Spot On Dog Groomers Redcar

Spot On Dog Groomers Redcar NEW GROOMING SHOP OPENING 1st SEPTEMBER 2020
79 Station Road REDCAR! Please call or message to book an appointment or if you have any enquiries!


Morning 😊

After having a few no shows especially today we have made the decision that after Christmas all bookings will need a 50% deposit to secure your booking.

I really didn't want to do this as 98% of my customers are amazing and give me notice when having to cancel which then gives me enough time to look at cancellation list and fill the appointment slot but just that small minority of people who give no notice and just don't turn up.

We will also be getting rid of the card machine after Christmas as this is becoming more expensive each month to run and I don't want to have to increase your grooms again.
Will be cash only or bank transfer but bank transfer will have to be done before leaving the salon as again a few people say I have no signal can I do it when get home and I have allowed this and have at least 5 people who just never bothered to pay which in return is a huge chunk of money lost.

We will be finishing on the 19th this year and we have a few slots where we can squeeze you in as doing quite alot of late nights but be quick because once there gone there gone and I will not be adding an extra days like I usually do.

The shop will be restocked over Christmas period ready for January, it's taken a long time to re stock the shop part after being broken into 2 years ago and them taking everything.

One last thing we are adding dog walking to our services, this will only be 3 days a week and have 2 very knowledgeable ladies who have taken this opportunity. Full details will be put on in due course
Thankyou 😊


🐶 Appointments 🐶

We have a few appointments left for November as added a few late evenings through the month.

Book now to avoid disappointment

Thankyou 😊


❗Notice ❗

Anyone who has an appointment on Saturday and into the next week, will be cash or bank transfer at time of appointment, the card machine is down, hoping to have it sorted by next week.

Thankyou 😊


Added 2 extra days next week for late nights, Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th

Thankyou 😊


We have decided to do another late night tomorrow and Saturday. We have had a few cancellations for this week.

I have tomorrow at 2.30pm, 3.30pm 4pm and 5pm available and the same for Saturday

Thankyou 😊


I have been on just 3 and 4 days a week for a while due to personal reasons but with Xmas coming very soon I have opened a few extra days in November as I will be finishing early this year for Xmas.

2nd Nov @ 12pm, 1.30pm
3rd Nov @ 11am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm and 2.30pm
9th Nov @ 12.30pm
14th Nov @ 1.30pm
16th Nov @ 11am, 12.30pm
24th Nov @ 1pm and 2.30pm


🐕 Notice 🐕

We have added some late nights to our December appointments.

Book now to avoid disappointment


🐶December appointments🐶

Could anyone who hasn't booked their Christmas 🎁 appointment, please do so, we have a few left but I am pretty booked up until end of January. I have decided I will be finishing on 19th December this year.

Thankyou ☺️


Now the school holidays are over I will be resuming to my normal hours and days. I will still be limiting my days to only 3 or 4 days a week until probably after Christmas and New year.

We only have limited appointments available until the new year now, I will get back to everyone messages and missed calls this week.

Once I have got back to everyone who has messaged I will put some availability on my page.



❗Polite Notice ❗

With it being the summer holidays I always take time off to spend with my daughter. I will get back to everyone when I return tomorrow and Tuesday.

I most definitely won't be answering phone calls and messages at stupid o'clock in morning or night. My time away from work is to be spent with my daughter and only my daughter. We do not have any appointments available until September now and I can't even squeeze anyone in until the kids go back to school.

If I don't answer your phone call on the first or 2nd try it is not acceptable to carry on ringing up to 15 times one after the other and then send ???? In a message especially new customers.

I have had to remind people and write the same status several times over the last 2 years. My daughter will always come above opening the salon for whatever reason it may be. So politely if you can't get me on a phone call please send a text staying who you are and what you would like and once I return to work I can go through messages and get back to everyone.



🐶 August appointments 🐶

12th @ 1pm (full groom) (fully booked)
18th @ 12.30pm, 1.30pm (full groom) (fully booked)
22nd @ 1pm (bath and tidy) (fully booked)
29th @ 12.30pm, 1.30pm (full grooms)

Will post September appointments near to end of August but September is filling up aswell.

Book now to avoid disappointment




After getting disheartened 2 years ago when our salon was broken into and taking majority of what was in the shop part. I said I would never replace the stock and have another shop.

We have been asked so many times about the shop part and I have always said no but I think over the summer we will have about 2 weeks off to restock the front of the shop and make some changes within the salon.

Just putting the feelers out to see if you as customers this is something you would want aswell?
What would you like to be sold?
What would you buy?

