Biscuits Pet Pantry

Biscuits Pet Pantry Supplying quality, affordable small pet food, treats and bedding Nationwide. (UK Based)

Product spotlight:Burgess Excel's Herby Hearts are a Timothy Hay based Heart shaped treat. Perfect for Rewarding good be...

Product spotlight:
Burgess Excel's Herby Hearts are a Timothy Hay based Heart shaped treat. Perfect for Rewarding good behaviour, a daily healthy treat and to help strengthen bonds with your Pet.
Packed with flavoursome, wholefood ingredients that are packed with functional benefits like Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Marjoram, Dill, Rosemary, Linseed, Dried Apple, Dried Carrot, Camomile, Kale and Dandelion Leaf. These treats are not only tasty and wholesome, but functional too!
All for the bargain price of £2.50!
Get yours today online or in store at

Did you know that Rabbits aren't the only animals that literally 'jump for joy'? Bunnies Binky when they're happy and ex...

Did you know that Rabbits aren't the only animals that literally 'jump for joy'? Bunnies Binky when they're happy and excited, Guinea Pigs 'Popcorn' and it's the cutest thing you'll ever see!
They jump, twist round in the air and make purring, grunting noises. This behaviour is more associated with younger animals but older ones can do it too!
Check out this cool video from

Piggies funny happy moments..Popcorning all over...!==================**Follow me around**♥ GiannaPiggies Blog

We often talk about the need to have an Exotic Vet, for some of us that's easier said than done, Exotic Vets are more ex...

We often talk about the need to have an Exotic Vet, for some of us that's easier said than done, Exotic Vets are more expensive and aren't always available locally or in case of emergency.
For this reason, the RWAF have compiled a list of all of the Rabbit Savvy Vets that meet their Criteria for appropriate practice, care and ongoing educational development.
Many Rabbit Savvy Vets are also able to offer emergency care for other Small Herbivores but it is not guaranteed so it is always best to call in advance.
Some key Questions to ask when enquiring about a new Vet Practice are:
❓Do you have a separate waiting area for rabbits?
❔ The smells and noises of other animals can be stressful for a rabbit, which is naturally a prey animal. It lowers stress if your vet has a separate room, area or even different appointment times just for rabbits.

❓Will companions be kept together?
❔This is a biggie. Bonded pairs should be kept together even if only one needs surgery. Small groups should all go if your vet will accommodate them. Why? Because it’s easier to introduce a rabbit back into the group or pair after a vet visit. And a poorly rabbit will also recover better with its buddy.

❓Do you routinely spay and castrate rabbits?
❔Look for a vet with lots of experience and a good track record in this procedure. Don’t be frightened to ask how safe it is and when they last lost a rabbit under anaesthetic.

❓What’s your anaesthetic protocol?
❔Firstly, avoid a vet nervous about anaesthetising rabbits. Secondly, some anaesthetic combinations are considered safer than others. Both injectable anaesthetic regimes on their own or used with inhaled anaesthetic are good choices. Make sure your vet is happy to discuss pain relief options, and dispense it on the day and afterwards for as long as your bunny needs it. They should also be able to spot the signs of a rabbit in pain easily.

THE biggest Red Flag is being told to withhold food before anaesthetic. This should never happen as Rabbits cannot go without food for any length of time.
you can find more information about the directory and appropriate Vets from the RWAF website here:

Do you routinely Flea and Worm your small Pets?Did you know that using treatments like aggressive spot-ons and Anti-para...

Do you routinely Flea and Worm your small Pets?
Did you know that using treatments like aggressive spot-ons and Anti-parasitics can severely shorten the life of your Animal.

Sprays like Rearguard can be useful in high risk areas.
Generally Fleas and Mites will leave Healthy, Well groomed animals living in a clean environment well alone, reducing or even eliminating the need for regular spot-on treatments.

There is a Natural, cheaper alternative that contains a good range of Vitamins and Minerals, Fibre and promotes the health of your Animal instead of attacking it.
Verm-X is a palatable, healthy Intestinal Hygeine product, formulated by one of the countries leading Holistic/ Herbalist Veterinarians to combat intestinal parasites by providing a Hostile environment for them.

It is important to remember the job of these Parasites in the wild - to w**d out the Sick and Elderly. A healthy Bun has a Healthy Immune system, something not very appealing to a Parasite.
A small bag of Verm-X should last 2 average sized Rabbits 1 Month -at just £6.60, it's well worth a try, it's not just the money you'd be saving, but the health of your Pet too!

