General T&Cs
Contacting me
Please feel free to message me at any time but please do not be offended if I don’t respond instantly. I work full time and am a busy mum, sometimes it takes a while.
Axolotls can be reserved with a deposit of £5 this will secure the axolotl you’ve chosen until your ready to collect/ it can be shipped.
Postage is £11. This covers the cost of packaging, transport bags, travel costs and the postal charge. I will do my best to ensure your axolotls arrive safely by bagging them appropriately and using a fast guaranteed service, however after they are in the system any number of issues could possibly occur that are out of my control. In the very slim chance the worst was to happen and your axolotl is dead on arrival DOA please contact me straight away with photographic proof of the axolotl inside the unopened bag. This should be done within 2 hours of the delivery confirmation. I will refund the price paid for the axolotl minus any shipping costs. I will not be held responsible for any issues that arise due to missed delivery. If you will be unavailable on certain days please contact me to arrange for delivery on a suitable day
Payment can be made to me via PayPal, bank transfer or cash upon collection. For PayPal payments I ask that you use friends and family this helps me keep costs low. However, if you do not feel comfortable using friends and family and wish to protect your purchase then please ensure enough is sent to cover any PayPal feels (2.9% per transaction).
Collections can be arranged with me directly. I am based in NG34 Sleaford.
I may remove from sale at any point axolotls that become sick or injured.
Once you have received your axolotl I cannot be held responsible for any injury or illness.
If you have reserved an axolotl and it becomes sick or injured I will contact you to discuss options. Axolotls will be visually checked at the point of dispatch If you have any issue please contact me and I will try my best to help you.
Dirty Lucies
Axolotls change their colours slightly to blend into their environment. Dirty lucies are best kept on a dark substrate this keeps their spots dark. If you move your axolotl onto a lighter surface you may find that the spots become less intense of fade entirely.
I will do my best to answer any questions thrown at me however I suggest that you also ask the advice of others/ seek information from other sources too. Pets and hobby’s are filled with conflicting information and varying personal opinions on what’s deemed to be correct/ acceptable / best practice.
New owners
If you are a new axolotl owner don’t be afraid to say, I can provide you with a basic care sheet to ensure your new pets needs are met.
If you are unhappy
If for any reason you are unhappy with anything please contact me to discuss. We are all human and sometimes mistakes happen.