Uncovering Ruff start rescue uk

Uncovering Ruff start rescue uk Rescue



Well well !ā€¦.what a complete liar Eb is!Now saying mother had disappeared and thatā€™s why she took pups so they didnā€™t st...

Well well !ā€¦.what a complete liar Eb is!
Now saying mother had disappeared and thatā€™s why she took pups so they didnā€™t starve.
The video speaks a thousand words and mum was there when you took pupsā€¦.
ļæ¼Those pups looked to be a good weight and healthyā€¦.
Saying mum disappeared?? Well she has now probably went looking for her babies you stole, while she was watching you.ā€¦.
Again lying now saying pups werenā€™t 1 month old when takenā€¦ again on TikTok video she clearly puts a rough ageā€¦
Now wouldnā€™t you think šŸ¤” that someone with her experience that apparently knows everything about dogsā€¦ her own wordsā€¦ would be able to age pups???
Iā€™m sure Gilly smith will enlighten us to the reasons why.šŸ¤Ø
Eb actions are illegal in Romania..Fact!
No care what actually happened to Mum, where is she now???
Eb doesnā€™t care as she has her money makersā€¦
We will not be quiet on this!
Wrong on so many levels.ā€¦.
Eb is now begging for money again.ā€¦ PLEASE!ā€¦donā€™t donate as you will facilitating this animal ABUSER!ā€¦

Amazing and if this doesnā€™t prove to her followers then nothing will. FIRST FOREIGN PERSON IN ROMANIA TO BE CONVICTED!

Amazing and if this doesnā€™t prove to her followers then nothing will. FIRST FOREIGN PERSON IN ROMANIA TO BE CONVICTED!

Detailed post by Anni is linked to in the comments.

You will no doubt remember the young pups, believed to be 4-5 weeks old who were removed from their mother by Ruff Start Rescue.
The removal was videoed for TikTok and clearly showed the mother dog beside the ā€˜rescuerā€™ and yet the mother was left and only the pups taken.
Anni Pető reported the incident in Romania and finally a decision has been made!
Anni must be congratulated for her ongoing battle to combat welfare issues in rescue despite the backlash she receives!

Apparently, the decision is the first of itā€™s kind in Romania where a foreign citizen has been convicted and fined for cruelty to animals by separating pups from their mother.

Translation provided by Anni-

,, As a result of your referral to the Arad County Police Inspectorate and Registered at the Animal Protection Office with the above number, we communicate to you that, as a result of the extension of the checks in question were ascertained: -according to art. 14, para. 2, letter. A of GEO 155/2001 on the approval of the Management Program of dogs without owner, represents a crime and is punished by imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years or with a criminal fine from 1000 to 10,000 lei and the confiscation of dogs, the act of not respecting The provisions of art. 6, para. 2, as well as cruelty to animals prev. of art. 6 para. 2 of the Law no. 205/2004 on animal protection. Regards, In view of the antented ones, we communicate to you that facts have been found in this case of a criminal nature, the police officers of the Animal Protection Office drawing up report of notification ex officio, to be carried out in this case investigations regarding the commission of the crime provided and punished by art. 14, para. 2, letter. A of GEO155/2001 on program approval for managing dogs without a master, in relation to art. 6, para. 2, lit K of Law no. 205/2004 regarding animal protection. We manifest our willingness to intervene at the requests and notifications regarding the duties or The competences of the Romanian Police and we assure you of the promptness of our interventions."

Cat The VetRSPCA (England & Wales)Dr Lisa Cameron MPAnimal and Plant Health Agency

Stray pack pups. 27th January these pups were roughly 4 weeks old. Making them 11 weeks oldWell what did someone see on ...

Stray pack pups.
27th January these pups were roughly 4 weeks old.
Making them 11 weeks old
Well what did someone see on the 10th March??
A rescue Advertising them as 4 months old and ready to adopt, when in fact they were only 10 weeks old.
Itā€™s all there in black and white.

