Shenanigans With Shadow - Shropshire Canine Behaviourist & Pet Services

Shenanigans With Shadow - Shropshire Canine Behaviourist & Pet Services Canine behaviourist, dog adventurer and pet sitter who uses balanced training methods. 🐺 One of my dogs I named my business after.

Hi, I'm Alice and I am Canine Behaviourist using balanced training methods and I cover everything from 1-1 six week puppy courses to dog/human aggression cases. I have adhd, asd and other mental health issues along with an assistance dog I trained myself. Shadow and his shenanigans who was born 2009 and so this way his legacy will live on long after he is gone. My name is Alice (I legally changed

my name in 2023) I am Kurdish and I come from Hackney. I offer Shenanigans adventure days every Tuesday so I don’t do training services then. My terms and conditions can be found on my website here:

It is your responsibility to read through them and sign before booking any services with myself. I offer pet sits in your home for dogs and cats for overnights and days. I do not offer drop in services though due to my schedule. I will cover other animals on the sit like fish, chickens, birds for feeding and watering too. I do not cover other animals or cage cleaning, not due to a lack of experience but due to to personal preference. I offer therapy/assistance dog training for handlers/schools if you need and have trained assistance dogs for handlers in the past along with therapy dogs for a local sen school. I have 10+ years experience starting training in 2009 when I lived in London but I did not make a business name or socials until May 2019 when I relocated 200 miles away and as such no one knew me so I had to get with the times as they say. I cover Shropshire and further afield in person

Please head to for more information about my services. Feel free to email, message, call, whattsapp or facebook message me too! Head over to my Google maps listing for all of my reviews.

This is long but this is the other side of the story to this ridiculous slander on Facebook. If people want to sit there...

This is long but this is the other side of the story to this ridiculous slander on Facebook. If people want to sit there and believe one side then you best have time to read the other side and use the brain god gave you instead of following blindly because not everything you read on FB is gospel. Even if your friends write it. Even if a few hillbillies jump on stating they've had issues too. The same lot that pipe up every single time....

Please share this post so the other side is shown.

I'm not going to please everyone and frankly if I hadn't made enemies along the way then I'd not be doing this right! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚ One individual that has lots of friends has been harassing me for nearly four years and anytime someone isn't happy with my refund policies and they hype everything up. (Hey, you! Yeah. You know who you are. Your friends watch my page and ss for you regularly) Also having mental and physical health does NOT mean I can not work with dogs. Discrimination at its finest. Half of you spouting s**t also spout the same "be kind" "remember su***de awareness week is coming up" "don't forget mind is a safe place to call when you're feeling low" all over your profiles including losing family members to su***de but you're the FIRST to jump down someone's throat without finding out the other side of the story and continuously laugh about my mental health and suicidal thoughts and attempts I've had previously and continue with your disability slurs calling me crazy and off my rocker and stating I have a screw loose. I'll be very clear.

MENTAL HEALTH IS NOT TABBOO. DEPRESSION DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK. ADHD DOES NOT MAKE YOU A FREAK. AUTISM DOES NOT MAKE YOU CRAZY, OFF YOUR ROCKER, NOT WIRED RIGHT OR DELUDED. Stop with the making fun of people because they are different to yourself. You're grown fu***ng adults. So act like it. (And no, I won't act like an adult when people push me to attack) Instead of a bunch of school bullies in the playground getting cheered on by their mates so you can go and make the weird kid in your class go kill themselves because of YOUR actions towards them. Depression is a curse in itself but others do NOT help. Bullying people, talking about them because they dare to stick up for themselves in a manner than isn't suitable for yourself, harassing them because YOU fu**ed up, is NOT okay.

First off I'm going to go through what has been said on a status that is not factual and is slanderous via screen shots I'm posting below.