Good Diet + Clean Environment + High standards of Care = Happy Healthy Buns!
get yours now at

The ideal home is something that we should aim for and develop over time based on what our small pets need and enjoy.Jus...

The ideal home is something that we should aim for and develop over time based on what our small pets need and enjoy.
Just like us, our Pets have their own personalities and what some like, others may not.
Part of creating the ideal habitat for them to enjoy is getting to know what they like. This takes time and will come naturally when we bond with them through things like grooming, treats, sitting with them, even simply feeding them can start to build the trust required for them to show their personality.
We have almost everything you would need to create the foundation of an ideal home for all small pets.
• A variety of Hay and straw options
• Dust extracted wood shavings
• Virgin shredded Card
• Toys
• Treats
• Forage mixes
• Natural Chew Treats
Check out your options at


🩺 September is Animal Pain Awareness Month 🩺

Just like humans, animals experience pain in various forms—surgical pain, arthritis, cancer-related pain, and more. For exotic companion mammals, this can be particularly challenging as they are prey species, meaning they often hide signs of pain and may only show subtle behavioral changes.

Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage. It’s important to remember that old age is not a disease, but pain is — and it’s treatable.

The International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management has proclaimed September as Animal Pain Awareness Month, aligning with human medicine’s Pain Awareness Month, to emphasize the importance of pain management in all animal species. There are many ways to treat pain in exotic mammals, including medications, physical rehabilitation, acupuncture, laser therapy, and therapeutic massage.

Let’s work together to ensure our exotic patients live comfortable, pain-free lives. 🐰🦔

Product Spotlight: Hay CookiesHay Cookies are a great way to provide food based enrichment using something that your Sma...

Product Spotlight: Hay Cookies
Hay Cookies are a great way to provide food based enrichment using something that your Small Pet is encouraged to eat as much as possible of - Hay!
We stock Rosewoods Hay Cookies, they come in a 1kg box and are made up of over 20 different Grasses, all working together to provide a range of nutrients and Fibre.
Hay Cookies are made by compressing layers of hay together to form a solid block, this means they have less dust and mess than traditional Hay.
Although they were intended to be a replacement for Hay to prevent dust waste and respiratory issues in smaller animals, they aren't a suitable replacement and Hay and clean water should always be available.
They come in at great value, a 1Kg Box contains around 6-8 sizeable Cookies and is only £5.35
Get yours online or in store now!

Meadow Hay Cookies 1kg - Meadow Hay Cookies. Compressed portions of high fibre, nutritious Meadow Hay.


How do I choose my vet?

All MRCVS vets are trained (all be it brief) in guinea pig care and most have the chance to further their knowledge if they choose. All vets should have access to veterinary information such as doses.

🩺Find your vet before you need one. Ask when a convenient time would be to come in and ask a few questions.

🩺A reputable local source (rescue or breeder in the Cavy Fancy) will be able to recommend vets in the area (vets as opposed to surgeries) and tell you what their specific skill is eg surgery because stitching is neat (no loose threads for guinea to pull at).

🩺What stitching does the vet use? It should be a man – made one and not cat gut. Most vets use the man–made one now but it can be disastrous if they don't.

🩺Does the vet starve guinea pigs pre–op? Guinea pigs' digestive systems need to be kept moving constantly therefore they must not be starved.

🩺All vets should know or have access to finding out, the doses for pain relief and common guinea pig friendly antibiotics.

🩺 Antibiotics can be very harsh on the digestive system, a guinea pig knowledgeable vet will talk to you about using probiotics to re-establish good gut flora.

🩺 Ask your vet how many guinea pigs are registered them. Guinea pigs are a popular pet, there should be some!

🩺Be respectful, some vets prefer larger animals.

🩺By using your local recommended vet you are promoting good veterinary care in the community. Vets cannot improve (if they need to) if people don't use them.

🩺 Always feedback to your vet. Good feedback and constructive feedback is always so useful.

🩺 Unfortunately vets cannot do magic, sometimes it wasn't meant to be. 😕 Feedback to your vet on the death and how guinea pigs need to be offered the chance to acknowledge death. You and your guinea pig have done their bit for Pigdom 😊 ⭐

📷 Ellie, a senior pig of at least 6 1/2
Ellie has never needed to see a Vet.

New Product!We've just this week managed to get some Echinacea in the form of Chopped and Seived Whole Plants!There is a...