Legal minimum age to import to UK is 16 weeks.

Transparency regarding public funds. Very little transparency Iā€™d say, 1340 Ron is the equivalent to Ā£238. What has the ...

Transparency regarding public funds.
Very little transparency Iā€™d say, 1340 Ron is the equivalent to Ā£238.
What has the rest been spent on??
Every receipt should be shown not just snippets to keep people happy.
So out of Ā£820 youā€™ve shown receipts for Ā£238.

Alfie dumped in the same kennels as the 3 stray pack, apparently the place is good with bully breeds.Brilliant training ...

Alfie dumped in the same kennels as the 3 stray pack, apparently the place is good with bully breeds.
Brilliant training using a prong collar, as seen in the picture of the Doberman at the same facility.
It maybe legal in Romania but it doesnā€™t make it right.
Just because thatā€™s how they do it in Romania doesnā€™t mean you follow and support such barbaric training methods.
Poor Alfie!

More lies!ļæ¼3 of the stray pack that apparently are in foster are actually in kennels.Why lie??Ā£150 a month for 3 dogā€™s T...

More lies!
ļæ¼3 of the stray pack that apparently are in foster are actually in kennels.
Why lie??
Ā£150 a month for 3 dogā€™s
These dogs need to learn how to socialise, interact in a home environment.
Isnā€™t that what you promised you would do yourself??
All we see is history repeating itself.


On the day that APDAWG meet to discuss the crisis in UK rescue, there is an ongoing discussion across social media which demonstrates perfectly why the current system of foreign rescue will never solve the root problems.

A TikTok video shows the owner of a UK rescue (currently banned from the importer scheme) illegally entering a property in Romania to remove four week old pups from their shelter. The mother and other stray dogs are present.
A woman whoā€™s mother lives near the property claims to have been feeding the animals for years before asking the ā€˜rescuerā€™ to remove the pups.
The pups were removed and taken to be rehomed abroad and the mother was left, not neutered and with a male stray ready to be impregnated again.
The rescue claims they couldnā€™t ā€˜catchā€™ the mother yet the video shows the mother beside the ā€˜rescuerā€™ at their car and in easy reach of the ā€˜rescuerā€™.
Iā€™m told other young dogs were also scooped up, believed to be a previous litter from the same bitch, but the older dogs were left in situ.

Personally, I do not understand why, if they had to be moved, the pups and mother were not taken as a group! The mother was friendly and close enough to be caught but they seemed more intent on filming the ā€˜break inā€™ to post on social media.

Had they genuinely not been able to catch the mother, bedding for warmth and food could have been supplied until the pups were older! They had shelter and there are means of creating self dispensing feeders which can be refilled when necessary and as the dogs had lived there peacefully for several years, they were obviously not in immediate danger.

As before, this is a scenario I see time and again in Bosnia, Serbia, Romania and no doubt elsewhere. ā€˜Rescuersā€™ post of finding litters of pups but rarely the mother. In some cases the mother will genuinely have become spooked and despite the rescuers best efforts she wonā€™t be found but very often they have no interest in the mother, cute pups are easier to rehome and, depending on the transporter, cheaper to transport! Either way, the result is always the same, a fertile, intact bitch left to become pregnant again now her pups have been removed.

Over the years I have spoken with many rescuers both here and abroad and sadly there are those who are short sighted and interested only in importing dogs as the solution. Itā€™s a rare breed of rescuer who realises that the problem must be addressed in the origin country, especially now with our own rescue crisis.

Recently Iā€™ve been sent several posts from Romania where, for various reasons, shelters have begun to euthanise a larger number of dogs.
Itā€™s a truly heartbreaking situation and as an animal lover you instinctively want to save every animal from suffering but I also see the bigger picture and that infuriates me!

