
Vetimed Vetimed is an online retailer of Veterinary Medication and Pet Products. Vetimed is an Online Veterinary Dispensary.

We supply veterinary drugs and pet products at low prices. We pledge to offer excellent customer service plus free delivery! Veterinary Trained staff are happy to answer any general healthcare questions you may have about your pet. However for specific advice about your pet’s health, especially if he/she is unwell, you should seek advice from your own vet. If your vet suggests some treatment you c

ould always ask for a prescription and then visit our website to obtain it. Because we have fewer running costs than a Veterinary Practice we are able to supply the same medications and other pet products at very much lower prices. Our premises have been inspected by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons who ensure that medicines are obtained, stored and dispensed in accordance with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate. All our medicines are genuine UK sourced products of the highest quality.

Did you know that 62% of pet owners were considering buying their pets a Christmas present last year? What about this ye...

Did you know that 62% of pet owners were considering buying their pets a Christmas present last year? What about this year? Are you buying your furry friend a gift?

At, you can find plenty of gift ideas, such as:

🎁 Toys to keep them entertained, physically active and mentally stimulated
🎁 Pheromones to keep them calmer
🎁 Health products, such as dental kits and parasite prevention treatments

Let us know in the comments what you’ll be gifting your pet! πŸ‘‡

Do you share your life with a furry friend battling diabetes? 🐾 November marks Pet Diabetes Month, a time to shine a lig...

Do you share your life with a furry friend battling diabetes? 🐾 November marks Pet Diabetes Month, a time to shine a light on the unwavering dedication required to care for a diabetic pet. πŸ‘

Managing diabetes in your pet demands time, commitment, insulin injections, mindful dietary choices, and routine vet check-ins. πŸ’‰πŸ₯— We provide support to you and your pet by offering a comprehensive range of resources for your diabetic companion.

Head over to our website πŸ‘‰

Caring for your senior pet: Our tips inside 🐾 -

Caring for your senior pet: Our tips inside 🐾 -

🐾 November is National Senior Pet Month! 🐾 Let's celebrate our wise and wonderful senior pets this month. πŸŽ‰They've been ...

🐾 November is National Senior Pet Month! 🐾

Let's celebrate our wise and wonderful senior pets this month. πŸŽ‰They've been with us through thick and thin, and now it's our turn to provide them with the love and care they deserve in their golden years.

Here are some ways to support your senior pet:

🐾 Regular vet check-ups
πŸ’– Plenty of love and attention
🏑 Comfortable living space (you may want to consider non-slip mats and ramps)
πŸ₯— Tailored nutrition/gentle exercise (we provide a wide range of pet food over on our website)

Share your tips for pampering your senior pets in the comments! 🐾

If you've recently made a purchase through Vetimed, we'd love to hear about your experience! Your reviews and testimonia...

If you've recently made a purchase through Vetimed, we'd love to hear about your experience! Your reviews and testimonials are incredibly valuable, not just to us but to fellow pet owners too. 🀝

Leaving a review helps us:

βœ… Improve our service
βœ… Assist fellow pet owners
βœ… Enhance the pet care community

So, please take a moment to leave a review and let us know how we've contributed to your pet's well-being.


We'll start! One of our team member’s cats is well known for ALWAYS rearranging the sheets after making the bed 🀭😹

We'll start! One of our team member’s cats is well known for ALWAYS rearranging the sheets after making the bed 🀭😹

As pet owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry friends! 🐢🐱 Have you ever considered an alternative, holistic ...

As pet owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry friends! 🐢🐱 Have you ever considered an alternative, holistic approach to support their health and well-being? 🌱

Discover the world of natural remedies with Dorwest, offering a range of products packed with wholesome, herbal ingredients. 🌿

Explore the full Dorwest product range on the Vetimed website and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier pet. πŸ•πŸŒΌπŸˆ


As the temperature drops, let's make sure our tiny furry pals, like guinea pigs and rabbits, stay safe and warm: 🏠 Creat...

