Cato was enjoying the little puddle then he found a giant puddle that he could swim in. π.
#dogwalker #ceriscaninecompanionsdogwalking #dogwalkingservices #HappyPups #DogWalking #dogwalkingswansea
Today Toby became part of the CCC family.
One very handsome laid back boy.
#dogwalkingswansea #ceriscaninecompanionsdogwalking #HappyPups #DogWalking #dogwalkingservices #dogwalker
Beautiful dogs posing like pros on our walks today π₯°. We also made a new friend today with Renna having her first walk with CCC she was an angel π
#ceriscaninecompanionsdogwalking #HappyPups #DogWalking #dogwalkingswansea #dogwalker #dogwalkingservices
Our intermediate Sleuthing Hounds and handlers were learning about route searches at the weekend. We had to have a change of plans due to unforeseen circumstances but we got to practice on a small corridor area. Which proved tricky for the handlers ensuring to give their dogs space when working.
#scentworkisteamwork #petscentdetection #dogsworkinghard #scentworkisthebest #MentalStimulation #dogslovetosniff #SleuthingHoundsIntermediateClasses #scentdetectiondog #sleuthinghoundsscentwork #hardworkanddetermination #positivereinforcementtrainer #positivereinforcementtraining #trainingwithkindness #scentworkforeverydog #ceriscaninecompainons #Trainingclasses
The Beginner sleuthing Hounds learning about searching chairs.
Well done Nancy and Nova.
#trainingwithkindness #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementtrainer #Trainingclasses #positivedogtraining #environmentalenrichmentfordogs #scentdetectiondoghandler #scentdog #brainworkoutfordogs #scentworkforeverydog #positivedogtrainer #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentdetectionforpetdogs #DogScentWork #sleuthinghoundsbeginners #Sleuthinghoundsscentwork #ceriscaninecompainons
Fabulous walks today. Think we all had a ball #ceriscaninecompanionsdogwalking #dogslovetosniff #muddydogsarehappydogs #dogwalkingswansea #dogwalkingservices #DogWalking #dogwalker #muddydogs #HappyPups
Our Sleuthing Hounds Beginners absolutely nailed their session on Wednesday evening. This week we started building on the 4 D's of scent detection. By building duration to our indications and also adding duration to our searches. #thedogsnoseknows #scentworkisteamwork #scentworkforeverydog #dogslovetosniff #petscentdetection #scentdetectionforpetdogs #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentdog #MentalStimulation #DogScentWork #positivedogtrainer #scentworkisthebest #dogsworkinghard #scentdetectiondoghandler #Sleuthinghoundsscentwork #sleuthinghoundsbeginners #brainworkoutfordogs
We had quite a soggy day yesterday on our walks, not that the dogs seemed to care.
#muddydogs #dogwalkingservices #ceriscaninecompanionsdogwalking #dogwalkingswansea #DogWalking #HappyPups #muddydogsarehappydogs #muddypuddles #dogwalker
This morning we had a fantastic start to Sleuthing Hounds Intermediate classes today.
During the Intermediate course we look at working together with our dogs to ensure that we efficiently cover areas in a search.
As some of the dogs are new to Gun Oil scent we started out with a bit of free work. Letting the dogs search the equipment they already know and finding a jackpot of treats at the source of the new odour. With the ones who are already familiar with the scent we let them work the area themselves and then rewarded for an indication. #thedogsnoseknows #scentdetectiondog #ceriscaninecompainons #MentalStimulation #dogsworkinghard #scentdetectiondoghandler #positivedogtrainer #scentworkisthebest #Sleuthinghoundsscentwork #scentdetectionforpetdogs #petscentdetection #DogScentWork #dogslovetosniff #scentworkisteamwork #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentdog #amazingnoses #scentworkforeverydog #SleuthingHoundsIntermediateClasses
Throwback to Saturday when we had our first Sleuthing Hounds Scent Club of the New Year.
It was a cold one but that didn't stop the dogs from absolutely smashing it.
#sleuthinghoundsscentwork #scentworkforeverydog #scentworkisthebest #scentdetectionforpetdogs #petscentdetection #scentdog #ceriscaninecompainons #dogslovetosniff #thedogsnoseknows #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentdetectiondog #dogsworkinghard #MentalStimulation #scentworkisteamwork #DogScentWork #positivedogtrainer #scentdetectiondoghandler #amazingnoses #Sleuthinghoundsscentwork
Wednesday saw the start of the first Sleuthing Hounds Beginners class of the new year.
The first session in the beginners class is about ensuring the dogs are comfortable in a new environment and starting to build the scent Identification in a positive way.
#petscentdetection #scentdetectionforpetdogs #positivedogtrainer #MentalStimulation #sleuthinghoundsscentwork #scentdetectiondog #scentdetectiondoghandler #scentworkisthebest #scentworkisteamwork #scentdog #amazingnoses #ceriscaninecompainons #DogScentWork #thedogsnoseknows #dogslovetosniff #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentworkforeverydog #dogsworkinghard #sleuthinghoundsbeginners
During club yesterday Willow got to come out and have a go at the area search and she nailed it. I love this little dog so much. She tries so hard and even though she is at a slight disadvantage with her limb issues she never lets it stop her.
#ceriscaninecompainons #dogslovetosniff #DogScentWork #scentdetectionforpetdogs #scentworkisthebest #scentdetectiondog #dogsworkinghard #sleuthinghoundsscentwork #petscentdetection #MentalStimulation #thedogsnoseknows #scentworkforeverydog #amazingnoses #scentworkisteamwork #scentdetectiondoghandler #scentdetectiondoginstructor #scentdog #positivedogtrainer