For over 10 years millions of pounds and Euros have been sent abroad to help with the problem of stray animals. Hundreds of thousands of dogs have left Romania alone to travel to other parts of Europe and the UK yet numbers in public shelters have not decreased.
Despite hundreds of fundraisers to ā€˜build sheltersā€™, how many registered, well constructed shelters adhering to local requirements exist abroad? How many engage with the local community, have open days or educate locally? How many free run sanctuaries have been built for dogs to safely live out their lives?
Two thirds of the dogs in Monks Bunks were apparently foreign and dumped there with behavioural issues! Wouldnā€™t those dogs have been happier living out their life running free in a Romanian or Serbian sanctuary rather than shut in a excrement strewn kennel or dead?

Does anybody in rescue honestly believe that importing van load after van load of dogs is, alone, going to make a difference? Time has proven it doesnā€™t work! The number of strays has not decreased despite a dramatic increase in numbers being exported and yet few see any reason to change or they ā€˜claimā€™ to be making a difference by neutering a minimal amount of dogs each year.
Every rescue I have spoken with acknowledges that foreign rescue is rife with scams, dogs being bred for rescue, scenarios being staged for social media to elicit more donations, paperwork faked and dogs being abused and killed whilst in the care of a rescue.
Years ago people were in denial and refused to accept that rescue was anything other than amazing animal loving people helping to alleviate the suffering of animals abroad.
How many more years will it take before people say enough is enough and demand that action is taken to ensure the suffering of these animals for profit or vanity projects is brought to an end?

It says much that some of the better shelters built abroad have been financed by private money (proving it can be done) but these tend to operate as collection centres. They are rarely created by animal lovers and instead are businesses very aware of the vast profit to be made.
Likewise the transporters who have financed the purchase of vans, sometimes several and at a cost of circa 30k per van.
These businesses need the flow of rescue dogs to continue otherwise their investments will be worthless.
Itā€™s my belief that this has contributed to the increase in posts screaming out for fosters, sometimes the dog is on-route and still has nowhere to go and of rescues continuing to import despite having dogs already here in kennels or with fosters, the conveyor belt must keep turning or the whole system will collapse.

And what better way to keep it turning than to ensure a constant supply of cute pups.

Cat The Vet RSPCA (England & Wales) Dr Lisa Cameron MPDogs TrustAnimal and Plant Health AgencyDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Marc the Vet


Sorry wouldnā€™t let me add video in comments so here it is.


STEALING puppies from their mother!
Showing mum your were helping??
NO all you saw was money!
Look at her face that poor mummy dog she must oļæ¼f been traumatised!
You just didnā€™t care about her at all!
They were 4 weeks old and survived that long, where is mum now though?? Did you go back for her and reunite her with her puppies???
They needed their mother and her milk!
Not scabblļæ¼ed eggs!

EB TOOK THIS POST DOWN ALMOST STRAIGHT AWAY!Why because it showed her true colours! And the Trolls gave her a hard time....

Why because it showed her true colours! And the Trolls gave her a hard time.
Because EB couldnā€™t cope with him and it was making things hard work, she chucks him outside in -8, no coat!
Heā€™d been living in the house at night but it was just to much hard work for poor EB! Diddums!
You choose this life, did you not??
Well shut up moaning!
thereā€™s a video to go on in the comments which shows ļæ¼ EB kicking poor Alfie, when 2 dogs dislike each other is it really wise to put them either side of a glass door!??
Alfie only has 1 hind leg and that doesnā€™t work properly, so what EB does is cruel.
Sheā€™s the biggest puppy peddling crook going.
Itā€™s all for show!
LOOK AT ME IM JUST SO Marvellous! šŸ¤£ļæ¼
Iā€™ve left my husband etc etc to be out here, boo-hoo, boo-hoo. ļæ¼
We know why you really left!
Claire Speirs just couldnā€™t keep quiet šŸ¤« why donā€™t you ask just who she messaged giving reasons to why you fled the Uk.

Banned from improved importer scheme but still able to bring dogs into the Uk!

Banned from improved importer scheme but still able to bring dogs into the Uk!


