We had our Millie back with us today. We decided to see what we could do with a step stool. "Two on, two off" is excellent for strengthening backs, hips and shoulders.
"Pivots" for rear end awareness.
"Ball in a box" was a test of impulse control ( ball gets thrown into long grass, Millie gets to go find once she sits. - a great nose workout!)
We finished up with some "unders" and "overs"!
Personal space is not something they’ve heard of evidently….
Strange floppy yellow stick thing for practicing our “go arounds”
Barlle, Nelly, Dougal and Jackson 👏
Today, Nelly and Dougal joined us and we practised our self control and turn taking!
We found that enthusiasm was directly related to the amount of sogginess found in the tuggy toy.
Unless you're Dougal. Dougal isn't fussy about what he puts in his mouth !
Impromptu dog walk with our Little Monty.
To say he was pleased to see us would be an understatement. He was quivering with excitement and even did a little excited wee! 🤣
After an initial happy dance from Barlie, as you can see, he was quite indifferent to his little friend's advances...
Rude Boy! 😂
Hello everyone! We're having a good day today so I thought I'd share with you today's achievement of this rather large hill conquered!
A couple of months ago I would have needed a lie down just looking at it! 🤣
Definitely getting a little bit stronger each day, won't be too much longer before we're back out with some of your dogs again!
Late late late! 😳
Day 24 is our Lily Pad…🥰
Thought I would dig this out from last year for your enjoyment...
Day 22!
It’s Arthur’s turn to say hi today! 🥰
Love this one for Day 21- from Pinta and Mimi…
Cracks me up when Mimi has just about blimmin had enough of this , Pinta decides well , if she’s going , I am too!
🤣🤣🤣a VERY windy messsge from Nicky and Albert for Day 20!
A Muddy Dog message for day 19!