Well that's a wrap folks!
We want to thank each and every one of you for your support these last few weeks as we close down the business. It's meant the world to us.
The last few years of business have been the best of my life. I've met so many dogs, made so many friends and been on so many adventures.
Everything from the bad parts like getting bitten when breaking up dog fights or sadly having furry clients pass away to the incredible parts like seeing reactive dogs finally relax and enjoy a group walk or getting hopelessly lost in a woods somewhere and absolutely loving it.
This business was a hope and a prayer when we first set up and we have been so fortunate to have been so busy and we are so so eternally grateful for your support of our small business.
The time has now sadly come for the business to close as we adjust to life's challenges and we are excited for the next chapter of our adventure.
I will leave this page active for the weekend so that anyone who wants to save pics can do so.
I have absolutely thousands of pics and vids on my phone's and at some point in the future I will get them all into sorted files and send clients all loads of stuff from our adventures over the years.
It's been an extremely emotional few weeks saying goodbye to so many dogs that have become my own pets in a sense so please feel free to link up with my and my spaniels on a walk in the future if you like 😁
Thank you so much for all the cards and the gifts also. The alcohol will certainly help to soften the blow 😂
We wish you all the absolute best in the future and I hope that your new walkers love your dogs even more than I do.
With all our love Alex, meg, Albie, Odin and Maz ♥️