A huge thank you to Maria Keynes for the two bags of pillow cases and covers, these will make great beds for all our little ones when they start coming in. It was a pleasure meeting you and Devon today, he is such a sweet boy, and we look forward to welcoming you and the grandchildren to the hideaway as soon as we are ready, and also a massive thank you to everyone that has popped round with bags of towels, covers and pillows.
Also we’ve had a great surprise with pets at home Milton Keynes kindly donating their cages that are no longer in use, due to their refit they will no longer being needing them. This has saved us a huge amount of money that can now all go towards to care of all the animals we will be getting coming into our care, the last few weeks with us just getting going and getting out there, seeing the support we have had is just so overwhelming and heart warming. We can’t thank you all enough 😊❤️🦔