Fed up of strangles pre-movement testing?
The latest data on the new Strangvac vaccine shows it provides enough protection that pre movement bloods (and worse the guttural pouch wash!) are not required in fully vaccinated horses!
Throughout JANUARY we are running a Strangvac amnesty!
Thanks to Dechra UK sponsoring this initiative, we are offering a primary course vaccine amnesty for the new strangles vaccine (Strangvac).
• Strangles Vaccine Amnesty – Second Dose given free of charge for new starters
• Sign up during January – running for one month only!
• Contact the practice for details – [email protected] 01765602396 option 3
There is a lot of information (and misinformation!) regarding the strangles vaccines out there, so for more information please call our office or speak to one of our vets!