Doing some late night work on the boat and I feel I'm being stalked by a wild animal.
This was a shock 😮🤣
Bear is a beautiful Romanian rescue 😍🐶.
While confident around humans, he has a exited yet fearful response which in the early stages resulted in a lot of barking and some snapping.
Although the barking is quite high in the begining with him, he does eventually calm with the introduction of good calming dogs.
This was also bears first time off lead without feeling any form of tention or restriction, free wonder, look for escape routs etc 😂.
Once he relaxed, he was able to show himself ❤️.
This was a beatiful day ❤️
#dogbehavior #anxiety #romanianrescuedog #pushingboundries
Let dogs be dogs!!!!!!!! 👌😁🐶.
This might inconvenience our day slightly but for them, this is the highlight of their day.
If we want the most out of our dogs, we have to fulfill their needs as much as possible.
I dont belive that dogs should do as their told, i believe we should build trust, respect and give them a reason to want to listen.
My training is like any other programme, my sessions are all designed personally around the dog, owners and home enviroment.
Its all well and good telling owners what is best but we have to find the place that's realistic, adapting in all areas allows us to give you the best goals while being able to be consistent.
Your goals are our priority 😊🐶
You get out what you put in!!!! 🐶👌.
I was asked for assistence working through a few issues they were facing, Just some touch ups.
But I had to take a moment to apreciate the hard work they have put in together.
This is the relationship most owners dream of but the only way it get it is countless hours of training. I have to say it was an absolute pleasure being able to assist you 😊, you have my upmost respect ❤️💪👌
Fine, I'll listen, but I'm watching that way 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.
A little tip for owners that struggle with lead walking!👌🐶😊.
Stop trying to run before you can walk. Dogs don't speak English, they have their own language. Take your words away, and teach them, before expecting them to understand the association to the words we use.
Slow it down, shut up, and stop walking forward when they pull. "they don't pull that bad" is still pulling, we want loose lead all the time. 👌
#dogtraining #nonverbalcommunication #dogbehaviour #leadwalking
Stan, the prolific lead puller.
Stan like most springers is a huge noes follower with a disire to be doing his own thing where ever he pleases.🐶
With a lot of patience and percistance we are able to create a loose lead expiernece, this doesn't mean 0 tention. It simply means no steps forward if the lead is tight.
We first have to create a positive understanding. The dog has many needs and they first need fulfilling if we want them walking by out hip.
(Progression, not perfection) . We aren't perfect and now ether is our dogs. Let them show their struggles wants and needs and work with them.
Anything can be a reward system, if it's playing with dogs then use that as your reward, don't restrict them from he things they need most.
Training is a partnership with a strong confident leader. 💪👌😊🐶
Watch as we encounter normal life distractions, we have to ubder stand before we can teach our dogs too. Really well done 😊
Mable, although nervous, was a little more simple, we swapped her almost right away to the slip lead.
For dogs that can slip into the clouds and become nervous, a slip lead can be a really effective tool to help keep them checked in. We don't use force to gain this, we use simple pressure and release and as you can see, she responded incredibly to it 😊.
As for Dooley, he's more complicated. He has certainly had a tough past, one that makes him fearful of strong characters, men in particular.
We don't (fix the dog) in these moments, it's more about fixing the communication from the human, to allow the dog first to understand he's safe.
No real training can start until we can first communicate effectively.
Again we opted for the slip lead for Dooley and it has been a wonderful option again.
Don't allow trainers to manipulate your emotions while spreading misinformation around equipment.
These dogs are highly anxious, if we use any amount of force, they will not respond and shut down.
This is the opposite and has given these wonderful owners hope they never thought they would have ♥️
#dogtraining #rescuedog #nonverbalcommunicationskills #dogbehaviour #severeanxiety #nonverbalcomunication #romanianrescue #dogbehavior
The rules and boundaries of play is different from dog to dog.
None verbal communication is for me the most nateral form of communication for a dog. This is my most favoured way to train and interact with aa dog.
The play bow is just such an amazing thing to watch, it fills my soul ❤️.
#nonverbalcomunication #playbow #rulesofplay #dogbehavior
Bobby will be joining us again!!! ❤️
My mother is recovering incredably well after her brain surgery, that women has wolf blood in her 💪♥️.
But while she's still finding her feet, Bobby will be joining the team. How blessed to have him back with me for soem walks and supporting many of your beautiful anxious dogs 😍.