Secondly one person who commented on that status who is still known to harass me, a year on, your kid with adhd doesn't act like me so there's no excuse is that what you said? Everyone with the same conditions is different. Not to mention at least two of your sons are very well known by the police for drugs and more and have been in and out of courts/prison for years so this is no new thing to you. This is public information btw. Your son that 'I got arrested' was stupid enough to threaten my life from his phone via text message. That's what got him arrested yet again. NOT me. Just three months after that, your younger son was due in court for drug possession (I'm sure it said the intent to supply too and friends of friends buy.) I think you'll find I am NOT the problem with your family and the police being involved. The police have told you once and you'll be told again about your ongoing harassment and stalking behaviour. It's very creepy.

Regarding not seeing hide or tail of me and I have your address? You have cameras do you not? You'd have seen me if I wanted to be anywhere near you or that family of yours. Plus we don't hang out at the same places. I prefer classier places. Why would I turn up at your address anyway other than for a crap tattoo, as you do them from home. If I wanted a badly done tattoo I'd go back to Olaf that used to work at boss ink. The tattoos he done had to be covered up because they were so awful! So again, I have no need to be at your address. I however haven't gone anywhere. I'm still in the same places working in the same places I've worked for the last year and I've not seen you either. "Best believe I'll be seeing her" was that what you said? Come and see me then! I'm not scared of you. I want nothing to do with you or your offspring. Also delete that photo of my ass, you pervert. Or keep it. I don't care. My ass doesn't look like that now πŸ˜‚ Although you were fat shaming which is NOT cool. Not sure why you still have it after your friends bf hacked my Instagram and stole it three years ago. That's creepy as hell and very strange behaviour. But if you threaten me you best sure follow through with it, love. Police have been informed, don't worry and with the criminal records on your family log already, this isn't looking good for you. So I'd stay in your lane if I were you, before you get yourself into more trouble.

Now regarding Carmen Court and her Fiance Charlie Dimmack along with their associates that continue to harass me. I have made it clear that I do not wish to be contacted by yourselves. I have blocked you both after you cancelled the pet sit with and I quote "keep messaging me and you'll be the one getting done for harassment" while I was still supposed to be pet sitting your dogs. So I done what you said, left and told you.

First things first. Meet and greet. You were not present at the meet and greet. As you stated later via text "my first client of the day had me behind all day πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ" as you bi***ed about your client to me from your work Conquer Lashes as you own that business. Charlie was there instead and stated where the dogs leads were. I never stated daily walks. He told me that his friend (the one you are now saying had a bereavement) made excuses as to why he didn't want to pet sit three dogs for free. His shoulder was hurting. His back was hurting. Then when told a mutual friend of theirs would help walk all three dogs he made the excuse of cat sitting a cat he lives with (not his cat.) to which me and Charlie both laughed about as cats need one pop in per day. It wasn't a last minute holiday. He booked it ages ago and his mate had forgotten about it, when he asked if he's still okay to pet sit. Then stated he'd forgotten and made further excuses. If a family bereavement has happened, that is sad news but that isn't news that was stated to me on the meet and greet and was stated by yourself and Charlie that you were let down last minute. Again, my nan died four weeks ago and I was suicidal then and I still done your sit. But alas you have stated I shouldn't be working due to my mental health. Disgusting.

Please refer to your own messages about this and your client which have been included.

You tried to scam me out of money which is what had me get irrate with yourself and Charlie. One minute you're messaging me then he's trying to ring me and trap me into a phone call where there will be no logs of what's been said, nothing to do with phone calls being easier. He proceeded to message me, patronise me and berate me as you have done, making me late for work when I was requesting my money. Thankfully my beautiful clients got the full story in our group chat where messages were sent and everyone agrees that although he may have started off pretending to be polite his fake facade quickly slipped where he starts getting rude. You can also see where he gives away the fact there's a camera in the bedroom with times I've slept.

I used the back door so not to be watched by yourself and as stated in messages you'll see in ss I had a backdoor key. That is why your ring doorbell doesn't show me at your home often but time stamped pictures of me and your dogs and videos from my ring camera I got permission to place shows otherwise.