Ruff start is fundraising for a van for spay campaigns in Romania.
Shouldnā€™t this be funded by the Romanian people???
Ruff starts proprietor is now living in Romania! Living the dream!
So why do the Uk people need to fund this venture???
Please open your eyes and keep your money safe!

The cheek, people are financially ļæ¼struggling with the huge rise OF Living costs and Ruff start want Ā£7500! OMG For god ...

The cheek, people are financially ļæ¼struggling with the huge rise OF Living costs and Ruff start want Ā£7500! OMG
For god sake donā€™t donate!
The dogs they left to starve at Hatton, some are still in kennels waiting for a home šŸ  12 months on!
These pop up rescues need stopping!


BVA has issued advice for vet teams and members of the public following confirmation of spread of infection from an imported rescue dog to the foster carer and her pets.

Yet again we are blamed for her incompetence. People have seen what you do behind the scenes with no care for any animal...

Yet again we are blamed for her incompetence. People have seen what you do behind the scenes with no care for any animal, as long as your pockets are lined.
30 degree heat!
You may not be the transport company but you still put your name on that document, knowing full well when those dogā€™s would travel.
Jack of all trades and master of none fits perfectly here.
Youā€™ve even abandoned your own dogs and the most awkward ones!
We feel for your husband but Iā€™m sure he has good supportive neighbours to help!
Itā€™s your fault those dogs died and went missing at Hatton!
Itā€™s your fault you didnā€™t place dogs with special needs into the correct homes, mostly because you havenā€™t got a FUā€”ing clue how to assess them properly!
And yes it will be your fault 3 dogs may get pts!
For god sake take some responsibility for your šŸ’© actionā€™s.ļæ¼
People donā€™t want to help you
1. Because of the current climate
2. We just have to many dogs in th uk
3. Most fosterers are full

Letā€™s make this very clear, it wasnā€™t mentioned you were illegally importing dogā€™s! Snake šŸ I hope it biteā€™s!Paws2safety...

Letā€™s make this very clear, it wasnā€™t mentioned you were illegally importing dogā€™s!
Snake šŸ I hope it biteā€™s!
Paws2safety is responsible as consignee for the shipment (the dog) to the Uk.
RSR would be listed in the consignee box if RSR imported the dog to Uk. Same for any other rescue.
Just because P2S is a transport company doesnā€™t mean you are not responsible, it means your a lying snake yourself in so many ways???Using unethical practices and loopholes to fill your pockets via a transport company that dumps dogs in the Uk and does f**k all for them when they come unstuck.
You make me sick! Bloody hypocritical lying scum of the earth and donā€™t start by telling people just how much you care for these dogs, because you donā€™t!
Rescue do me a favour!
You donā€™t know the meaning of the wordā€¦.
Croped eared dogs! You shouldnā€™t be allowed in rescue.
Pregnant Bi***es thatā€™s just bloody cruel!
Breed specific pups and dogs.
You donā€™t care, No 1 is all that matters and thatā€™s YOU!
Moved to Romania because of Trolls??šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ and people believe that??

Remember the post a few months ago regarding a number of ā€˜missingā€™ dogs?Still no answers and these two were sent to Hatt...

Remember the post a few months ago regarding a number of ā€˜missingā€™ dogs?
Still no answers and these two were sent to Hattons by RSR. However the kind lady who had looked after them in Romania prior to RSR offering them homes in the U.K., still has no answers. She contacted Hattons who assured her they were safe but with RSPCA / other Authorities involved in this whole ongoing investigation, she will have to wait for confirmation of their whereabouts / safety.
Where are these two?

What is actually going on?Well,  Paws2saftey Ltd bring over hundreds of dogs in a year, it is just consignee on the pape...

