Happy 1st Birthday to the Wiggle babies!
I loved being your first human. I loved helping you to become the amazing pet dogs you are today.
I know you are so lucky to have such amazing families to love and care for you and it makes me happy too, that you all have so much love in your lives
#foster #lovedogs #birthday #pom #muttamorphosis
Two major incidents in the past 48 hours @nos_amis_pour_la_vie , again the result of an animal being hit by a car and no one caring enough to stop. Both animals are old which seems to make things doubly hard.
On Thursday, Julia who runs the refuge got a call about a mule who had been hit by a car. We’ve named her La Neige (Snowy), an elderly mule who has known nothing but hard work, harsh treatment and neglect, then dumped only to be hit by a car. Working in conjunction with the charity Spana, she will be welcomed to Nos Amie Pour La Vie once she’s received suitable vet treatment where she can retire in peace.
Yesterday an elderly street dog arrived, paralysed most likely as a result of a car hit and run. The wonderful Nos Amie vet Lubna brought her to the sanctuary, & vaccinated her and she will be left to decompress for the weekend until X-rays can be taken. She will great care and regular food and lots of love. None of which she has ever gotten before now.
Nova is a happy, spirited and funny girl who manages really well on her wheels even off road & on rough ground. We’re hoping this new girl, named Momma Sue will also manage well with wheels.
Your help could get her some wheels. I’ve contacted a company called @walkinpets to see if they donate or offer a discount on their dog cart so we shall see..
As before, it’s not too late to donate and share. And thanks to everyone for your generosity so far.
Dead teddy. Sad kitty. Boots has taken to sitting in her dad’s croc, like she used to as a kitten. I’m taking this as a sign she misses my warm lap. #boots #rescuecat #lovecats #home #muttamorphosis
@nos_amis_pour_la_vie Sit and head tilt. International language for ‘gimme cheese’. 😉😁😃
#lovedogs #baku #malamute #marrakech #donate #adopt #rescuedog
Some really kind person sent a huge donation of toys and fleece blankets (it’s very cold here at night-close to zero on occasion) and all the dogs had a ball, literally, playing, chasing and then sleeping off the excitement. It’s not too late to donate or to share with others. https://gofund.me/df76f207
#fortheanimals #lovedogs #donate #morocco #marrakech #muttamorphosis
Trigger warning-photos contain image of severe limb injury.
Today we had a really sad case of a tiny puppy with a brutal injury who needed an amputation. He will now join many of the tripawed dogs at the sanctuary.
Sadly hit and run accidents are all too common and vet bills are no cheaper here than in Europe or the US.
If you’d like to donate to help care for this little one, Nos Amie Pour La Vie would be so grateful. A share would also help a lot in case others would like to contribute.
Wiggle has moderate to high prey drive depending on the environment. Woods are definitely her favourite chase location. 🐿️
I have been working on the stop whistle, first close by on the leash, then gradually further and further away.
At first I threw food to her stop location (if you want distance control you must deliver the reward to the dog’s location), then started to toss her a ball 🎾
This is a game we are now playing to see if she can listen and respond even when she’s hinting.
I first pretend to throw the ball into the long grass and she sets off to find it. I then ask her to stop and check in even though she’s getting a thrill and reward from what she’s currently doing-hunting.
This is a crucial stage in all prey drive training as you need to be able to interrupt the hunt & chase.
Her reward for stopping is to be released again to hunt but this time I throw a real ball and she gets to hunt and make a find!
I am not only training my dog to respond to me while she’s partaking in a hugely self-rewarding behaviour-hunting-I’m also making myself part of the game which is super powerful if you need to interrupt chase behaviours.
This girl is a joy to work with. I adore her enthusiasm and drive. As far from a handbag floof as you could get. #wiggle #gettraining #dogs #hunt #reward #lovedogs #pomeranian #spitz #muttamorphosis
🐶 Going on hols with an old dog is a privilege and a joy! But things may need to be adapted for him, especially if you have youngsters who can manage long walks, and he can’t. 🥎🎾⚽️🏀
🦴 Even if you’re lucky enough to have multiple dogs who keep each other company, it’s really important that they can be left by themselves and my old boy Guinness is just one example of why.
🦮 All my dogs are taught to settle while alone so that if/when needed, it’s not a big deal, even in a holiday home where they haven’t been before.
🐾 Alone time training is something you can do with dogs of any age, before it’s actually needed because
-one dog is old and can’t keep up.
-one dog has different exercise needs than the other.
-one dog is ill/injured and can’t join in.
-one dog needs class or training and you can’t train two dogs at once.
Get in touch if any of this rings a bell and you’d like to do something about it before you need it!
#gettraining #olddog #alone #guinness #bordercollie #lovedogs #holiday #beach #muttamorphosis
Someone let the terrier loose!!! If you can’t go crazy on the beach, then I don’t know when you can. #jellybean #jrt #letloose #shush #beach #holidayvibes
Holiday squeaks! To do with as they like. Which obviously means ‘KILL IT!’ If you’re #jellybean
Wiggle is in season. Jellybean is an entire male so they are apart for now.
This morning I sought advice from Jellybean’s breeder Marianne IKC affix Krisbos and she was more than happy to answer my questions. Jellybean is 8yo. THIS is what a good breeder looks like. Support, contact and love for the dog’s entire life.
This is the kind of breeding we should be encouraging by only buying pups from registered, health tested parents and breeders who care this much.
Often the very people who complain about bad breeding are the same folk supporting it. It’s very simply about supply and demand. If the demand stopped & only top notch breeders were used, the supply of less-than-the-best would quickly dry up.
Sound up for the song of the star crossed lovers.
🐑I tell my clients, ‘I can help you stop your Border Collie from herding but I can’t stop your Border Collie from wanting to herd.’
Now replace any inbred working instinct and any corresponding breed. Get it? Innate behaviour that has been bred for generations is strong. Controlling it means the owner needs to be on duty to guide, redirect or help the dog make good choices. Often even well trained dogs follow what they’ve been bred to do because it’s instinctive. It’s not their fault and they are not being bad dogs for doing so.
Here’s my old man Guinness, he’s highly trained. He’s won obedience and Working Trials qualifiers. He’s reliable and sweet with my nieces but they still turn into sheep that need to be chased if the circumstances are right.
Let’s be fair and realistic when it comes to our dog’s breeding and their genetic predispositions to do the job they were designed for. Get in touch if you’d like help to control and channel your dogs behaviour into something more appropriate and safe
#guinness #bordercollie #herding #notsheep #liedown