I also arrived at 5:30pm for the meet and greet. If you were unhappy with the fact I had an emergency client with a dog that would have been put down had I not gone to it, then you shouldn't have booked me after that lateness. This was told to Charlie who was fine with it but later states you were not at the meet and greet because I was late. Yet your stories again don't match up.

Toileting inside was NOT mentioned by Charlie especially as I have screen shot evidence that he seems to think the dog doesn't toilet inside at all. I never stated I'd be at your home 1pm latest. I said around 1pm. You agreed, knowing the time you were going to be gone for. There was NO mention of others popping in and while I am at fault for not working out how many hours it is from 5am to 1/3pm you should have never agreed and said no you need me earlier, if that was the case. I said 1pm before you told me the time you were leaving too.

You state no more than 6 hours at a time on your FB post but you put 5+ on the form, you stated they're fine to be left all day on WhatsApp, Charlie states 5 hours max, you tell me 5 hours then 4/5 hours then 3/4 hours throughout the days that proceeded.

If you had someone pop in at 9am when you actually left at 3:45 according to ring doorbell footage Charlie stupidly sent me, which shows you did not leave at 5am as stated by yourself to me or fb, and they had a walk first that is 5 hours and 15 minutes before they were seen to. Then I get there at 2:50pm which is just 5 hours and 15 minutes. But whoever popped in would have been there more than one second so the dogs would have been left for about 5 hours. I then went to a family dinner which I had every right to do, as I go home every night for dinner. I got back three hours later. That is three hours the dogs have been left. Not 13 hours and not 16 hours. I'm actually appalled at the amount of people that can't do simple maths because they're all believing your ridiculous maths. Please go back to school if your maths is that bad especially running a business as you won't be doing things properly and will be scamming clients if you can't count and you're stating this as fact and not slanderous. I then was with your dogs until 12pm at least the next morning, and I went to bed early hours. That alone is more than 10 hours spent with your dogs. You also frauded my questionaire form which is pretty worrying behaviour and not at all stable behaviour. There's a few ways we have been able to show it was frauded and a friend with an iPhone filled out your form and copied you, so zoomed right in and ss their email, which you did to hide the fact that you fraudently edited/made your own form to fill out.

I never stated you'd get my timetable either. As I already stated, I have valuables in your home so I will not be giving out timetables to be sent to people and such. Each day I knew what time I worked but I chose whether to stay in your home and go straight to work or go home for a bit and get ready and eat at home first. This was situationial on the day and as such I was only able to tell you on the day and I had my valuables with me on Tuesday and had to drop them home as they can't stay in my car, so they'd not get stolen by anyone accessing your property. So even if I hadn't had a panic attack making it unsafe for me to drive, I still would have had to go home due to your displeasure of someone not leaving the kitchen. I however did not need to leave a key any other time during the sit and stated this daily as I was with your dogs regularly including rescheduling clients to suit YOUR needs that had changed.

Monday I went to walk a dog I have told you about more than once before booking me (evidence is in screen shots) and I then went to Costco which I had every right to do when it is my time and my day off as I will not sit with your dogs 24 hours a day for Β£3.33 an hour. I still fulfilled the duties of feeding, watering and making sure the dogs were left out and an overnight stay which is what you paid for. I could not help that there was a crash on the M6 and Costco takes four hours without traffic including going in there. Dog walk takes an hour. So it was pretty clear I wasn't going to be back within 5 hours anyway if common sense was used by yourselves.

I then went back to the home to let the dogs out and clean up s**t and p**s again while my mother who's back had seized up and needed her tramadol but couldn't because I insisted that your dogs were more important than my own mother, who lost her mum four weeks ago (my nan) sat in the car for fourty minutes with my assistance dog, waiting while in excruciating pain, who has had back surgery for the issues some years ago and has a metal spine, so do NOT tell me that I do not care for the dogs. YOU were the issue not the dogs...

I left and then I went home for dinner and to grab my bags and stuff for the adventure day and was back within two hours. This time I chose to use the back gate and park down the side so I wasn't being watched. I then didn't leave the dogs until 11:30am the next day. I went to bed early hours of the morning after getting back to the dogs about 9pm.