As the temperature drops, let's make sure our tiny furry pals, like guinea pigs and rabbits, stay safe and warm:

🏠 Create a cosy shelter by putting an old blanket or duvet over their hutch/run.
πŸ›οΈ Provide extra bedding throughout the winter months to keep them warm.
πŸ₯— Maintain their balanced diet to keep their energy up.
🌞 Allow some daily exercise, even in chilly weather.

Let's make this winter a safe and happy season for our beloved small pets! Share your own tips in the comments.

Shielding your furry friends: Essential firework season tips inside! πŸŽ† -

Shielding your furry friends: Essential firework season tips inside! πŸŽ† -

Raise your virtual hand if you and your dog love autumn walks! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ• Taking your dog to the park and letting them ru...

Raise your virtual hand if you and your dog love autumn walks! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ•

Taking your dog to the park and letting them run around rummaging through the fallen leaves is a fun weekend activity for both you and your pet!

But to make sure this doesn’t end in an unexpected trip to the vets, be mindful of their safety!

If you see any horse chestnut trees, keep your dog on their lead and make sure they don’t pick up any conkers from the ground.

Conkers are poisonous to dogs if ingested and can make them very sick, ⚠️ If you believe your dog has inadvertently eaten a conker, don’t hesitate to contact your vet.

Safe walks, everyone! πŸ‚

We know that every snapshot of our furry friends deserves at least three Oscars and a Pulitzer. And that’s just for star...

We know that every snapshot of our furry friends deserves at least three Oscars and a Pulitzer. And that’s just for starters! (The rest of the awards can come later πŸ†)

However, some of them are really outstanding and go into that special gallery of spectacular pet photos.

Give us those pics you think are definitely award-winning material 🀳 πŸ‘‡

How to embrace the autumn with your dog πŸ‚πŸΎ As the seasons change, it's essential to ensure our furry friends stay active...

How to embrace the autumn with your dog πŸ‚πŸΎ

As the seasons change, it's essential to ensure our furry friends stay active and happy year-round. Physical activity helps support your dogs' overall health, protects their joints, and provides stimulation and enjoyment.

Here are a few ideas to keep your dog's tail wagging this winter:

🐢 Go camping
🐢 Learn a new trick
🐢 Head out for a hike
🐢 Visit new dog-friendly places

Vetimed can help with our wide range of dog products, from toys to accessories to treats. Head over to the Vetimed website today πŸ”—

Halloween fun can sometimes be a bit too much for our pets, especially if they like to ghost you on a normal day! πŸ‘» The ...

Halloween fun can sometimes be a bit too much for our pets, especially if they like to ghost you on a normal day! πŸ‘»

The ruckus caused by the doorbell ringing, people coming and going, and even fireworks displays can be stressful for anxious pets, so understanding how you can help them during the festivities can give you and your pets peace of mind.

Our number one advice would be to create a cosy space for them at home that they can retreat to when they feel overwhelmed. You can also try using soothing pheromones, such as Adaptil or Feliway, to give them that extra feeling of comfort.

Visit our website to get to know more about these products πŸ”—

Did you know that foster parents can be absolutely instrumental in ensuring a dog in need finds a loving forever home? 🐢...

Did you know that foster parents can be absolutely instrumental in ensuring a dog in need finds a loving forever home? 🐢

Providing a welcoming shelter and positive contact with people can make all the difference, so we want to thank every single foster parent out there: You were there when they needed you! πŸ₯°

It’s official, fireworks season has started! πŸŽ‡ If your pet suffers from noise phobia, we understand that this is a time ...

It’s official, fireworks season has started! πŸŽ‡

If your pet suffers from noise phobia, we understand that this is a time that you both dread.

Fireworks can be frightening for our pets, causing anxiety and stress. Here are some top tips to keep them calm and safe:

🐾 Stay close: Spend quality time with your pets during fireworks displays. Your presence can provide comfort and reassurance.

