We’ve been doing the find it game this morning🐾
Lily goes off to play with her friends while Helga and Fred prefer to do a bit of a working game 👌
The last one for today is a STOP! Again really good for stopping them from running after things and ending up in a not safe situation.
These two are very ball obsessed so using the ball is the best distraction possible 👌
The next one is a WAIT! I probably use this more than anything. A wait means they wait wherever you have put them until they are released to move!
It was because she didn’t wait earlier today that made me realise that I had been neglecting the obedience practices ❤️
We’ve been doing a bit of practising this morning. Helga decided that she didn’t need to do some things. My fault Iv been really busy with one thing and another so I haven’t done anything with her.
No matter what age they are they still need to practice if they’re going to stay on top form 😍
This is a STAY! Which means they don’t move until you return to their side and release them ✋
All a tad difficult here at the moment. My Pads van is still out of action. Managed to limp home on Tuesday night from Haughton. Got back and it conked out completely.
The clutch has gone and another two parts are smashed, one part the mechanic has struggled to get. But it’s looking like he may have found one 🤞 Now got to wait for confirmation and then for the part to be delivered!
So in the meantime the dogs and I don’t have a vehicle 🥲
I can get to training, lovely friends have offered to take me to haughton and I can go with Norman on Wednesday to Penkridge.
Apart from that the dogs and I are stuck without a van! And I don’t have a clue how long it’s going to take even IF he can get the part.
Absolute nightmare. We really don’t envisage how distressing it is when important things in your life and more importantly the lives of your dogs do go wrong. We take so much for granted don’t we.
A big thank you to my lovely friends for coming over to spend time with Lily and I for her to have fun. And a huge thank you to the lovely ladies who have offered lifts for me. What would we do without amazing friends in our lives and our dogs to take our stress levels down 🐾❤️
Doing some waits and recalls this morning. When they understand the word well it’s always good to practice with the fun things thrown in 🤩👍
Gold test on Wednesday. For the 4 dogs who are ready! 🤞 This level is the hardest of the KC good citizen levels (though here at Pads we do have our own higher level!)
If you would like to join our classes you will start at puppy/beginner level and then move up the levels as you and your dogs reach their goals.
Our classes are fun and informative with very experienced trainers who will help you get the very best out of the class.
Next new starters nights. HAUGHTON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25th. PENKRIDGE FEBRUARY 26th. Give us a call if you’re interested 07762920614 🐾
Hope you had a great Christmas??
We are there on Monday at the Penkridge venue, an extra night we have paid for to make sure your dogs don’t miss out. Then we open again, getting back to normal, Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th!
🐾 PADS NEXT NEW STARTERS NIGHTS🐾. Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January. If you want to join our fun, informative classes. Run by the most experienced people in the business. Prices are great too £50 for a full six weeks. Give us a call 07762920614 🐾🐾
These 3 get so very excited about coming up here in the van. Lily actually squeals ❤️
Where’s your dogs favourite place to run around like this 🐾
It’s very slippery under foot out there. So take care everyone 🐾❤️
Lily’s first time seeing snow! She got up at 5am needing to go to the loo. I took her outside she went WHOOPE and then wouldn’t come in for over an hour. By which time she was high as a kite and I was soaked. The joys of puppies and don’t we just love them for it ❤️
Fortunately the snows almost gone now, see you later 🐾