First time a young Labrador has been off lead in a high distraction environment. Notice the engagement with the handler. The dog has every opportunity to run off to the horizon, but he doesn’t. Responsible dog ownership, keeping your dog safe, wildlife safe and not interfering with anyone else’s dog. #Ardo.
Testing a young Labradors recall at dusk when a lot of prey animals are coming out of to eat. #Ardo, # keepingyourdogsafe#keepingwildlifesafe
Recall with a dog that is not motivated by food or toys. How do we achieve this?
A little bit of search work with the ball. Fulfilling the dog’s desires to hunt. Stimulating him mentally and physically.
Continuation of previous reel. Heel work in town.
Heel work(loose lead walking)
High drive dog enjoying off lead freedom. There are no short cuts or quick fixes in training. It takes a lot of time and successful repetitions of the exercise.
Apologies for not posting for a while. It’s been a very busy summer, and I’ve had a holiday 😎. Reliable recall in any given situation.#Ardo#recall
Emergency STOP! A useful behaviour to teach your dog, as it is not always possible to recall. #ardo
Keep all prey animals safe, livestock and wildlife. If this can be achieved through positive only training, please show me as I am still willing to learn new skills and techniques. Please provide video evidence to show me. #ardo. What is better? A dogs prey drive being controlled by an e collar or the dog shot and killed by the farmer for livestock worrying and the dog killing his lambs and ewes?
Controlling predatory drive with a high prey driven dog. This can be achieved with any dog. Positive only training will NOT achieve this. If it can please show me. #ardo
E collar training for a high drive dog safe around small furries. This is video evidence of how predatory behaviour can be humanely suppressed. No editing, live videos. Don’t believe the lies that you’re told by certain organisations. Please show me on video, how predatory behaviour can be controlled by positive only food rewards.