What is actually going on?
Well, Paws2saftey Ltd bring over hundreds of dogs in a year, it is just consignee on the paperwork making it the legal importer and therefore legally responsible.
What this company actually does is ship hundreds of dogs all over the world, making alot of money in the process but these dogs have no rescue back up to help them when things go wrong, and they do go wrong!
Itā€™s not illegal, but it is morally unethical and adds to the already overloaded rescue system in the U.K.
Dogs are being PTS because of businesses like this!
How can one person run a rescue, pleading poverty, guilt tripping people into donating money, and on the other hand is shipping hundreds of dogs all over the world, with no care what happens to them, disingenuous!
The bloody irony of it.
When will people see that this is wrong?
Then accuses people of bullying - get a grip, I am just stating the truth!
Why donā€™t you ask just how many pedigree dogs and puppies went through Hatton Kennels in Shifnal via Paws2saftey Ltd?
Plus pregnant bi***es!
Where did they all go??
Whatā€™s happened to them all?
I dread to think!
No wonder countries are banning The importation of rescue animals, itā€™s because of businesses like Paws2saftey Ltd.
If you think this is rescue then Iā€™m afraid you are sadly delusional!!
Paws2saftey Ltd made plenty of money in their first year of trading, in fact over Ā£16,000.
Paid herself and Claire just under Ā£16,000 leaving a profit of Ā£49. But at what cost to the animals brought over by Paws2saftey Ltd. Just how many dogs and cats have suffered in this process?


Emma at it again leaving dogs without a second glance, as long as she had her money. This pup was brought over in March ...

Emma at it again leaving dogs without a second glance, as long as she had her money. This pup was brought over in March via Paws2saftey Ltd, no rescue backup. When will this crap stop

This story is just heart breaking and just showā€™s how Ruffstart rescue operate. 18th January 2021, we saw ā€˜blazeā€™ advert...

This story is just heart breaking and just showā€™s how Ruffstart rescue operate.

18th January 2021, we saw ā€˜blazeā€™ advertised for adopted. On the 20th January we filled in the application for ā€˜blazeā€™ and got told we were the 27th applicants for him. 22nd January we had our house viewing via WhatsApp, which my partner did. A couple of hours later we got told we were successful and could meet ā€˜blazeā€™ on 25th January.

Sunday 24th January, we woke up to a message saying we could go and see ā€˜blazeā€™ as the owner of Hatton Kennels had to cancel his plans due to the snow. We went to go and meet ā€˜blazeā€™ with my mother-in-law. Instantly fell in love with him, I was lying down on the floor playing with him in the snow. Car boot was open due to having to put on wellies on/off, ā€˜blazeā€™ jumped straight into the boot before we signed the paperwork. Iā€™ve always said he chosen us. We got told ā€œBlaze was a street dog in Romania, got adopted by a woman in Scotland who couldnā€™t afford to feed him anymore which is why heā€™s been handed backā€

First night we had ā€˜blazeā€™ he didnā€™t respond to his name, I even tried Google translate, which didnā€™t work.

25th January, I took ā€˜blazeā€™ for a walk and listed off all B name, I said Buddy and he turned around and listed, he chosen his name.

Life felt perfect.

10 months later, October 2022. We had an old friend move in with us, at first buddy was fine, still the same boy. But after a couple of days he come a bit nasty, I used to think it was just trying to get dominance as there was another male in the house. Buddy tried to bite this friend as he was stepping over buddy, buddy was on the floor with a gravy bone, we thought buddy was being possessive after food/treats, so we had removed all treats longer than 10 seconds. After 2 weeks, I kicked this friend out, buddy didnā€™t like him and there was other reasons why.

Christmas Day 2021, Buddy was very quite and on edge, maybe it was because it was a change, there was presents and maybe he had never experienced Christmas Day before, he got spoiltšŸ„° Christmas night Buddy attacked my partner on his arm, there was no warning.

January/February Emma posted on Facebook that if youā€™ve had a dog from Hatton kennels from us and have had issues to contact her and she will help.

