Frank was in for a good brush, bath and blow dry 😀
Music: Trop
Musician: EnjoyMusic
Lola had to be shaved down before the bath due to a matted coat, she was so stressed, we had a cuddle whilst she was being blow dried, I could feel her whole body relax with body contact 😊 well done Lola 💕
Her name was Lola 🎶
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Music: Happy Chroma Crush
Musician: EnjoyMusic
Vibing 😌
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Sully the Spanish Mastiff 🫶🏻
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There is only one thing better than a puppy coming in for a groom, and that's TWO puppies coming in for a groom 🩵🩷
Mac is absolutely petrified of the clippers, so today he had a bath and blow dry and we worked on getting him used to the sound and feel of the clippers on his body, without the blade attached. Well done Mac, you did so good 🖤
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Pre bath blast and she filled a bin bag 😯 huge deshed for Nika, she must be feeling fabulous with all that hair gone 🥰
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I love this girl 🩷 she's been coming to see me since she was a baby, she always does this cute pick me up dance 🥰 she loves a cuddle!
Merry Christmas Angel 🎄🎅🏽🐕🐾
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Broxy came for his groom today, he's looking fresh and ready for Santa 🎅🏽 I had to match his bandana with his jumper 🥰
Merry Christmas Broxy.
I think Santa will love your Christmas jumper 🎄
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Murphy is a 14 week old pup who came to see me today for a puppy pamper ❤️ he's got one eye with white eyelashes and the other black eyelashes 🤍🖤 how lovely is that.
The first grooming experience for a pup is all about getting familiar with me, the smells, noises and vibrations and it's so important. So before we start he has time to check out the space, me and some of the equipment.
Murphy does NOT like the dryer, I knew this prior to starting his groom, so I got him as dry as I could first using a chamois and towel, then introduced the dryer slowly. Mum is going to do some work with the hair dryer at home before his next groom, which will help massively.
Murphy was a star ⭐
Coming to the groomers is a tiring experience for dogs, especially puppies, so I'm sure he'll be flat out for the rest of the afternoon 😴
Music: Endless Dreams
Musician: ASHUTOSH
Sweet Jasper 🤎 he's a gorgeous senior boy 🐾
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