🏑 Shut out the noise: Close curtains and windows to muffle the sound. Turning on calming music or the TV can help drown out the bangs.

🐢 Distractions: Keep them entertained with their favourite games or treats to take their mind off the loud noises.

🩺 Consult the Vet: If your pet's anxiety is severe, talk to your vet about potential solutions or medications.

Head over to the Vetimed website and discover our range of products that can help calm and soothe your pet πŸ”—

Does your cat seem to be sleeping more than usual? 🐈 Though autumn weather is usually inviting for a cosy nap in, if you...

Does your cat seem to be sleeping more than usual? 🐈

Though autumn weather is usually inviting for a cosy nap in, if you notice that your cat has lost interest in playful activities and is spending more time sleeping, this could be a red flag for a number of problems 🚩

This Bone and Joint Week, we are raising awareness of mobility issues in our feline friends, as they often mask signs that they might be struggling. Keep your eyes peeled for changes in their routines and behaviours, loss of appetite, decreased grooming, house soiling and difficulties moving.

Has your pet been diagnosed with a condition that affects their mobility? We can conveniently provide you with the medication prescribed by your vet, delivered directly to your home.

Dogs have remarkable hearing; this gives them a heightened sensitivity to the everyday noises we hear. 🐢 Have you ever w...

Dogs have remarkable hearing; this gives them a heightened sensitivity to the everyday noises we hear. 🐢 Have you ever wondered why your dog can hear you open a crisp packet from another room? This is why!

So, what happens when it comes to fireworks? πŸŽ‡ Firework bangs are not a familiar sound. The noise can cause dogs to perceive fireworks as a threat or potential harm. Fireworks cause stress and anxiety in many dogs, but you can help train your dog not to be scared of them through desensitisation. You can discuss this as an option with your vet.

You can also discover our wide selection products that are designed to help ease stress and anxiety over on our website πŸ”—

How to keep your pet's stronger and happier for longer 🐢🐱 -

How to keep your pet's stronger and happier for longer 🐢🐱 -

This Bone and Joint Week, we invite you to be mindful of your pets’ joints! Healthy joints are vital for all everyday ac...

This Bone and Joint Week, we invite you to be mindful of your pets’ joints!

Healthy joints are vital for all everyday activities, from the moment your dog wakes up and gets up from their bed to your lovely daily walks at the end of the day.

Visit our website and have a look at the range of products we have dedicated to joint care and arthritis:

If your pet is keen to explore and enjoys getting to know the world with their mouth, have a look around to see if you s...

If your pet is keen to explore and enjoys getting to know the world with their mouth, have a look around to see if you spot any conkers.

Conkers are the seeds of the horse chestnut tree and can be a source of problems for dogs if accidentally ingested.

πŸ‘‰ They can get stuck in the throat, posing as a choking hazard, or in the intestines and lead to an obstruction.

πŸ‘‰ They also contain aesculin, which is toxic to dogs and can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, agitation or lethargy, and even collapse.

If you see your dog eating a conker, contact your vet, and they'll let you know how to proceed!

First meetings are so important! We want to know how this fateful meeting went 🐾 πŸ§‘ Sometimes it’s love at first sight, a...

First meetings are so important! We want to know how this fateful meeting went 🐾 πŸ§‘ Sometimes it’s love at first sight, and sometimes, it might take a couple of times to realise they are your forever pet.

How did it go? Tell us in the comments!

Not every cat can be the height of poise or athleticism 🐈If your feline friend isn’t going to win any agility prizes any...

Not every cat can be the height of poise or athleticism 🐈

If your feline friend isn’t going to win any agility prizes any time soon, we want to hear from you πŸ‘‹ Show us your goofy cats!

The winter months often provide opportunities for local fireworks displays. As fireworks light up the sky, remember that...

The winter months often provide opportunities for local fireworks displays.