9th March 2022, I had my dad round for dinner, which was a regular thing, buddy was comfortable around my dad and adored my dad. Out of the blue buddy attacked my dad twice, again no warning. Buddy got my dads arm. I contacted Emma Bernard regarding the aggression, she told me ā€œI will go and check your card and see who you have spoken to if there are notes on thereā€ then the following message So i have nothing on our system to say that you have spoken with someoneā€ which is incorrect as my partner had contacted her before. Emma tried to get Buddy back, but I explained she had failed my dog and he will never go back into her care. I asked Emma for help with payments for a behaviourist and said said ā€œunfortunately notā€

8th June 2022, buddy attacked myself, double attack again with no warning, but this time it was my face and my hip. My partner had contacted Emma and she said he needed to be put to sleep as heā€™s now a dangerous dog.

9th June 2022, Buddy got put to sleep, we was with him until the very end. Emma even gave us the money back for buddyā€™s injections and cremation, why? Is she trying to keep me sweet? Trying to make me feel as though she cared? Or was it guilty conscience?
That evening I got messaged on Buddyā€™s Instagram. ā€œHey I'm so so sorry to hear about BuddyšŸ˜“ he was such an amazingly beautiful boy and he deserved the best in life after his start with his first "owner" if you could say that, I'm so glad he got that chance with you guys he's always the one dog I thought of from my transport poor lad went through hell and back and totally landed on his feet with youā€ which of course triggered red flags. In this conversation I was told buddy lived in Scotland with a man and another dog. Screenshots sent to me about condoms hanging out of the dogs bums. That day was devastating for us, our heads all over the place. When we got told this we was angry, we got told lies.

11th June 2022, I confronted Emma and asked her the TRUTH on Buddyā€™s past. As the owner of this rescue she didnā€™t take any responsibility and neglected Duty of Care. She instantly jumped on to ā€œI assume this is due to the hate page against meā€ we were still grieving for Buddy, do you really think we had time to look up hate pages?

I will get justice for my boyšŸ¾šŸ•


Several people have contacted me asking if I could put together a template letter addressing the issues in foreign rescue so they can contact their local MP.

Feel free to copy and paste the letter below, inputting your MPā€™s name and signing off with your own. A link to find your MPā€™s contact details is in the comments along with some other useful emails.
You can also share the letter on FB and other social media platforms.


Dear ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.

I write in reference to the current issues concerning foreign rescue and the import of cats and dogs. As an animal lover, I feel strongly that the welfare of all animals must be prioritised in rescue.

In light of the recent human case of Brucella Canis and the many welfare issues involving dogs under the care of ā€˜rescuesā€™ I would appreciate consideration being given to the following:-

Imports restricted to registered charities.

Currently, anybody can set up a page on social media and operate as a rescue importing animals and placing them into family homes in the UK. There needs to be a greater incentive for rescues to be responsible and transparent, the risk of losing their charitable status thus being unable to import animals would create this.

Yearly limit on the numbers imported by each Charity.

A quota needs to be introduced to prevent ā€˜umbrellaā€™ rescues importing for unregistered and/or non charitable rescues. When Eurotunnel restricted imports to registered businesses and rescues this is exactly what happened. This will also ensure the rescue has the time and resources available to ensure the animals brought to the UK have the best possible start to their new life. Whilst understanding the natural desire to help as many animals as possible, quality of rescue needs to be a consideration.

Implementation of an import license system.

Profitability in rescue plays a major part of the non-compliance and welfare issues, particularly the establishing of ā€˜collection centresā€™ in many countries where a fee is charged to issue passports, health certificates and to enter the animal in the Traces system. Most of these centres are businesses and their priority is profit not whether animals are compliant or fit and healthy enough to travel.
Declassifying rescue dogs as commercial goods and introducing a license system would also help prevent the import of breed dogs and pups under the ā€˜rescueā€™ tag.
A license would be applied for in advance providing details of the microchip, foreign registered shelter and transporter.
Animals should only be transported by DEFRA authorised and UK or dual registered transports. Animals should not be ā€˜decantedā€™ into a ā€˜shuttleā€™ vehicle for the purpose of crossing the channel and circumventing the 20 animals per van ruling, this was implemented on welfare grounds and allows 40-60 animals per van to be driven from The origin country before splitting into smaller numbers to cross the channel.
Welfare during transport regulations for ā€œOā€ animals need to be drawn up and implemented.
Journey time should be stated in the license application, it should be realistic and adhered to.
To counter the potential influx of animals circumventing the system and entering on the pet passport scheme, owned pets should be required to have been owned and ā€˜under the control ofā€™ their owner for a minimum period of three months and be able to prove as such.