Tuesday I did my adventure day which I stated I'd be back AFTER 7pm as I now was late due to Charlie refusing to pay for services. I was fed up of the patronising tone, being told that I can't leave the house in the middle of the night to go to the shops, etc and while having an autistic meltdown I sent him a very p**sed off voice note telling him as such, as everyone knows, I use profanity. Swearing at someone is saying to f**k off, etc. Swearing during conversation, you're giving me a fu***ng meltdown so stop. NOWHERE did I swear AT the boy.

I did NOT get up late on Tuesday as Charlie already knows what time I was up but doesn't know what time I was supposed to be up, seeing as there's a camera in the bedroom and he stated what times I was in bed and sleeping. I was up around 8am as always but cleaning up after your dog and both not paying me, is what made me late.

Me 'apparently' being in the garden is a load of s**t. I was on the driveway taking photos of the blue moon. Again I have time stamped photos on my camera of this. However if I had left the house at that time it's none of your business as to why or where I went. I'm not a prisoner. Pretending to act concerned doesn't make it any less creepy.

Carmen then pretended she did not want to fall out but continued to berate me and talk down to me during this time. That does not state to me someone isn't looking for an excuse to argue. I do believe this was another set up, they'd treat me like utter s**t so I'd leave so they could get a refund and get the free services they wanted all along.

Carmen states she didn't know whether I was at the house or not which is a load of s**t, because every single day, multiple times a day (Carmen states her distaste in this so again contradictions in her status) I'd message her a picture or video of the mess her dog had left me. This is including but not limited to, when I went to the toilet myself and had put the dogs outside prior and then left the backdoor open, when I was upstairs for two hours getting ready one day, when I left the house for three hours, an hour after Charlie's mum had left the house after popping in on Tuesday, Nala s**t on the floor, p**sed on it, chewed puppy pads, grabbed a sock of carmins and played tug of war, grabbed s**t off the table that Carmen and Charlie had left there, not me and played with that too. I also had a ring camera in kitchen myself which will prove times I was there and when I wasn't along with me videoing every time I came back and I left since they kept badgering me as I wasn't using the ring doorbell. I deliberately walked Rocco through the front door so the doorbell would go off too, before continuing to use the back door and back gate which clearly angered both to no end as they couldn't control me.

Regarding me leaving early. I left early and told Carmen EXACTLY what time I had left her home in a message I marked as urgent for her to read. I left because of a number of things. The health and safety of myself with the s**t and p**s constantly everywhere leaving odours sticking to me, where clients were noticing.... The fact of the camera in the bedroom which I put downstairs for them to find and last but not least, Carmen herself told me as much. She told me if I message her again she will get me done for harassment meaning I could not finish a sit as I am to not contact the client.

Carmen had read the message and while pretending she hadn't, to try and get a rise out of me and to get me to message her so she could report me for harassment in the angry and upset state I was, I did however talk a bit more harshly than should and told her to read the messages. She then laughed about it and stated she'd happily never contact me again and that was it. No mention of me needing to pop in for the dogs which message stated I would still do if needed. So I blocked her. She had no emergency contact other than herself and I would have put the dogs into boarding kennels at the cost of the client as my contract states had they not been able to get someone in but Carmen told me not to contact her so I blocked her.

FOUR AND A HALF hours later Charlie starts being smart and messages me on Instagram pretending he was confused about my message. I reiterated what I said to Carmen about only contacting me if they need me to pop in and that the sit has ended and I won't stay ovenight. Charlie proceeded to tell me "good don't come back and if you do the police will be called and we've paid someone else to take the dogs" this was at 8pm. I had messaged at 3ish. You do not wait that long if you're that worried to ask about your dogs care, without already having sorted something out. Especially after Carmen stated she knew I wasn't coming back. Charlie also tried to ring me on Instagram before I replied. It seems like his preferred method of contact is an untraceable/unrecordable one. I did not answer and replied to the message I had just been informed by my admin of the page, was there as I did not see it.