As fireworks light up the sky, remember that the loud noises can be distressing for our beloved pets. 🐢🐱 If you notice these signs of stress or anxiety, your pet might need some extra comfort:

🐾 Shaking or trembling
🐾 Hiding or seeking shelter
🐾 Excessive barking or meowing
🐾 Pacing or restlessness

Thankfully, you can do plenty to comfort your pet, such as creating a safe space for them, masking the noise and taking them out for an earlier walk.

We provide a range of products that can help calm anxious pets. Head over to our website or get in touch with the Vetimed team πŸ”—

If you don't have a photo, we'd love to hear a fond memory πŸ₯°πŸ‘‡

If you don't have a photo, we'd love to hear a fond memory πŸ₯°πŸ‘‡

What's bugging your pet? 🐾 -

What's bugging your pet? 🐾 -

Fireworks season and your furry friends πŸŽ† Fireworks season can be dazzling for us, but it's not always a paw-sitive expe...

Fireworks season and your furry friends πŸŽ†

Fireworks season can be dazzling for us, but it's not always a paw-sitive experience for our pets. 🐢🐱

There are plenty of ways you can help support and soothe your pet when firework displays cause distress.

Create a safe space: Set up a cosy, quiet area where your pet can retreat when fireworks start.

Stay in: Keep your pets indoors during firework displays to minimise exposure to loud noises.

Distraction: Offer toys or treats to keep their mind off the noise.

Calming aids: Consult your vet about anxiety-reducing products or medications (we provide a wide range of products that can help).

ID & Microchip: Ensure your pet's ID tags and microchip information are up to date in case they get scared and escape.

What do you do that helps your pet? 🐢🐱

Where do you usually find them? πŸ€” Flowerpots? Under the shade of a tree 🌳? Let us know!

Where do you usually find them? πŸ€” Flowerpots? Under the shade of a tree 🌳? Let us know!

Has your pet ever suffered from an eye condition? πŸ‘€ Pets are very good at hiding when they are unwell or in pain. But wo...

Has your pet ever suffered from an eye condition? πŸ‘€

Pets are very good at hiding when they are unwell or in pain. But would you recognise the signs of poor eye health in your pet? πŸ€”

Common symptoms include:

Excessive discharge
Squinting or closed eyes
Excessive tear production
Pawing or rubbing at the eye
Cloudiness or any change in the eye

You should always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your pet's eye health. 🩺

We can help support your pet with our range of eye products, from cleansing solutions, and drops to wipes.

Let's get to know all of your pets' amazing talents! πŸ€©πŸ‘‡

Let's get to know all of your pets' amazing talents! πŸ€©πŸ‘‡

Are you worried your pet has separation anxiety? 🐾 Separation anxiety can occur this time of year with children returnin...

Are you worried your pet has separation anxiety? 🐾

Separation anxiety can occur this time of year with children returning to school and adults to work.

Separation anxiety can affect dogs and cats, and it's more common than you might think.

🐢🐱 Signs may include:

Excessive barking or meowing
Destructive behaviour
Toilet accidents indoors
Restlessness when you're away

If you suspect your pet has separation anxiety, consult your vet. Medications, diffusers and behavioural support can make a world of difference.

Head to our website and discover our range of helpful products, such as Adaptil and Feliway. πŸ”—

We'll start! 🐈 When bringing home a kitten, make sure to prepare an area where they can hide if they wish to, allow them...

We'll start! 🐈 When bringing home a kitten, make sure to prepare an area where they can hide if they wish to, allow them to explore your home gradually, and do not try to force interactions! Be patient and let them come to you πŸ₯°

Autumn may bring cooler weather, but it doesn't mean tick season is over. These tiny troublemakers can wreak havoc all y...

Autumn may bring cooler weather, but it doesn't mean tick season is over. These tiny troublemakers can wreak havoc all year round πŸ•·οΈπŸΎ

Protect your pet with year-round tick prevention. Here's how:

Talk to Your Vet: Discuss the best tick prevention options for your pet's specific needs.