Imports to kennels only.

Far too many dogs are being lost and killed at handovers in service stations ( which is contrary to current regulations). Charities should own or lease DEFRA approved kennels where animals arrive for their 48 hour stand and can be inspected by AHOā€™s.

Mandatory testing and vaccinations

Animals should have their core and rabies vaccinations. From rabies endemic countries a rabies titre test and wait period should be mandatory. A list of countries should be complied as using the current listed and unlisted third country system is non-sensical having Serbia (1 case of rabies in the past four years) requiring a rabies titre yet Russia (rabies endemic in both wildlife and domestic animals) not requiring a rabies titre.
Animals should be treated for fleas and ticks prior to import and screened for Brucella, Leishmaniasis, Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Lyme disease and Anaplasma.
Rescues found to be importing non-compliant animals (animals with distemper, worm burdens or falsified documents et ) should be given a warning for their first offence and a 6 month ban on importing for a second offence. Further offence resulting in a permanent ban.
There is much to be discussed on this subject regards timings of tests and preparations but for the sake of brevity, I will leave that for now.

Pregnant and un-neutered animals.

All animals must be neutered/castrated unless there is a documented and proven medical reason not to. As proposed testing would require animals to be 6-12 months, there would not be an issue for the majority of animals to neutered/castrated at this age. No pregnant animal should transported and rescues found to be transporting pregnant animals should receive an immediate six month ban.

Border Control

Microchips should be scanned and cross checked with the license by border control prior to travel.

As a nation of animal lovers, we all truly wish that no animal suffered and strive to help where we can however, that should not be to the detriment of the health of animals or people in the UK. Nor should we be ignoring the welfare atrocities by those supposedly ā€˜rescuingā€™ animals or enabling people to profit from their suffering.

Hopefully you can give consideration to the above points and help ask the questions necessary to ensure better practices and welfare in foreign rescue.

Yours Faithfully


Animal and Plant Health AgencyDepartment for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)RSPCA (England & Wales)Dogs TrustRCVS - Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsBritish Veterinary Association - BVA Ricky Gervais Cat The Vet Marc the Vet Dr Neil Hudson MP for Penrith and the BVNA (The British Veterinary Nursing Association) The London Vet Show Vet Record Peter Egan Zac Goldsmith Dr Lisa Cameron MP Labour Animal Rights Group


New kennels on board to take in the handbacks etc.


Over 3 months and still no updates regarding the investigation the RSPCA / Authorities were apparently carrying out. Why exactly is this taking so long and are they actually doing anything?
Hilbrae Rescue told people who had been adopted some of the dogs at Hattons to expect a call. Apparently this hasnā€™t happened!!

If anyone has any information that would help with the rspca investigation into the neglect of these dogs and any previous concerns regarding ruff start rescue / hattons kennels please message the group or call the RSPCA on:

0300 1234 999
Quoting ref 0079 3052


Struggling to understand how the kennels housing the RSR dogs were expected to cope with the day-to-day duties for around 30 RSR dogs plus any customer boarding dogs (feeding, changing water, cleaning out kennels, exercising, bathing if needed etc).

There was a mention of a relative being paid to help out a little each week but how many actual staff were there working there every single day?

Anyone who has worked in a kennel environment with dogs knows that each kennel needs clearing every day / beds changing / walls and floors washing down regularly. Itā€™s full-on and time consuming.
Plus smelly and very hard work.

So many dogs to care for, but how many staff worked there?





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