Sharing this again. So far we haven’t had that many in the run up but I’ve booked a week off around the 5th so I can make sure I’m home for Kylie.
Ok. So, this may be a long post. But hopefully it will help!
The higher the fireworks in the sky, the lesser the decibels are for our dogs. So your average organised event is generally quieter than your neighbours letting off fireworks because of the area and design of the display. They have over the last few years increased in decibels too, which is why a lot of dogs struggle.
🐾 Dog hearing (auditory) systems are very similar to humans, but dogs are more sensitive to noise and higher decibel/hertz, and therefore react more. It’s very dog dependent on whether your dog reacts to fireworks or not, but if it’s your first year there’s a lot you can put in place to help your dog
🐾 fear is an emotion behind a response. Some dogs can be over aroused/excited by fireworks, others scared by them. It’s still stress based fear either way. Learn your dogs stress signals, stressed body language and also what you can put in place to avoid them reaching this state. Dogs show fear and stress in many ways, and this affects their mind, feelings and nervous system too.
🐾 the emotional levels of your household during fireworks season can be heightened too; think about the changes in your house; excited kids, fireworks, you predicting the fireworks….this will have an effect on your dog too, even if there’s no fireworks going off at that point
🐾 dogs have the biggest heart body mass of all mammals, including humans. They can pick up our electromagnetic field from 3 feet away, so if we’re stressed and our heart rate is raised, they will pick up on it. Try to remain calm, deep breathing, meditation and try and keep your own stress levels balanced
🐾 remember if your dog has past traumas to loud noises too, this can trigger so it’s important to be prepared.
How can we prepare?
🐾 prepare in advance - have a den and safe place with covers over to help reduce sound. Keep blinds and curtains closed, windows closed, kongs filled up., radio/tv in all rooms to drown out the noise, thundershirts, snoods to cover the ears….Dogs don’t know it’s coming, we do!
🐾 cuddle if they want a cuddle! Ignore the people that tell you to ignore your dog, if your dog needs attention, it’s because you’re safe. Allow them to do just that. Use long slow strokes, not fast, it helps to calm
🐾 enrichment enrichment enrichment - start it early in the day before fireworks start. Once a dog is over threshold and in flight mode already, it’s very unlikely they’ll take food at that point. Chewing and licking releases the feel good hormones, and if they’re happy enough to do this, keep it coming!
🐾 manage emotional levels both with the dog and your household. Think calm, be calm
🐾 cut walks out! Especially for the more sensitive, even a few days before, just keep things nice and chilled and relaxed so they’re not adding stress to their bucket
🐾 all your dog needs and wants is to feel safe. Be that under the duvet, bext to you on the sofa, in a den, reassure them with a calm voice
🐾 white noise machines or relaxopet are amazing (can’t lie, I’ve fallen asleep to them a lot!). Likewise Taiko drumming and calming music
🐾 calming and essential oils on socks/cloths - valerian, violet leaf, chamomile, h**p, lavender, vanilla are all super calming. Don’t mix the scents up. Just for some drops on material and allow the dog choice to work with them if they want to. Don’t force it on them if they don’t want to work with the smells
🐾 pet remedy plug ins are fab, but make sure the dog has choice to leave the room if they don’t want to be around the smell
🐾 gentle calming slow strokes, work with the dogs body, under the chin, along the sides and backs. Slow pressure touches on the ears if they’re happy to be touched there
What not to do
🐾 desensitising cd’s are a big no. It’s putting a dog in a stressful situation that they can’t get away from and they also don’t have the change in environment, air pressure, smells etc that real fireworks have
🐾 don’t ignore your dog if they want a cuddle!
🐾 keep high stress in the house
🐾 drugs - quite honestly, they can still hear the fireworks. Adrenaline will outrun the drugs from your vet anyway, so they’ll still be in a state of stress. Only use if absolutely necessary
Sorry for the long post but I hope it helps!
Dogs want to feel safe. If you’re calm, relaxed and reassuring, then you should be able to help. Think about your tone of voice, body movements, your emotional energy too.
As with anything like thundershirts and snoods, make sure the dog is used to them before the fireworks start!