Tick-Repellent Products: Invest in tick-repellent products like spot-ons, collars, or oral medications.

Regular Check-Ups: Keep a close eye on your pet's fur and skin, especially after outdoor adventures.

Stay Informed: Know the signs of tick-borne illnesses and seek prompt vet care if you suspect an issue.

Remember, tick protection is a year-round commitment. Let's keep our pets happy, healthy, and tick-free! πŸ•πŸ± View our range of tick prevention products here πŸ”—

We are unveiling Urology Awareness Month...🩺 Did you know that urological issues can affect pets of all ages and breeds?...

We are unveiling Urology Awareness Month...🩺

Did you know that urological issues can affect pets of all ages and breeds?

Pets can suffer from a variety of urinary issues, disorders and diseases including:

Renal cysts
Bladder tumours

We are here to help support your pet's urinary health. We provide a wide range of products and supplements to help your pet with recovery, training/accidents or health requirements. 🐢🐱

Simply head over to our website or contact the team for support πŸ’»

Don't let autumn ticks bug your pet! πŸ‚ Ticks can sneak up on your furry pals all year round, including autumn. But fear ...

Don't let autumn ticks bug your pet! πŸ‚

Ticks can sneak up on your furry pals all year round, including autumn. But fear not; here's how you can protect your pets!

πŸ›‘οΈ Year-round defence is key: Ticks can also be active in cooler months, so don't let your guard down. Regular checks and preventive measures are a must to keep your pets tick-free and happy.

πŸ”’ Lock 'em out with trusted products: From collars to spot-on treatments, there are many effective options to shield your pets from ticks.

πŸ” Check and double-check: Give your pets a good tick-checking session after outdoor adventures. Pay extra attention to their paws, ears, and underbelly.

Let's make sure our pets enjoy the autumn vibes without the tick troubles. Share your tips and experiences below, and let's keep our furry friends safe and sound! 🍁🐢🐱

What if your pet needs medication urgently? πŸ’Š -

What if your pet needs medication urgently? πŸ’Š -

Do you usually take your pet on adventures with you? πŸ€” Before heading out, book a check-up appointment with your vet βœ”

Do you usually take your pet on adventures with you? πŸ€” Before heading out, book a check-up appointment with your vet βœ”

Keep your farm animals thriving with our extensive range of farm animal products. πŸ“πŸ„πŸ–  From digestive support to antibio...

Keep your farm animals thriving with our extensive range of farm animal products. πŸ“πŸ„πŸ–

From digestive support to antibiotics and beyond, we offer a diverse range of solutions for your farm's unique needs. πŸ’Š

Trust in our expertise and elevate the health and performance of your livestock. πŸš€ Explore our farm animal products today:

🐾 Happy International Dog Day! πŸΆπŸ’•  Did you know that a dog’s nose print is unique, much like a person’s fingerprint? ⏰🐾 ...

🐾 Happy International Dog Day! πŸΆπŸ’•

Did you know that a dog’s nose print is unique, much like a person’s fingerprint? ⏰🐾

Celebrate your loyal companion with Vetimed's wide range of toys, training and behaviour essentials, nutritious food, and more. πŸ•πŸŽ‰

Discover the best products for your furry friend at Vetimed:

Let's talk about the dangers of throwing sticks for your furry friends. 🐢While it may seem like a classic game, it can l...

Let's talk about the dangers of throwing sticks for your furry friends. 🐢While it may seem like a classic game, it can lead to serious injuries.

Sticks can impale dogs or cause shards to get stuck in their gums, leading to painful abscesses.

But worry not! There are plenty of safe stick alternatives that are perfect for dog walks. 🌳🐾

Vetimed offers a wide range of dog toys designed to keep your pup entertained and safe. Simply head over to our website and explore our variety of products πŸ”—

Food safety and taste (if given a chance) inspector for sure 😹🐢

Food safety and taste (if given a chance) inspector for sure 😹🐢


14-15 The Bluestone Centre

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm




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