The food was on the side so I'd not come back to s**t on the floor again with a puppy grazing all day and eating two other bowls of food (and the fact you're feeding all three dogs of different weights and ages the same amount, is pretty appalling and is contributing to the s**t constantly too) I stated that if she is to put the food down to let the dog out after food. Not just leave as then I've got more s**t to clean up and you're getting charged for it. The forms in question as you can see state MY food being left on the side. And Carmen stated she thought it meant anything not just food which was explained so she's lying again saying dog food shouldn't be left up there due to form. She stated that she filled out the form late so must have misread it for lots of questions. Not my issue. I sent the forms the same day she booked me. And it was 2:45pm when filled out that's not late.

You signed stating that no one was allowed to enter without my prior arrangement. My messages stated no one is to leave the kitchen due to my 2k of equipment that was in your home. I was not stupid enough to let you know how much my stuff was worth as you already tried to scam me from money.

On top of that Charlie is continuing to go out of his way to try and contact me by following other social media and was trying to message me as I blocked him before he could. Yet I'm the one harassing you...

The fact you have covered your own s**tty messages in screen shots on your status proves you've got a lot to hide. Only showing my messages was a surefire way to show you're a liar and a scammer. If you've got money to go abroad multiple times a year then you should have money to pay for a service and not scam a small business out of money for your own gain. As a small business yourself, you're leaving yourself open for all sorts of backlash from this.

Since I can't upload more than 80 photos, more will be in comments.



Not usually one to do this but I'd steer clear of Kate Woodbridge from sniffy walk She's ironically calling me off my ro...

Not usually one to do this but I'd steer clear of Kate Woodbridge from sniffy walk

She's ironically calling me off my rocker and crazy yet this woman has continued to harass me on every possible method the last 48 hours because her family are pervs and had a camera in the bedroom of where I was staying (one was in the kitchen too but I had found that on the first day)

She's not only messaged me before I changed my number and blocked the weirdo, she's come to my FB and commented on every status she could. She's been blocked there and then she's emailing me too. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

Some people have no lives. Definitely not someone I'd be trusting with my dogs as she has no qualms stalking someone. Beware who you're giving your details to! Absalutely nuts.

Even using her business number to harass me and there's something dodgy about the website.

No I am not being professional back because this is now a case of harassment and she's like a cockroach πŸͺ³ and I'm not going to be nice to cockroaches.

Keep going, this is all being logged. Seeing as you're continuing to harass me then you will have been reported and actually added with the police as well as your family you're trying oh so hard to 'protect' the family I have 85 pages of evidence against. 😎

Just some of my lovely reviews from clients 😎Leaving fake reviews, doesn't work and will be removed by Google. Do not ha...

Just some of my lovely reviews from clients 😎

Leaving fake reviews, doesn't work and will be removed by Google.

Do not have cameras in bedrooms and people won't leave a sit early.

I knew about the camera in the kitchen which I seen hidden when I first got there. I however did not know about the second camera in the bedroom. Thankfully I found the state of the place not to my standards so I chose not to shower at the premises so there's not much that would be caught on camera in the bedroom to do with me undressed other than my underwear as I i got up in the morning and only the first few nights.


Today's Reactivity Social walk went off without a hitch!

Thank you for all your support and for everyone that came today! We didn't have one cancellation and a super lovely turn out (I haven't advertised this month as I wanted a smaller group for Big S and a few others that need smaller groups who you can see walking right next to my dog on the way back!!!)

And yes I'm going to steal all of your dogs πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€οΈ

I'm so proud of every single one of you and your dogs! The difference between consistent training and not bothering to train makes! Big S here has had his owner helping him for some years and he's come so far since the overseas rescue dog he got a few years ago! He came to his first reactive social last week and as expected was rather reactive but calmed as the session went on. We then had a suicidal Pomeranian and an owner that didn't seem to grasp the fact letting your dog run into a group of reactive dogs isn't a good idea, that just sidled after the dog. Nearly had to use my spray but someone grabbed it. It put my police grade body cam through it's paces too! πŸ˜‚

Big S did amazing though during it as did all the other dogs. This month he was back and was even better than last month and we just worked on building his threshold some more, while doing some exercises with the class that suited their dogs too.

