Trening i procjena!
Njezin vlasnik je htio biti siguran da ona ne pokazuje nikakvu agresiju prema drugim psima
Posto su je udomili nedavno iz azila. , i nisu znali previse o njezinoj prošlosti. Ona je isto tako vukla u šetnji prema drugim psima. Mi smo izvrsili procjenu i nismo nismo vidjeli nikakve znakove agresije prema drugim psima. Naravno dali smo vlasniku isto tako savjet da treba jos uvjek biti na oprezu jer treba proci i vremena da se vlesnik i pas bolje upoznaju.Isto tako u samo jednom treningu riješili njezin problem da više ne vuće na povodcu i da ignora druge pse u šetnji.
Vrlo interesatan trening sa dva francuska buldoga u mjestu Cvetlin kraj trakošcana. Nazalost te dvije kujice nisu mogle zivjeti zajedno u istoj prostoriji kad god su se vidjele krenule su se tuči, vjerujem da za svakoga vlasnika pasa a tako i za njih to je bilo fustrirajuce. Ali problem je bio vrlo brzo riješen .Na treningu smo ucili vlasnicu kako da brzo odreagira na govor tjela pasa i kako da slomi fokus i prijeteci pogled pasa i kako vrlo jednostavno ima kontrolu nad njima. Psima smo isto tako pokazali gdje njim je njihovo mjesto ako se ponasaju ne primjerno a isto tako da moraju zivjeti u skladu.
From super excited and hyper to nice and calm !Lola was joined us for residential training, her owner was struggling with her boisterous behaviour, she was really bad on leash. She was biting leash, jumping, walking on back legs, easily distracted by anything dogs, people etc…
Honestly really strong minded dog, to get her to walking nice on leash and ignore all distractions
Definitely was not easy, but everything is possible
She is definitely ready to go in her home.
Two French bulldogs joined us for residential training, their owner was struggling with their behaviour, they can’t be is same room together as they will go for each other so they live separately
They both pull on leash, blue one have reaction towards other dogs, walking wasn’t pleasant.
Now after two weeks, they can live together, they can eat together, they can walk together without any reaction without pulling on leash. Completely well behaved dogs 😊
🐕We except any breed any age
☎️ For more info and free quotes, feel free to contact us WhatsApp 07930114338
Belgian shepherd heel work of leash, and teach her to ignore other dogs on walks
She is 8 years old pomeranian mix , her owner was struggling with her behaviour on leash, she was barking on any dog on walks. After two weeks residential training she showed massive improvement, definitely ready for handover
2nd part
Puppy malinois obedience, recall through the legs
We started obedience with puppy malinois
He is Romanian rescue, his owner are struggling with his leash reaction towards other dogs, most of the time they are avoiding walking him
when street was busy with dogs. Also they try other dog trainers but without results. When l met him his behaviour was really bad he will bark on any dogs even from distance. But after just one session he showed massive improvement.
She was reactive to any dogs, barking , laughing, spinning on leash, also she was barking at people
Two weeks in residential training she showed massive improvement.
Old tyme bulldog joined us for residential training to build his recall, two weeks in training he showed massive improvement and ignoring other dog when he is off leash
🐕 Is never to late to transform your dog behaviour!
Don’t hesitate to ask for professional help
We offer you solutions for any dog issues
🐶We except any breed any age
🎓30 years experience in dog training, dog behaviourist
☎️Message us for free quote and more info
WhatsApp 07930114338