Let me have some feedback



Morning 🌞

Can I remind everyone to be on time today and if I get into the salon this morning and there is no air in there, I will be promptly cancelling appointments. It has been warm like it is now since 5.45am and will only get hotter so the same as last week I will make my decision when I arrive at work



The salon is staying nice and cool at the minute so all appointments are as normal still. Can I remind all customers to be on time and promptly collect your dog so he/she isn't waiting around for a long time to be picked as the weather is quite hot.

I will continue to check the temperature 🌡️ in the salon daily and make an informed decision on a day to day basis




With the weather getting warmer every day can people be careful with their dogs. When dropping dogs off for their appointments today can everyone be on time and will you all please be prompt when collecting.

The salon does reach a considerable heat even with the fans etc on, I will be doing the same as last year if the heat in the salon hits a certain temperature with fans on unfortunately I will have to cancel and rebook. It is not fair on the dogs to be in a salon and under dryers and being messed around with on the table when they should be at home where they can keep cool and cool mats if you have them.




I have had several missed calls and messages yesterday and today.

I will get back to everyone over the next day or two. My daughter went for op yesterday which didn't go to plan so please bare with



❗ Notice❗

As I have a close relationship with 99% of my customers who have become friends people will know last 3 years hasn't been easy for my daughter.

As most know she is ADHD and ASD and struggles with school and day to day life has become increasingly difficult for her. We thought we were past the school avoidance but it has crept back since her specialist school pushing a little too hard so I've had to have days off, cancel appointments which everyone has been amazing about and I have tried my best to get everyone back in straight away.

We had a gorgeous holiday and I realised being self employed is better for her as I can pick and choose and work around my daughters needs but as my business has increasingly grown to where I didn't think we would be so soon or as quick and therefore having to work some weeks 6 and 7 days, it has taken my eye off the ball to my daughter's needs/ emotions and so on so from end of may I am going to reduce my days to 3 maybe 4 days a week so if I have to cancel any days then I have a quick alternative of getting everyone in that week and to also be on standby if my daughter needs me. I will get everyone in as I can on these days and here and there will creep to 5 days if need be but I feel at this moment in time my daughter and her needs come before work.

I apologize to anyone now if this isn't what you wanted to hear or see but I will try my best to keep everyone happy,
I will not be closing just reducing the days for a few months and see how we go with the option of upping them and reducing at any time but with the diary the way it is going I will be working 7 days every week.

If it comes to it I will rent a table out to keep everyone happy 😊


I am now back in work after a week's holiday in Spain.
Sorry for anyone who has tried to contact me while away, my phone wouldn't work and had limited WiFi while away. Was such a rush coming back aswell so again sorry for the people I couldn't contact to cancel yesterday appointments. I litterally didn't have a phone until I landed in the UK.

I will try getting through all messages and missed calls.



🐶 Some dates have become available.🐶

22nd April @ 12.30, 1.30
24th April @ 12.30
25th April @ 1pm
26th April @ 1pm

1st may @ 12pm
3rd may @ 12pm
11th may @ 10.30am, 12.30pm
13th may @ 12pm

Rest of may is nearly filled but I will post more dates through April for may


I am finally COVID negative, I am still feeling very tired but alot better, thankyou to everyone who has understood about closing the salon this week, who sent get well wishes and messages I really appreciate it.

I am planning on coming back tomorrow so I will start from the 1st day I had to cancel and getting a few extra dogs in on top of ones that are booked in so please everyone if you could bare with me and I will get everyone back in and get back to all messages that have been sent about appointments. This is the 2nd time having COVID but the worst, it hasn't been kind to me this time and have been quite poorly all week.

Don't worry I will get back to everyone over next few days but please bare with me, it's my first day I have felt anything like a human lol


After feeling unwell since yesterday and waking this morning completely drained and headache from hell, I decided to tak...

After feeling unwell since yesterday and waking this morning completely drained and headache from hell, I decided to take the day off work and do a COVID test, came back positive. Think have caught it from crufts. Unfortunately I will have to take Monday and Tuesday off work and hopefully be negative very soon.
Sorry for any inconvenience to the customers and I know you don't need to stay in doors but I feel as though it's best I stay away from people, we all have loved ones to look after and protect them.


Sorry for anyone who has tried to ring, text or send message through messenger, my phone decided to break for no reason, I did have a spare but for some reason it wouldn't accept me sim card or let me get into social media.

Now have a new phone and spent hours restoring everything and finally got it all back, so for anyone who has tried to contact I will be making my way through all calls and messages over next few days

Thank you
Louisa 🙂


April appointments available.

