Woody stepping into Christmas!
Video of Lola mad for the scratchboard!
Vid 2...well done Wilma! ❤️
Here's a couple of videos showing Wilma having a desentisiation session today. This girl was extremely groom anxious. Therefore, we are going back to basics, to introduce various aspects of the process slowly and to get her feeling that this is a safe place to be. Today was a nail focus day. I had thought of ways in which to make nail work fun as many dogs don't like their nails clipped. I purchased this scratch board which you put treats inside. Dogs scratch the board and I release the treats. I wasn't convinced this was going to work but look at Wilma go! She's got this...well...nailed! ❤️
This is new dog Travis. He was good with his bath. He was ok with the quieter blast dryer everywhere apart from his head. He was fine with the finish dryer on his head and ears. When it came to clipper work we had quite a lot of anxiety. Crying, dry heaving and biting the clippers. I took him off the table and we went for a little walk and when we came back he'd allow a bit more. When it came to clipping his bottom, tail, inside leg, groin, under ears, sanitary area and hocks we had more of the same, I took him off the table again and let him decompress. After a few minutes he was back on the table where he was good with bottom and tail work, he loved being told how good he was and receiving a bit of sausage, we started to gather some momentum. Then when I went to clip the remaining areas, we had more displays of stress, so I took him out for another walk. When we returned and took his lead off, he ran and jumped straight back on the table. Excellent! He's associating the table with reward. In the end I wasn't able to clip or scissor the top inside of his thigh, the groin area nor rear hocks due to equipment biting, but from where we started he made brilliant progress with some positive reinforcement and trust building. I kept the table low so as not to add another element of stress too. Post groom he had some fuss, a bit more good boy sausage and a game of ball throw. This lovely boy needed a different approach to grooming, where work was undertaken at his pace and with reading his body language. ❤️
This is Tilly a customer recommendation from Lisa Webster (Thank's Lisa ❤). Tilly is 9 Months old. The first hour of her groom we had separation anxiety, lots of barking and a bathtime tantrum. However, she realised treats were on the menu for good work, we also had some playtime respite and we really started to bond. The 2nd part of her groom was a breeze and her behaviours were excellent. Tilly was really compliant apart from the dryers, so the finish dryer went on low and she was happy with that. 🐕🦺
Tilly is head of Health and Safety at the Grotto. She makes sure every employee is compliant with the grottos Code of Practice and wearing the safety inspected festive brand uniform. Santa Pawz is given an annual briefing on how to descend safely down chimneys of the good boys and girls homes (which is only 3 doggo nightime sleeps away!).
This is Mimi the 15 year old Bichon. Today we had some shaking on the table, so it was lowered to the floor and her groom was performed there. I'm pretty convinced she's losing her sight, as she was scared by the sensation of the equipment (her face especially), I do not think she can necessarily see what's going on. Plus the sound of the clippers was upsetting her, so her back and torso were clipped at intervals, the rest of her scissored. I'd touch/stroke the areas I wanted to work on, then stroke the equipment on her before applying the equipment, to try and get her accustomed to the touch before the treatment. I'm not going to prolongue any element of fear in a dog to obtain a great cut, she's clean, tidy, mat free and her nails are clipped ready for Christmas.
Mimi is Head of Bedding at the Santa Pawz grotto. Mimi loves nothing better than sleeping on something warm, fluffy and comfy. She tries out all the beds and blankets for the good boys and girls, to ensure they get the best snoozes at Christmas.
This is Spaniel, Kobe. He was here recently for nail work, where he was stressed about having his paws touched. This boy wants to please, but not have his limbs forced into a vice-like grip to get the job done. This method is not unusual, but it’s not my method. So, we had consent based nail grinding in his groom today. Kobe offers paw, I hold his paw lightly, a nail is ground, Kobe receives a treat, paw is withdrawn and so on. Kobe really engaged with the positive reinforcement of getting a treat and being told he was a good boy! He had an Emmi-Pet teeth clean too - no drama there nor with the rest of his groom. Although I was regularly offered a paw after his nail grind....clever boy!
Kobe is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the Santa Pawz sleigh, the reigns and all the involved apparrell (including the sledge dogs) who need to be in their festive finery. He ensures everything is in first class working order, so the good boys and girls receive their presents on Christmas day.
Here is wonderful Winston, he's such a lovely, friendly boy but missing his best friend, Max. 😢 Winston has a vet aware skin issue, so he's had hypo-allergenic shampoo applied which seemed to have improved the dry flaking. We had a cuddle and a play after his groom, he adores balls!
It is no surprise that Winston is Head of Balls at the Santa Pawz Grotto. He inspects all of the balls being sent to the goodest boys and girls, for bounce, heading, rolling, squeakyness and squashyness. No ball bypasses the jaws of this professional, he's been testing the balls at the Grotto for 12 years, therefore his experience is invaluable.
I haven't seen these puppers, Pip and Keeba, for a while and it was lovely to see them again. They were both amazing in the bath but really nervous of the dryers this time, so the finish dryer went on low, and then I turned it off when I could see from their body language they'd had enough. So they got another rub down with a towel which Keeba loves!
Pip and Keeba work in the wrapping department at the Santa Pawz Grotto. Ensuring each gift is beautifully wrapped for the goodest boys and girls. Although Keeba gets so excited to see the treats, he has been known to snaffle a treat he doesn't think will be missed from a doggy stocking. Some balls may display Pip sized teeth marks, as the urge to play with them before wrapping was too hard to resist!
Today, I had Lola in for her 8 weekly groom, where her confidence is really growing. Following Lola was Bertie's 3rd puppy groom session. He was so good today, no issue with the bath or dryer. Boy has he grown though! So happy with the progress of these 2 puppers today.
Lola is Head of Treat Tasting at the Santa Pawz Grotto. Lola’s apprentice Bertie, has certainly learnt the ropes in a short space of time from the treat tasting expert. All treats are meticulously tested for flavour, crunch and aesthetics by these 2 spaniels at the Grotto, although more treats seem to be eaten than sent to the distribution department!