New Product!
We've just this week managed to get some Echinacea in the form of Chopped and Seived Whole Plants!
There is a range of Vitamins, Minerals, a good source of Fiber when using the whole plant.
Echinacea has been used for centuries to Enhance Immune Function, Stimulate Immune response to Seasonal Illnesses and Promote Wound Healing.
It also contains Anti-Microbial Properties, making it great for Intestinal Health.
The stems are great for Dental Health whilst the Leaves and Flowers promote natural foraging behaviours.
Priced at £2.85 for 100g, you'd be hard pressed to find better prices!
available now at

🐰👀👁🐇Image Credit : Tamsin Stone - The Rabbit HouseA Rabbit's Eyes are it's second most important Sense. They  can't quit...

Image Credit : Tamsin Stone - The Rabbit House
A Rabbit's Eyes are it's second most important Sense. They can't quite see the same colour range as us but have a much wider field of view and much better night vision.
There are a number of different things to watch out for regarding Eye Health:

- Vitamin A levels in the diet - Vit A is the name given to a group of compounds that are essential for Eye development and overall health.
- Blocked Tear Ducts - When Rabbits are fed things that they shouldn't really have, one way the body tries to excrete the toxins or compounds that can't be absorbed is through the Tear Duct, this can cause discharge. If the Discharge becomes too thick, it can block the Tear Duct, causing painful swelling and if left untreated can actually lead to the Eye being lost altogether.
- Dental abcsesses - Dental issues cause an abcsess to form and put pressure on the Eye socket from underneath or behind. This can also lead to blocked Tear Ducts and can cause the eye socket to rupture.

Feeding a good range of colourful forage provides a wide array of Vitamins and Minerals, most Pigments found in plants are easily converted to Vitamin A when Digested.
If you start to notice a 'Bulge' or any form of Discharge in or around your Rabbits Eyes, seek veterinary help immediately from a Rabbit Savvy Vet.

Rabbit's Ears have evolved over time to be their main form ofenvironmental input, as they tend to live in warrens or bur...

Rabbit's Ears have evolved over time to be their main form ofenvironmental input, as they tend to live in warrens or burrows in the wild and graze in protected, longer grass areas, they need to be able to hear predators approaching from a distance.

In domesticated Rabbits, this can cause issues, especially with Lop Eared Buns. Lop Eared Buns are at a much higher risk of inner ear infection due to their drooped Ears preventing proper ventilation to the inner Ear.
These infections aren't easy to see when visually inspecting and in many cases, won't be picked up outside of an X-Ray.
One of the many reasons to ensure you use a Rabbit Savvy Vet!
Aside from inner Ear infections, it is quite easy for Rabbits to damage their outer Ears if their Claws aren't clipped regularly or properly, or if they manage to get something like a grass seed stuck inside. This is one of many reasons to ensure you check your Rabbit over visually as often as possible, keeping an eye out for excessive fuss over one Ear or head tilt/excessive shaking.
As always, if you're concerned, get in touch with your Vet or a local Rescue for advice, the cost of a consultation far outweighs the cost of extensive treatment or operations.


Remember a hutch is never enough 😢

So many rabbits spend their entire lives behind bars 💔

It's super easy to grow your own plants and herbs to feed your Small Pets.We've been growing Lemongrass, Roses, Spinach,...

It's super easy to grow your own plants and herbs to feed your Small Pets.
We've been growing Lemongrass, Roses, Spinach, Rocket and Strawberries for ours for a couple of years now. Many of these plants can be purchased as already established shrubs from your local supermarket.
Some favourites in our house are:

Basil 🍃 - This is a very beneficial herb to feed daily, just including a few leaves can provide Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and can even prevent the growth of bacteria on Dental Plaque.

Lemongrass - We've been growing Indian Lemongrass for a year now, It's fragrant, Thick blades are great for wearing down teeth and the oils provide an Anti-Parasitic effect. this has been especially useful with outside Buns, providing a safe, Fly and Mozzy free environment for them.

Plantain - Plantain is a firm faveourite wether fresh or dried and is readily available to forage in the wild as well as in your own back garden. Also called Ribgrass, Plantain has a wide leaf that is full of beneficial Fibre and the Stems are great for dental hygiene. It also contains reasonable amounts of Vitamins A and C - great for overall immune function. Calcium and Potassium also benefit Bone and Muscle health.

Check out our Info Center online for more info about beneficial plants.

Hoppy Friday! We hope you're all enjoying the nice weather for the Bank Holiday Weekend! We've got plenty of stock onlin...