❗️14th April @ 11am, 12.30pm ❗️(fully booked)
❗️17th April @ 11am, 12.30 and 1pm ❗️
❗️18th April , 1pm ❗️(fully booked)
❗️19th April @ 12pm ❗️
❗️24th April @ 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2pm ❗️(fully booked)

We have a few in may but not many so please make sure you book your appointment at your last groom to avoid disappointment.

As may gets out of the may and into June my weekends will be limited as our season for showing our dogs properly starts.

Thankyou ☺️

❗️Please dip your feet before entering the premises for the next couple of weeks please ❗️Thankyou ☺️

❗️Please dip your feet before entering the premises for the next couple of weeks please ❗️




We all know about the current situation and how parvo has gone around the area and dogs vaccinated and unvaccinated have passed with it. It is very contagious and is of course airborne virus.

Yesterfsy I recieved a message to say that a dog I had groomed on 3rd Feb has what they think is parvo, this dog was well on day of being groomed, no signs of illness at all, I was notified yesterday so I cancelled all appointments went got another bottle of formula H and deep cleaned everywhere, doors, walls, skirting boards, handles, equipment, dryers floors everywhere that could be scrubbed it got scrubbed.

My own dogs and customers dogs from the 3rd and up until last Friday are all fine. I also spoke to white Cross vets (redcar) yesterday for some advice told them the time frame, dates, how many dogs have been in since, what I have done what I will do and they have said is very unlikely we have been affected since my own dogs come into work every day and all fine and I have puppies and they are fine.

Everyone is welcome to use their own mind if they want to attend their appointment or not until this all calms down and I will understand, I too want to keep your pets safe but having spoken with vets who have assured me all will be fine then I will be re opening today, at the door of the salon will be a deep pan bucket with strong formula H disinfectant for you to dip your feet in before entering the premises as you can walk the virus on your shoes and clothes. I have been told by white Cross they have seen and had a few cases of parvo in the practice in the last couple of weeks and the cases are on the rise. Please be vigilant but remember even vaccinated dogs can get this.

I always like to be very open and honest with my customers and I will always do anything to protect your pets aswell as my own.



☺️ Available appointments ☺️

14th Feb @ 11am (full groom)
16th Feb @ 11.30, 1pm (Full groom)
22nd Feb @ 12 (full groom) (fully booked)
25th Feb @ 1pm (Full groom) (fully booked)

2nd March @ 1pm (full groom)
14th March @ 1pm (full groom)
24th March @ 12.30 (full groom) (fully booked)
28th March @ 12 (full groom) (fully booked)
31st March @ 10.30am, 12pm, 1pm (2 x full grooms, 1 x bath and tidy)

I will post what I have left in April towards middle of March.

Thankyou ☺️


Over the last few weeks we have had a few of our golden oldies pass over to the rainbow 🌈 🌉 Bridge, which is very sad news to us as groomers who see these dogs every 8 weeks.

This has now left spaces on our books. We now have time to take on 3 new clients. We are very limited for Feb appointments but still have a few left which I will add in a few days.

Also my mum is a microchip implanter, she has taken a break from this but is now starting back up.

Prices will be £10 a dog.
Multiple dogs owned by the same person, there will be discount price available.
Litter of puppies will be £5 a puppy and for big litters also a discount price available.

There are a few new services I am wanting to add in the upcoming months, once all sorted then will let everyone know the services available

Thankyou ☺️

❗️Dates we will be closed ❗️🐕🐾9th March - 13th March we will be closed as its crufts week and we as a family including m...

❗️Dates we will be closed ❗️

🐕🐾9th March - 13th March we will be closed as its crufts week and we as a family including my daughter will be competing for the 30th year. Especially good luck to my daughter Mia who has again for 5th year qualified for the handling. 🐾🐕

3rd April - 11th April I have booked a little sunny holiday for myself and daughter to Costa del sol.

During these dates any messages or phone calls will not be answered but will get back to everyone as soon as we are back

I will remind everyone of the dates nearer the times.

Thankyou ☺️


❗️Notice ❗️

This isn't a post I wanted to be doing so soon after Christmas and was hoping to get a few more weeks before making changes to my business.

With the increase of bills in the salon along with stock, sharpening of blades, scissors and servicing on my clippers going up aswell there will be a price increase.

Since going self employed 4 years ago I have only ever put my prices up 3 times.

On the 1st March all prices will be going up by £5, I really didn't want to be doing this but with personal issues to why I have to take days off for my daughter and the outgoings that have been increased over the last few months I need to make sure that we as a family have an income.

I am really sorry for having to do this but if I don't make the increase and things done change I will have no alternative but to close the business.

Thankyou ☺️


Station Road

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm



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