Hi there,
My name is Melainee, and I am a professional games-based and force-free dog trainer and behaviour coach. I have a degree in Psychology, and I have been a personal and professional growth training and development coach and facilitator for a number of years. These skills have made a huge difference in how I interact with my clients, and how empowered they feel to work with their dogs so t
hat they truly experience their dog owning dreams. I find passion in witnessing owners falling in love with their dogs all over again, and in turn, growing and developing a bond that they never thought was within their reach. I have my very own perfectly imperfect doggo called Snoopy, and she is the reason why my dog training passion was realised. I always knew how much I loved her, but what was constantly upsetting me was that I didn't always show it, and what broke my heart even more, was how forgiving she was towards me. I just felt like we were both struggling through the motions of day to day life, and worse still, she was suffering because I kept putting her in those same challenging situations over and over again. It got to the stage where there was no enjoyment in owning her. We hardly interacted, and I found myself getting stressed and frustrated when things didn't go well, especially when she was off lead. What fuelled my upset even more was that I often listened to other people's opinions and judgements about her (and no doubt, about me indirectly). I was constantly told that she was naughty, there was no hope, and this is how it was going to stay. Some people even suggested aversive techniques, like electric shock collars and other forms of punishment. It never felt right or fair that I was making her do things just because I said so. Instead, I wanted her to experience life where she was able to be a dog and embrace her doggy ways, and also be empowered to make her own great choices, where she always felt loved, understood and enriched. Well, you'll be happy to know that we're living the dream and embracing learning new things every day (every day is a school day ;)). Our relationship is strong, and she growing into the perfect demo dog. Snoopy's huge personality has really helped me to grow and develop myself as a dog trainer. It's so rewarding to know that I took a stand, and it was that stand that had our relationship transform, and I am here and at your service to transform your relationships with your dogs too.