One of the best things you can do is crate train your dog.
When you're away from the home they can't ingest things making them ill and ensuring a vet visit and then stay. Which will involve staying in a crate.
It teaches them how to switch off and sleep.
Multi dog households give them a safe space to be.
If you have kids, you can pop the dog away from the kids. Ensuring the safety of the kids and the dog.
Dogs that are crate trained often sleep the best as well.
Crate train your dogs. It's the best thing.
This is what happened to me and my dog.
This is why we train dogs not to go and kill other living beings.
Recall training is vital. Even more so when it threatens the lives of other animals.
This isn't staged, this is a real world account.
@scottishgreens @story_of_atlas @honesthounds @walkandtrainedinburgh @madratraining
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The Loose Lead Club Christmas give away
The prize pot includes
• Two in person sessions with me (sessions will be delivered in South London or nearby)
• 1 bag of 4kg of @darfdiervoeding donated by our partners @sabrepetfood
• 1 months free access to the @thecaninecode donated kindly by @thecaninedietitian
In order to be in with a chance of winning. Comment the word CHRISTMAS download our FREE training guide. Tag in a mate or two as well.
The winner will find out 23rd December via EMAIL.
Best of luck.
Merry Christmas
#christmas #giveaway #dogtrainer #dogtraining
We've all been there.
The door bell goes and your dog loses their mind.
1) Crate training is a great start
2) House lead until you're happy with their behaviour
3) A really great bed stay. Hear doorbell, go to a bed instead of lunging at the door
4) Don't make everything that comes through the door super exciting
5) Record your door bell on an app and play at random times, rehearsing the behaviours you want....
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogownerlife #dogownerlife #dogownerlife #dogtrainingmadesimple #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainers #dogadvice
We spend too much time trying to teach our puppies to roll over and other tricks.
We don't spend nearly enough time teaching our puppies outside engaging with us. It's the best thing.
If you have a new dog, young or old, teach them that engaging with you is way more valuable than anything else in the environment.
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If your dog can't recall.
1) put it on a long lead
2) hand feed it
3) build up the distractions slowly
4) ensure your dog listens to you at all times in the house
5) keep the reps short, sweet and putting some energy into it
Failing all that, find a professional who can show you how....
#dogtrainer #dogownerlife #dogownerlife #looseleadclub #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainingmadesimple #dogbehaviourist #dogtrainingadvice #dogadvice
Owning a reactive dog is tough.
However, try these few things
- remove the toys inside and take your dog somewhere quiet and play there with them
- hand feed, yes it's been said a million times. But it works to increase food drive
- proof a heel position
- ensure you remain open minded to different approaches to help you and your dog develop the skills needed to improve
- Crate train. Most of the reactive dogs I work with don't sleep nearly enough
- if you find yourself out of your depth, find a trainer with a clear skill set and proven record of helping owners with reactive dogs
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #looseleadclub #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainers #dogbehaviourist #dogtrainingmadesimple #dogtrainingadvice
One of if not the most reactive dog I've yet met. 40 meters away from dogs he literally looked like he wanted to kill dogs.
Today a different dog. The reactive dog that Ralph once was is gone. He's now living his best life.
With the right guidance and direction, you and your dog could be in a much better place.
Fancy winning one of our TWO session dog training package with us?
Then to be in with an opportunity to win so the following:
1) Follow @ajdogtrainer
2)Tag in TWO friends
3) Share this to your stories and TAG @looseleadclub
The competition closes 2nd November and the winner is announced 3rd October.
You must be willing to travel to @ajdogtrainer who is based around the Portsmouth area.
#itsfree #competition #dog #dogtraining #dogtraining #dogownerlife #dogtrainingadvice #dogbehaviourist
Just a little review....
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogownerlife #looseleadclub #dogsofinstagram #dogtrainingmadesimple #dogbehaviourist #dogtrainingadvice
So many would have you believe that with the right treats, time and 'effort' you can achieve reliability with your prey driven dog.
You might be able to interrupt parts of the predatory sequence for sure. But the chase.....
You'll see lots of dogs being called back when the eye and stalk the target. You won't see them being called back in the mid chase which is the most important.
It's not cruel, it's not abusive and it's not lazy. It gives dogs like Rocky the life to be taken to any environment and enjoy it like a dog. Not confined to a life in secure fields or on a 10 metre lead.
#preydrive #malinois #dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogownerlife #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainers