March 24, 2022 marks exactly one month since we have been living in Ukraine according to the laws of war.
As it is for many institutions worldwide our main achievement in 2020 was business survival.
For six months in 2020, we were unable to conduct any commercial activity and lived only on reserves because of the lockdown. At the same time, we managed to save the entire collection of animals and support our employees. Then it seemed like a big test, after which we breathed a sigh of relief and got down to creative work.
Russia's attack on Ukraine has completely spoiled our plans.
March 24, 2022 marked exactly a month as we in Ukraine live by the laws of wartime.
Today I want to tell you about the situation in Kharkiv with our main partner, colleague and friend, the famous reptile breeder Sergey Prokopyev.
Our cooperation with Sergey lasts 27 years. We have joint breeding projects, trips to Madagascar, partnership in RHP (Responsible Herpetoculture Project), participation in conferences (including Herpeton 2019 in San Diego, USA).
It so happened that at the moment of the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine Sergei was in Turkey, and when with great
difficulty he reached Kharkov, his native village and house were in the war zone. For 30 days, in the absence of electricity, Nelly Kuzmenko, his wife and colleague has selflessly been trying to save a large collection of reptiles that has been gathering for a long time. There is only gas in the house, with the help of which Nelly heats water, bottles it and thus tries to warm her pets. For chameleons, with the help of a generator, she turns on the light for two hours a day, but the gas is already running out. Problems with feeding. The village is shelled every day.
Going to a neighbor for a bucket of grain is a feat! There is no water in the house. It can only be collected from a well. Fortunately, the neighbor helps Nelly to survive. This heroic woman still has the opportunity to leave the house and the village along the humanitarian corridor, but she cannot leave the animals! As you understand, a month for the survival of several thousand lizards in such conditions is a very risky period.
To date, Sergey Prokopyev, because of the ongoing fighting, cannot get home so far.