A little plea from ODC… as we grow we are finding we need to define some of the space a little more, particularly when working 1-1 with clients within the group.
So we are on the hunt for some sort of divider/panels that I can purchase, rather than build myself, but I have no idea where to start or what they would even be called!
They must:
- be freestanding
- easy to move
- tall enough for dogs not to see over, but not so tall that clients are fully shut off and can’t see others
- be easy-ish to clean, in case our male dogs take a fancy to them 😅
- able to purchase a few of them, so that I can divide bigger spaces if necessary
- safe and won’t fall over
Any help would be greatly appreciated, after hours of searching myself I have come to a dead end!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