Piper interacting with nature
People think Piper is so nice and doesn’t have faults. Thought I’d show everyone what we go through watching nature programs and dog videos.
Great way to train some mental behaviours and have some fun. Way better than just throwing a ball around.
Keep your dog entertained
So funny watching Piper enjoy the “secret life off pets” movie.
Had to remove the music on last video because it belonged to someone else.
Anyway, working Piper due to her being over aroused when I take her for walks from my house. Hoopers and movement puzzles are a great way to get them focused, lower arousal, build confidence and teach them to accept different items.
I’m a big believer that we don’t need to walk our dogs every day as “society” dictates to be a good owner. There are so many dogs to really shouldn’t be walked due to being anxious and scared to meet other dogs and people. There are so many different ways to meet our dogs needs rather than stressing them, and you, may be stressed out to much to cope.
How does your dog entertain itself while you’re busy. Piper loves to play with 2 toys at the same time. Joys of having a young Border Collie.
I know I'm back in BC. Mule deer walking not bothering about us.
Not very good camera usage, but working on having off lead dogs ignoring food on the floor at last nights class.
The joys of owning a Border Collie.
Rolling up the mats after the class or at least trying to. The joys of having a Border Collie.
Have fun finding food.
Nyla using her nose to find her food, and using her feet to get the balls out the tin to get to the food. A great way to keep the dog occupied and also slow down eating their food.
Recall part 2. Getting your dog to want to play with you is a huge part of recall. Go have fun.
Simple recall exercises. Part 1.