As you can hear from the panic in my voice🤣 Yoda + a long line + water = RUN FOR YOUR LIFE AND DO NOT GET TANGLED
^ this has been learned the hard way🙃💚
Remember last week when I said karma got me for laughing at Jennie falling over… well yeah I split my pants on the same walk🤣
This audio is exactly what Jennie thought after yesterday’s adventure😅
Why is she lying on the floor mid walk you may ask? 👣
Don’t worry I’ll post the other videos later😁🤣
And I’ll also show my instant karma🙃
Why recall is so important🦌
I’ve never seen deers before at greenbooth, and I definitely wouldn’t expect them so far away from the reservoir or main woodlands🍂
I don’t think any of the dogs actually saw them though I know Hugo and Rudy could definitely smell them afterwards. Regardless I know all 3 would’ve recalled away from the deer when asked if they had noticed and attempted to go towards. This is why solid recall is so important and why we often use long lines to ensure safety of your dogs, other members of the public and local wildlife🐾🐶
Doggos or hippopotamus??? 🦛🐶
#dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogstagram #dogstagraming #doglife #bulldog #gingerpotamus #doguedebordeaux #doglovers
I don’t call him Kanga-Rudy for nothing 🦘🐶
I’ll never get fed up of Dexter looking at me like this🥹🥹💚
Spaniels are a special kind of dog…🤣💚
Bobby just happy to be alive🤣💚