Springador bitch pup, supplied to Police Scotland. For Pro-Active search work, this was the day after she arrived....
Little Kez, 10 weeks old making a start...
Fox Red lab bitch... just 5 weeks old.. such a confident girl. Biggest monster in the group. Tremendous potential looking for a search home. Checking out the local agri store.
Rosie our GSP bitch is about to say goodbye to her second litter of Pointerdors, Cooper my Fox Red lab is the sire of this litter, he sires every litter of Springador or Pointerdors I breed. Currrently he has sired 47 licensed search dogs.. Rosie's previous litter had some nice Passive scanning dogs in the litter and this litter is clearly going for gold. Currently 2 maybe 4 going for DD work as passive scanning, 1 for EDD work, 1 being trained by myself and staff here for Emotional therapy/Assistance work, A remarkable litter, making super natured pets as well as devoted work mates.
Getting some environmental's on board with the Springadors and Sprocker. Makes a massive difference doing this before 12 weeks...
When your body says "Enough" its been a long week and a even longer day... I was not on the ball today with "Poppy" a 11 month old Sprocker.
Tremendous search prospect, from a strong line of search dogs. totally confident in any situation.. may run him on for explo work or may not.. 10 weeks old...
My first day on the wall today with "Rafpol Xena".. A Springerdor that has just come back to me, worked in two different premises yesterday doing Tobacco detection and she was awesome.. She has a freeze indication which I will hopefully develop into a "Sit" indication. Early days.. Patience Patience..
My recent litter of Springadors and a couple of Sprockers thrown in, their second day in the training room with the Generator running, hell of a noise but they aint bothered, Hopefully up for testing by HMP this week... looking so promising.
Well, we have spent almost 2 weeks cleaning the training room, I am knackered I dont mind saying... Many thanks to all involved in helping. Just waiting for the new banners to arrive this week and they will be up...
Getting some time in on the crates... Springadors.
One of my home bred Springadors, fixed on two drugs, she was pick of litter has several siblings under training in service with HMP. she shows tremendous potential, environmentally bomb proof. Runs under the name of "Lilly" .. nicknamed the "Pocket Rocket".. enquiries by PM please..