Little Boo attends weekly for Veterinary Physiotherapy & Hydrotherapy to manage the symptoms associated with her Hip Dysplasia & secondary OA ❤️
She loves her sessions so much 😍💦
Boo has a combination of Underwater Treadmill & Hydro Pool in her Hydro sessions ❤️
The lovely Lola was assisting Danielle with her assessment notes today 🥰
Lovely Ali telling Owain to get on with it and let him back in to do his next set 😂
Ali tells stories every time he ramps up, reminding our humans that he’s king of the Hydrotherapy Pool 👑😍 #caninehydrotherapy #caninerehabilitation #caninehappiness #swanseabay #swansealife
Ali couldnt be any more eager if he tried 😂😍
“ I’ve arrived! Can I come swim now please!! “ 😝
When one of your golden oldies, Oscar, gives you a kiss post Hydrotherapy 💙💦
This boy has really has stolen my heart and we love seeing him get stronger and happier each week 😍
Oscar attends for pain management, hydrotherapy & chartered Physiotherapy for the management of elbow Osteoarthritis ☺️
#caninehydrotherapy #caninerehabilitation #caninehappiness #caninemobility #swanseabay #swansealife
Steady Eddie, 12yrs young ❤️
Little Edna-Mae had her initial Physiotherapy consultation with Leah this weekend 😍 Leah Phillips Veterinary Physiotherapist
Oscar doing his pole work with Manessa this week!
Pole work increases flexion, and also improves proprioception - Oscar does his pole work along with other prescription exercises after undergoing a Hemilaiminectomy (Spinal Surgery) in addition to receiving routine Hydrotherapy treatment 💙
Well done Oscar! 😍
Edna-Mae ❤️
Little Edna-Mae is doing SO well ❤️
We made a change to a full DIY raw diet, added a boiled egg to her evening meals (rich in Albumin!!) and made a revision to her medication which included;
Choosing a pain management option that would speed up the growth rate of her Lymphoma, shortening her life span, to improve the quality of her life.
To see her do this again brings me so much joy. Let’s hope for many more zoomie episodes, and we witness many more “ Feral Ed “ moments ❤️❤️😂
Lola relaxing after her Hydrotherapy 🎵❤️
Hydrotherapy allows Lola to take all her limbs through a greater active range of movement than she otherwise can on land due to her condition, Cerebellar Hypoplasia.
It also offers her a highly controlled, and therefore safe form of exercise without risk of self injury.
Lola is a special young lady ❤️
#caninehydrotherapy #caninerehabilitation #caninehappiness #canineenrichment
The team are getting ready for another week of Rehabbing 😍
We will be back in tomorrow, 8am to catch up on our messages.
Edna has said her piece, she’d prefer to stay in bed all day. Who said retirement would be easy, huhh? 😝❤️
#britishbulldogsofinstagram #sassydog #swanseacity #caninerehabilitation #caninehydrotherapy #seniorpetsofig #caninearthritismanagement #rescue #adoptdontshop
Yerova has intermittent multi-limb lameness that gets worse in the cold, damp weather 😞
Rova will refuse to walk when it’s raining so she is attending for pool based Hydrotherapy to manage the symptoms associated with Arthritis and also offer a controlled form of exercise throughout the cold months.
Look at the range of movement achievable in the Hydro pool environment! ❤️
Little Boo - Total Hip Replacement & Tibial Tuberosity Transposition ❤️