Do you have time off this Christmas?
Could you spare a few hours in our shop?
Get in touch today 💜🐾
One happy customer with the dress 👗 we showed her she bought and loved it and looked stunning in it.
Buster popped by today with his mum Nicky, who’s one of our very valued volunteers 😍
We love our four legged visitors too and Buster was on his best behaviour and asked very nicely for his treat! 🐾😍🐾
Singing dog
Meet our new volunteer! 😊😍🐾🎄
Ruby enjoyed her visit to the shop today and didn’t want to leave! 😆🐾😍
As well as lots of lovely men’s , women’s and children’s clothing…we also stock bric a brac, books, dvds, cds, electrical items and more!
Pop in to see what we have 🤩🐾
It’s a dark and rainy morning in Wimborne, but we are still here to help brighten up your day! We have clothing for all weather conditions available in store today so pop down and have a browse!
Would you like to win this amazing Christmas cake? A great centerpiece for the table for all the enjoy!
This cake is now in Wimborne and is being raffled, £3 for a strip of tickets!
Tickets will be drawn after closing of the raffle on 17th December 🐾
Opening Morning Yesterday! 💜