🩷 Leaving the clinic earlier today before my exciting appointment with a local Canine Acupuncturist, based at a Veterinary Surgery, who invited me to go along and learn a little more about how acupuncture works, and how it can help dogs.
We share a mutual client, and it has been so interesting from my perspective and Amy’s, how in this particular dog’s case, both modalities of canine massage and acupuncture have absolutely complimented the other, both therapies having many physiological and pschological benefits. Some benefits do cross over, but most just truly compliment the other.
This combination has allowed our canine client to enjoy life to the full again. He is a much happier, content dog, with improved behaviour, improved overall comfort and mobility, increased range of movement,and, he is really enjoying his walks again!
I feel so proud that as Therapists specialising in different areas, we can both understand that sometimes a multi-modal approach may be beneficial for the dog.
Ultimately, we want whatever works best for the canine client, helping them feel more comfortable and living their best life to the full 🥰
I’m really looking forward to the future! 🩷