This particular Dog House is an umbrella company for our canine-related ventures. Our Products (so far):
1. Wolf Moon Bur Remover:
What I have created, the Wolf Moon Bur Remover is truly revolutionary. We've all read online where the easiest way to get burs out of fur is to use a flat comb and disintegrate the bur, but that can cause more problems. The barbs can get stuck in the carpet, in our s
ocks when we're walking and even in the fur between our pets' paw pads, causing even more problems when they try to chew them out and ingest them. Wolf Moon Bur Remover is a total game changer, it encapsulates and holds the bur, you gently pull out the fur and the bur comes out in once piece taking very little fur with it. I can't show you the product because it's still a prototype and not patented yet, but I can tell you, it will help tremendously to keep your pet and home healthy, happy and bur free. It will be made of stainless steel metal with an ergonomically, arthritis-friendly silicone-covered handle. I'd love to have your support on this project, it will be reasonably priced, sourced and manufactured in Britain.
2. Snow Moon PF Recycling
We see them everyday. Outside our shopping centres, outside our local shops, we pass them everyday without giving them a second thought. These are Britain's homeless. We take for granted being nice and warm in our homes while they freeze during the night. We take it for granted when we are cooling off in our pools while they struggle with the heat. We want to give them something to help them pass through life, and with your generous donations, we can make it happen!
Our product is made with recycled materials which are 80% warmer than traditional duvet filling. Please help us change Britain, one person at a time. Any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch using the form below.