More tractor Ted action 😁
Not bad for a 47 year old…….Ted that is, not me sadly 😂
Video of said power Harrow in action 💪 😊
Power Harrowing
We power Harrow the grass free track every May, just to get rid of any stubborn shoots that have survived over winter.
Normally a lovely local farmer does this for us but this year we have invested in the kit ourselves to give us more flexibility.
If you’re relying on someone else to do it, I would recommend waiting for a prolonged forecast dry spell so that any shoots dug up, will die off in the sun 👌🥰
Track life
Track life……this time, hopefully, the right way up 🤦♀️😂
Quest deciding the tigers have gone and it’s safe to join the boys 🥰
Track opening
Reopening the main grass free track…..Quest letting the boys get eaten first 🙅♀️😂
The residents on this track are either recovering laminitics and/or have EMS……doesn’t stop them enjoying track life 💗
Was it a dream 😳
Was it a dream 🤔…..Just a few days ago, blue sky, sunshine and an almost dry grass free track 🤦♀️ looking a little differently now but all still out enjoying themselves 🙅♀️
(Caveat - these are our grass track dwellers lending assistance over winter to help trash the grass free track for their mates 🥰)
Living out
Very sensible ponies as the humans brave not just rain but hail this morning 🤦♀️😂😂😂 they chose to stay on the hard standing and munch hay 😁
I think it’s safe to say hysteria is now definitely setting in but better to laugh than cry and at least the ponies are still happy and oblivious 😘
Our “raging” brook!! One of many contributing factors that enables us to keep our horses out 24/7, 365 days a year - no matter what the weather throws at us! Freedom, Forage, Friends …..always 💗 #horsetracksystem #horsetracklivery #barefoothorse #horseslivingout #naturalhorse
Track life……..what else are you supposed to do in a sandpit 🙅♀️😘
The Zujack love affair continues 💗