🥰Inspired by Blue and the brain child of Nat & Helen….
We are pleased to launch our in Store ……Sh*t Kits.
💚Indelicate? possibly, honest? definitely.
🤎Sh*t Kits do exactly what they say on the bag. A quick one stop pick up of everything to help your pup through a bout of the runs or vomiting.
💔Goodbye ineffective starving and Chicken & Rice advice. Your pet’s gastric tract deserves more.
These kits will have information on how to effectively and quickly get your pet back to good health.💕
💕Canigest Paste
💕Grain Free Sample
💕Lamb Marrow
💕Calibra GI/Hyppallergenic Insect Salmon or Rabbit
💕Sh*t Sheet Info
🎉Contents value £17.50….. VP Price just £15