Bobby is the most fantastic dog for anxious dogs. He helps relieve all the fears they may have by displaying all the correct comunication when fear based aggression is presented, he stops early on the great, he looks to me for reassurance before he makes his next steps, then in the right moment he will either disengage, turn to pasent his rear (this is a vulnerable position for a dog, and displays a sign of no threat) or he will stay still.
Each reaction is a form of comunication, not all dogs are able to comunication effectively, it's vital we help dogs be dogs also.
Dogs are a blessing and Bobby got the memo, we are either in a position to educate or be educated, play the game right and the world is a much better place ♥️.
Welcome back boy 😍💪
Just a few little vids from the last few months
Mr I want to greet everyone, taking his first steps through the town centre.
He has a nateral want to look and explore give enough freedom look and take it in and just a gentle nudge to relieve lead tention.
Are only goal is loose lead 👌, great job 💪
Jest to let everyone know, my inbox will be open over the Christmas period.
Its a really tough time of year for some so if you need any advice or just a chat because you're feeling down, don't hesitate to drop me a message .❤️
Big love to you all ❤️
We have all seen Riley dog working on her lead skills and reactivity.
Now let's take a look at all the fun that comes with working line dogs, this is all super easy, it just requires lots of time, fun and patience.
I felt our connection the moment I stepped into her home, this was destined to be something amazing ❤️
I've really fell in love with her, I wonder if her owner would notice if I sneak her out in my coat on the next visit 🙄😂😍
She's was a keen car chaser, now exploring the busy main roads with such little reactions.
Working lines have extreamly high stimulation needs.
If you don't first help your dog to fulfil them, don't expect them to do what you want.
Dogs need help and guidence, a use of a slip lead should be such gentle pressure, you can use it on 1 finger. Any need for force and you don't understand the equipment.
She's really coming along ❤️
Why do i never charge for overtime ?
The extra 15 - 20 mins that runs over on a session could be the most important in terms of building a relationship or really reinforcing the work you have done that hour
For me this is the quality service that keeps word of mouth flowing. My dedication to your dogs future is next to none.
Im as invested as you are. I will do what ever it takes to help your dog have thw life they deserve.
Big barking bear!! 🐻🐶.
Our sessions aren't perfect but they are real.
Bear is extreamly vocal and is a nervous snapper. They had a little telling of with each other prior, so the conversation had already started.
The problem isnt the reaction, the proboem is our reaction.
The dogs set boundries and we continue the walk as normal. Finish on a positive, don't remove the dogs completely
We have to put our dogs in situations they perceive as dangerous so that we can change the understanding.
Dont hide your dogs from the world, they deserve more ❤️🐶
#animals #anxietysupport #anxiety #dogtrainer #dogbehaviourist #dogbehaviour #socialising
I always feel privileged when life long friends decide to use my service.
Having that trust before we get started means less work on the humans and all go for the furry butts.
We are just trialing some rewards for this crazy little car chaser, treats are justb1 rewards system. Shes doing so fantastic 😍
Collies are incredable, they may seem like they are bonkers but slow it down , let them take it all in, then really work them. They love to do a good job, that's what makes them so special ❤️🐶 x
Are you somone who suffers with anxiety, depression or ADHD?
Is finding a trainer willing to adapt to your needs just as important as finding the right trainer for your dogs needs?
At Its Not So Ruff, we don't focus on the dogs, we focus on the whole household, we look to see how we can improve all aspects of life through our training.
The truth is our dogs are only as good as we are. We have to learn to be our dogs trainer.
That's why we have developed a training style that's suits all dogs and owners who are willing to do the work.
We can help every dog but if you don't want to do the work, we can't help every owner.
Enquire today and find out why we are the most recommended dog behaviour company in Northwich ☺️🐶.
This was a great morning session involving the young ones. Training doesn't have to be a chore 🤩
#anxietyrelief #DepressionIsNotAJoke #dogtrainer #achievingtogether
Some people see big dogs and cross a road.
I see big reactive dogs and I see the innocence, that's just looking for guidence.
Dogs don't act in a way to be bad, or nasty. They simply react in ways they know and feels familiar.
Even as "intelligent humans" we repeat mistakes, sometimes we may feel it's easier to be in the same bad situation than try something where you don't know the outcome.
But this is garanteed failure, push boundaries, be a little uncomfortable and with it, you will help teach the world is safe.
We owe it to dogs to change the teachings, not to hide them from the world ❤️.
All dogs deserve a chance at success, what are you willing to do to help them?
#reactivedogs #dogbehaviourtraining #pushboundaries