Hoppy Friday! We hope you're all enjoying the nice weather for the Bank Holiday Weekend!
We've got plenty of stock online at
And in store at Naturally Healthy Pets open tomorrow from 11-6.30pm for all your animal needs!

We quite often worry when we see weird and wonderful colours in our Rabbits Urine. Most of these colours are nothing to ...

We quite often worry when we see weird and wonderful colours in our Rabbits Urine. Most of these colours are nothing to worry about though, they are simply an indicator of what they've been eating recently.
These charts are a handy go to if you're worried about the colour of your Rabbit or Guinea Pig's Urine. The only time to really worry is if they are struggling to go or if there is a white, sludgy appearance to it, this could be an indication of Bladder Sludge. Sometimes there is a white colour, that's o.k. as Rabbits and Piggies don't metabolise Calcium in the same way we do, they have to excrete any excess via their Kidneys, too much can cause issues.
If you are concerned about the appearance then speak to your Rabbit Savvy vet and get a second opinion. In the meantime it's best to avoid any Greens with a high Calcium Content just to be safe.


There has been some discussion about beetroot—it’s the leaves that are the concern due to their high oxalate content.

There are such a large range of Pellets available on the Market today that it can be quite a minefield to find which one...

There are such a large range of Pellets available on the Market today that it can be quite a minefield to find which ones are good, let alone which ones suit your Pet's the best.
The main things to look for in any Herbivores Pellets are Fibre, Calcium and that they are the most boring looking, single item, Pellet.

The Pellets we choose should have a relatively Small ingredients list, should have a moderate level of Fibre, and a low level of Calcium.
The Fibre and Calcium are essential for good health but also come in high amounts in most fresh foods and Hay, so there will be ample supply outside of Pellets.

One of the most damaging things we can feed isn't Seeds or other innapropriate items commonly sold for small pets. It's Muesli style mixes, not only do these mixes contain colourful bits that are there to appeal to our eyes and our subconcious tendancy to Anthropomorphise our Pets wants and behaviour. They also split the necessary nutrients for a complete food across multiple items in the mixture. This encourages selective feeding, as most of the colourful ingredients are high sugar, high starch items that have very little nutritional value, they are just there to bulk out the mix and trick you into thinking that your Pet really likes the food as they go mental on a sugar high.

Selective feeding leads to nutritional imbalances, which, in turn, leads to a multitude of health issues.
So, the most important thing to look out for is: THE Most Boring looking Pellet on earth, preferably with Hay as the first thing on the ingredient list.

NEW PRODUCT'S🐇🐹🐰🌸🫑🌹🥀🌷We've expanded our range AGAIN! Selective Naturals treat Range come in the form of Timothy Hay base...

We've expanded our range AGAIN!
Selective Naturals treat Range come in the form of Timothy Hay based Sticks and Loops, formulated using the finest natural ingredients with added fruit or forage ingredients to make them 'functional', providing an enticing, diet enriching experience for your Small Pets.
Little one's Meadowgrass bowls are very popular and we run out regularly so they've been restocked, at the same time we've got in their Veggie Pizza to try out. Both made from Compressed Meadow Hay and filled with some tasty forage, Fruit and/or Veg, making them a tasty, enriching treat that also improves Dental hygeine and wears those every growing teeth down!
Get yours online or in store now!

Product SpotlightDried Salads Range 🥗Relaxing SaladOur dried salads range is perfect for feeding daily and providing tha...

Product Spotlight
Dried Salads Range 🥗
Relaxing Salad
Our dried salads range is perfect for feeding daily and providing that little bit extra support for your small pet.
The Relaxing Salad is made up of Flowers 🌹Leaves🍃 and Herbs🌿, all specially selected for not just their nutritional profile, but their Function too. It comprises of:
Echinacea, Dandelion Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Rose Flowers, Chamomile Flowers, Lemon Balm & Lavender.
All of these ingredients boast calming and relaxing properties, as well as a good range of vitamins, Minerals and Fiber, all essential for keeping little furry friends happy and healthy!
Get yours online or in store today!


As you schedule your next vet exam and play pirates, remember to regularly check for abnormalities in your rabbit's eyes! Your vet will check, but the sooner you catch a problem, the faster it can be resolved, or at least stop it from getting worse.

You wouldn't want your bun needing an eye patch!


The presence of permethrin in a brand of cat flea control products, it’s worth reviewing the situation for rabbits.


A study in 1999, showed that largely hutch-bound rabbits had significantly lower Vitamin D levels than rabbits with ad-lib access to a run.


Chestnut Lane


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