Everyone's favourite exercise as usual is the "settling while at the pub" exercise came into play and the dogs are learning how to settle in an environment with a lot going on and while their owners sit for a drink or a meal 😊

Everyone done absolutely amazingly and it was lovely to see some current and old clients on the social too, continuing their socialisation ❀️

I couldn't be any more proud of everyone that came today and their dogs and it's such a beautiful group of people where no one judges and everyone lifts one another up!

Even got a bear hug from big S owner at the end of the session and a beautiful little pep talk that helped me put things into perspective a bit. β€οΈπŸ€—

I hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday!

I can't wait for next month's social!

Thank you to all my clients for your support over the last week of hell from two people that tried to scam me. Evidence ...

Thank you to all my clients for your support over the last week of hell from two people that tried to scam me.

Evidence will be posted shortly and the police are being informed for harassment from the partner along with someone else who's family is very well known by the police.

Due to my own health and safety upon finding out there was cameras in the bedroom due to the male client telling me what time I went to bed one night and woke up, I unfortunately had to leave the sit but offered to continue to look after the dogs had no one else been able to. I was told that the police would be called if I went back to the property and they did not want me to continue the sit. As per my T&C any cancellations done by clients are payable in full and for the safety of myself I am able to leave if I see fit.

I have 15 pages or more of evidence that will be posted here in the next 24 hours via a link for anyone wanting to hear both sides of the story.

I did not neglect anyone's dogs and I have pet sit plenty of times including a client I do monthly with no issues.

This however is neglect. Not washing your dogs bowls for months and allowing your dog to use your kitchen as a toilet at six months old especially when you have kids.

Regarding me 'drinking' at the sit I can have a drink as a grown adult. It was a bottle of daquiri that was half full before I brought it to the pet sit and then I had one drink from it. Even if I had half a bottle of daquiri I am an adult and that wouldn't get anyone drunk πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

To Olaf at Boss Ink Tattoo you tattood a few paw prints on myself that were so shocking that I have had to have them covered up and yet I did not leave you a negative review. So to state that I'm off my head is absolutely abhorrent behaviour and I will be sure to leave an honest review of your work. Thank you for the heads up. You couldn't even do a tattoo from a reference of a paw print! It's not even that hard to tattoo!

Here's some of the conversations that I was had and the state of the dogs bowls.

Full evidence will be put up tomorrow.


It's true 😭🀣




Supporting another’s success in the dog world won’t ever dampen your own.

πŸ“Έ >> ...

For anyone interested in moons. Super rare one tonight. I got some photos on my Samsung S24 ultra last night and then on the dslr but tonight I'll be using my non dog DSLR for better photos

Ignore the telephone πŸ“ž line in the way. I only had a few minutes as had to pull over to take it. Only seen it as a I took a wrong turning.

Happy snapping everyone! Put what you get in the comments!

Remember I have just one space left for Tuesdays adventure day now! Get in touch for your space to be saved!

Late night funny 🀣

Late night funny 🀣

I have some good news πŸ—žοΈ I have just two spaces that have opened up for Shadows adventure day shenanigans. I have two sp...

I have some good news πŸ—žοΈ

I have just two spaces that have opened up for Shadows adventure day shenanigans.

