is never going to be straightforward! With gentle and persuasive handling I was really pleased to see how much freer she was moving after her physio. The added bonus for her owners was she slept so well after her session!
Here is the lovely ex-racehorse George looking relaxed after his physio earlier this week. He was so very good having just been in his new home a couple of weeks and it was very windy! Like many ex-racehorses he had lots of soft tissue restrictions which made him feel more comfortable once they had been released. If you have an ex-racehorse which hasn't had any physio why not contact me to book a session?
I have put a video in the comments of George before his physio and wish him all the very best in his new life!
The body is very clever and adapts to the activities it does, which is why rehabilitation exercises can be so effective. However if an animal moves in an abnormal way the body develops to support this movement.
Here is Merle following her physio, she is a young dog who during her adolescence spent a lot of time standing on her back legs to look over the garden fence. This resulted in restrictive musculature throughout her body which once released made her much more comfortable. I have posted a video in the comments of Merle before her physio.
If you would like to discuss your dog or other pet please do contact me. Physiotherapy can make pets with many different conditions more comfortable. Many clients are amazed at the difference it has made and sometimes pain medication can be reduced as well, although this of course is discussed with their vet.