DIY dog game
Pop into the shed for a break and play with the DIY games
This one is a brilliant way to utilise boxes 📦.
They'll be the cup game out too.
Brilliant sessions today, lovely to spend the morning with you lovely bunch.
I measure progression in a few ways, my main way is looking at tension in the dogs body. Herbie and Bella came today, both of these dogs I haven't seen in a while. Herbie was so much looser in his movements, a wiggle to his body, less upright too, it was so lovely to see, the next thing I look for is communication, Herbie is now responding to his mum straight away and voluntarily. Without that communication you have nothing, so to see this development was awesome. The other way is distance, can they get closer and stay relaxed and stay listening, do they disengage without prompting or do we need to help. Herbie distance has definitely decreased. We need to be over around 8 meters for him to still stay comfortable. But that's massive progress.
We also welcomed back Bella, who is sooo different! Very relaxed, happily rushing towards me to get treats. Our first SS she would be in the field on her own at the bottom by the shed and me in the middle.
Bella is ready for close up work on a sharing session with an appropriate buddy.
And this is the thing why SS helps so much is because we couldn't have dived right into to close up work, we needed them to feel safe, we needed the humans to have techniques, the dogs to have learnt skills and the communication to help them feel safe and be successful.
new service???
Would love some feedback on a possible new service I've been thinking of.
It started bubbling in my mind from running the Life Skills course at Square Farm where we spoke about their dogs predatory sequence, its definitely something I'd like to make people more aware of.
Its a bit unique and definitely tailored to each individual.
What do you think??
Brilliant Safe Space Saturday. Thanks to all those that came.
You don't know if something works until you see the progress. And I see this progress. Distance has reduced, confidence has increased.
My favourite thing is watching you make the most of the learning situations.
Practicing SuperBowl, doing the Sarah Walk, a little 123.
A few even braved the cold and did a settle on the Calm Islands.
Brilliant to see Kua ears relax as he started to enjoy the Movement Puzzle.
Safe Space is doing what its designed to do, build those positive experiences, build confidence in your dog and you.
As its for you, always let me know if there's ways to improve. Every day is a learning day
Awesome Safe Space Saturday today.
Well done all. That's a mental workout for all of you.
Brilliant use of practicing your techniques, perfect space for learning. Your dog will have left having a positive experience, they were challenged yet you've the techniques to help them navigate that. All stayed under threshold, all made progress with reduced distance.
Just amazing.
Now until i see you again keep in mind distance is the key. And don't trigger stack. If you're out and doing well end on that note. Don't push it because it is going well. In each outing are challenges and each challenge adds to the bucket.
Ive a body language video of the beautiful Maple I'm sharing in the Safe Space Hub so keep an eye out.
Lee just shared this video. Goodness, it was a wet day!
Rose doing an amazing job on the digger. Definitely a natural.
We've left Lee to it and popped home to make sausage sandwiches 🥪.
Huge apologies for the late notice!!!!
Its with a very sad heart we have to postpone our Safe Space till next weekend, Saturday 13th.
We were hoping it could be dry enough to use by tomorrow. But sadly all my grass protection in the gateway has rippped 😪.
Our lovely Lee has got himself a digger and collected some hardcore today, more tomorrow and he's making a soak away 😀. Which is very exciting!!!!
Huge apologies to you all. After Christmas changing routines I'm sure they all needed a little safe space.
Look at this... its beautiful!!!!!!
Aubs doing our Safe Space Saturday challenge.
Giving choice to our dogs is empowering. It lowers anxiety, the calmer the mind the easier it can learn and process those memories.
We've taken away alot of choices from our dogs. We had to as we evolved, dogs lost alot of freedom.
These are just small ways which we can help and build upon.
This is actually a fab video, we didn't know Lee K9 Adventure Club was bringing his walking dogs down.
If you look closely, or play in slow motion you will see when Aubs spots another dog entering the shed, she looks up when taking the toy out of the tub. Her movements speed up then look at her mouth, you will see alot more tension in her face and you'll notice those whisker holes become more obvious.
Now Aubs knows Lexi the Beagle and Rook who's a little out of shot but arrived first. But there is a reinforcement history with the toy she choose, we've used it for training, you can put treats inside. Now, we'll never know (or maybe one day) what truly goes on inside their minds but my subjective thought seeing Rook is what made her choose that toy.
Micro expressions like these are all things you will start to notice more and more.
Safe Space Saturday Every other Saturday at the Training field in Penallt. Run by Parker's Canine Care and K9 Adventure Club .