I have two spaces for a dog that wants to come every other week and one space for a dog that wants to come weekly

More information on dog behavioursℹ️

Dogs must be well socialised with other dogs, have been in the car with other dogs before, can not be pulling too much in a group setting (on their own they may be fine but in a group they do change) owners must do a meet and greet prior at location of my choosing where I will bring a dog with me.
If dogs do overly pull a tool must be used for the short periods dogs may be on the lead. This can be anything from a nose halti that is correctly fitted and desensitised so dog isn't smashing it's face on the floor, pulling it off etc, a slip lead, martingale, choke chain or prong collar/e collar

Due to my health issues with my joints I cannot accept dogs that are going to be constantly pulling when on a lead without a tool as I do have six dogs I walk, often times alone, sometimes I have a friend joining especially with the newbies coming to integrate them properly.
Dogs that resource guard will not be able to come along unless prior information has been given (if your dog is a resource guarder over water etc we need to be told so we can make sure when water is given in bowls they are tied/held away from the group as we have multiple bowls as we bring 5 litres with us but dogs do like to share sometimes or stand nearby waiting for their turn as we only get out all six bowls at lunch and usually two before lunch. Resource guarding is combatted in a safe manner while on adventure days but we need to know first..same with having the odd treats etc. we have sprays for safety in case a dog fight was to happen, to combat any unwanted behaviour at a safe distance (pet corrector)

Recall is taught on the adventure days with long lines so that's not a big deal.

Shadows adventure day shenanigans include;
πŸš— Free pick up between 9:30 - 11:30am in Telford. Telford pick ups only unless you're already with us and live outside of Telford. (ETA given prior to pick up on the day) drop off 6/7pmish eta given at least half hour before on the day. The price for the day is Β£40. If you'd like a special birthday pawty which includes a handmade birthday cake πŸŽ‚, some birthday treats and a birthday gift for your pup this is an excess of Β£10 ❀️

🌲 Tranquil and carefully selected locations

πŸ• Training- some examples include reinforcement of basic commands, recall, loose leash walking, manners, social skills, settling in public places for lunch, impulse control, exposure to wildlife and much more!

🍽️ Regular pit stops and water breaks as we carry at least 3 litres in my hiking bag year round. Sometimes 4 litres if it's hot. (You’re welcome to pack a lunch or snack for your dog)

If anyone would like to book on for this week's Shadows adventure day shenanigans, as it stands, I have two spaces left. ⌚

Slots are on a first come first served basis and are limited so booking ahead is essential πŸ€“

Get in touch via whattsapp 07877-045-596 to book or message me on Facebook ☺️

Please share πŸ™ too


London Borough Of Hackney

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm




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End Goals

I don’t use choke chains, slip leads, prong or shock collars. I use science based methods that are proven to not damage the dogs psyche like traditional based trainers like Ceaser Milan (the dog whisperer) do. No my methods won’t solve your issue in a matter of hours but those methods are masking the issue and are temporary fixes only. When other trainers talk about the thousands of customers they’d had you need to think about how many years they’ve been doing it. A lot of the time that only works out as a handful of customers a week over the years. They like to shout from the roof tops about the thousands of happy customers and β€˜happy’ dogs but forget to mention what it does to a dogs mental state. I care about the welfare of the dogs while getting the same result, hence why I’m different.

I was gifted Shadow at 8 weeks old from my mum for an anxiety dog at the time to help me overcome my anxiety at 19 and have trained him myself. I rescued the girls in 2014 (Shadow was 5 and suffered separation anxiety so I got him an anxiety dog before I found out how to help his anxiety through training, but I could not leave Storm behind as no one wanted her. She now lives with my ex down south where she is spoilt rotten, as she chose him as her human and I get regular updates and see her once a year.) from a sort of mini puppy farm situation and found they didn’t have any training at 4 months old. This left them scared of the whole world. They were scared of leads, collars, cars, buses, people, kids, babies, fireworks, etc. They had fear aggression towards other dogs due to no socialisation too.

I trained them out of all their fears and realised, not only that I have a gift but also that I really enjoyed it. My end goal to add on to my dog walking business is to go into kennels and help the dogs on death row by training them so they can be homed before that awful day. Eventually when I have a place big enough I will adopt those dogs that have run out of time, train them and re-home them to other loving homes.

I currently have a diploma with distinction in Canine behavioural training and I study canine nutrition, canine communication, canine holistic health and medicine, canine psychology, puppy training. I have been getting 100% on all my modules. Shadow and Calypso won’t be on every walk with me of course but will be on at least one walk a day, hence the name.

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