What a fabulous year we’ve had this year! Goodbye 2024 bring on another year full of more adventures, muddy puddles, rain and lots of slobber and treats🐶😋🤩
The boys had the best time at south lodge meadows this morning practicing there agility skills🤩
Luna has unfortunately had a set back and currently not coming on group walks so we are re building basics up including our bond. A few of the things we are doing are solo walks whilst playing games like touch and middle and find it and working on allowing her to be touched in the position I’d pick her up in to get in the van and still be comfortable. We are also practicing jumping in and out of the van with a high reward of chicken😍! This afternoon she was left in the crate in the van with a toy to sniff chicken out of and she’s done really well.
All of these tips have been given by @jcdogbehaviour after a meeting with Lunas owners and Jo herself😊
After a few set backs recently with my progress with Elmo we are slowly re building back up his confidence with me putting his slip lead on. These things take time and especially with how long he was on the streets for set backs are expected. He’s doing really well and we are going at Elmo pace☺️
Excuse the hidden camera he is camera shy 📸😂
Nelly strutting her stuff🤩
💒The love story of Flossy & Mylo💒
Flossy and Mylo have known eachother since they were both young and have always got along so well despite the size difference. Flossy gives him a run for his money🚀😆
Mylo is a new member of Bark Avenue so now I get to watch this pair together and it’s amazing. I love it😍
We are missing our crew of dogs like crazy! Hope they are all enjoying chilling on the sofa☺️
This video makes me smile so much I swear he gets more grown up everyday🐶🧡💛 #puppylove #colliepuppy #dogoftheday #dogsofinstagram #kibworth #dogwalkermarketharborough