These 3 get so very excited about coming up here in the van. Lily actually squeals ❤️
Where’s your dogs favourite place to run around like this 🐾
It’s very slippery under foot out there. So take care everyone 🐾❤️
Lily’s first time seeing snow! She got up at 5am needing to go to the loo. I took her outside she went WHOOPE and then wouldn’t come in for over an hour. By which time she was high as a kite and I was soaked. The joys of puppies and don’t we just love them for it ❤️
Fortunately the snows almost gone now, see you later 🐾
I know a few of you are struggling with the stay, it’s one of the most important things to teach them for lots of reasons.
When they are first learning the exercises, or they seem to have gone backwards as they do! Make sure they are settled before you leave them (eventually you will be able to just say stay and walk away!)
Give a firm command Stay! Then walk a short distance away. (There needs to be distractions as you can see my other two dogs are playing ball in the background. Plus there’s a dog walking around the field she’s watching!)
Go calmly back to their side reinforcing the stay command. Praise verbally, reward and then release.
Lily, for those who don’t know, had two major surgeries on a broken shoulder at 4 months old. So hasn’t done anything much until now. Plus she’s 10 months old. The “adolescent” cheeky-naughty stage.
Practice every day. It’ll soon build up the time you can leave them in a stay before releasing them.
Make sure you are praising the sit or down stay, not them moving before they have been released!
I love teaching them things and it tires dogs out the fastest making them use their brains 🐾❤️
Hi do your dogs love going off lead in a safe space for having fun??
On a positive note. Lily’s first run around in a field with her family since her first shoulder surgery in June ❤️
A new entertaining toy. Not to be left with Lily for obvious reasons. GSP rescue where selling them as part of their mission to raise money for their charity 🐾🥳
Well as expected the recall is getting a bit cheeky now we’re gaining confidence. So it’s just a bit more work to do ❤️
Been having some fun while practicing the “waits until allowed to move” 👏
Hopefully brain games and playing will tire them 🤞
Practicing sit by my side with other dogs going past in a narrow lane (not many dogs or people walking down our lane so only two 😉) Then a nice long recall👏
First tiny bit of off lead for 8 months old Lily since her broken shoulder surgery in June. Nothing around to do her any more damage. It’s all little steps to get her back to being a normal puppy 🥰
Rain or shine they still have to go out and looking at Helga and Eddy having so much fun it’s worth getting wet for 🐾❤️