Patience is a virtue!
When teaching horses the one thing we should remember is patience.
Horses weren't born knowing how to take a rider, lunge or pick his feet up and that's something we often forget.
When training our horse, we can never get frustrated when they don't get it... They didn't get it, because they didn't understand the question, because we weren't clear enough.
There is no point getting frustrated, it solves nothing! In this video, it took Katie a few attempts to show Simon what she was asking him, but at no point did she show any frustration. She just corrected him, gave him the cue, and carried on. He soon gave the right answer and no one was anxious or stressed!!
Well done Katie and Simon đź¤
It's all about trust and letting go!
Letting go doesn't just let your horse stretch and open up, it shows them you trust them wholeheartedly!
As for the rider, it helps balance, trust, communication and not forgetting confidence!
Here are Hugo and Emma. Emma has struggled with self belief and knowing that she can do anything. Today, she fully trusted Hugo and let go!
You can also see how better her balance is, now she isn't relying on her reins.
Well done Emma and Hugo, massive achievement today đź¤
Giving up control
What would come to your mind if I told you to give up control of your horse?
Letting your reins go long, letting go of your reins... Or completing removing your horse's bridle whilst in the saddle?
Giving up control is one way of showing your horse you trust him, and allows you to be more one with him.
Today we rode with no headstall, so I had to totally trust my horse, and believe that his would listen to my body and voice đź¤