With the colder weather definitely upon us now, we’ve got some top tips for keeping canine's cozy:
❄ If your dog is comfortable wearing one, you can pop a jacket or jumper on them when they go outside – just because they have fur, doesn’t mean they won’t feel the cold
❄ Make sure to wipe their paws, legs and tummy when they come inside, as dampness and the grit spread on ground can be irritating
❄ If walking in the dark, a light-up collar or high-vis jacket can be great idea!
❄ Snow can be very exciting for your dog, so make sure it’s safe before letting them off-lead or consider walking them on a longer line instead
❄ Keep anti-freeze well out of reach and quickly clean-up any spills as it’s highly toxic!
❄ Indoor games and enrichment can be just as much fun if it’s not safe to go out for a walk