Lock’s Dog Grooming

Lock’s Dog Grooming City & Guilds fully qualified groomer who operates on 1-1, no force, holistic basis.

This is Dilly-dog overdue a groom. She barked at me on arrival, but then made herself comfy in my chair. Health check, h...

This is Dilly-dog overdue a groom. She barked at me on arrival, but then made herself comfy in my chair. Health check, her coat had some matting, would see if I could salvage her coat once she'd been bathed. Bath time is a wrigglefest, so no bath photo's. I dried her over the drain. Piece of cheese on the table, she hopped on. Finish dryer on low, pushed back for residual heat. Nails and ear clean not too bad. Then a brush and comb, her coat wasn't too bad after a deep conditioning treatment, but the mats under her ears and one in her tail had to be clipped/scissored out. A once around with the clippers. I tried some facework but she was very head snatchy so decided on a respite break. Back on the table, I cosmetic brush stroked the areas I wanted to scissor and we made it into a game for cheese. Another clip around then a paw, ear and tail trim. A final clip and a blend and she was ready. Dilly wasn't too bad in this session. Some areas need work, but that will come if she sticks to her groom schedule. Post groom she sat by me whilst clearing up, hopeful for more cheese. Then headed back to my chair, I put a blanket out and she made herself a little nest, where she received a lot of fuss. When her owner returned Dilly said hello, then went back to my chair to get some more ear scratches from me. Her behaviours are getting so much better around me and her owner noticed a distinct change today. Good job Dilly ❤️

This is new dog Freida the Airedale, she's 11 years old. She came for a meet and treat 2 weeks ago and we got on very we...

This is new dog Freida the Airedale, she's 11 years old. She came for a meet and treat 2 weeks ago and we got on very well, very food motivated loves a game of ball throw. She does have very shaky rear legs, definitely more noticeable when she's still. One paw was caught in a drain some time ago, and it's pretty much stemmed from then. On arrival happy to be here and being left. Health check, just a few mats in underarms and undercarriage. Rear right leg a little bit stiff, but it eased up the longer she was here, so probably from the car journey. A treat in the bath she climbed in, very good with her bath. After a towel dry, I popped a treat on the table she got on. Blast dryer was a no, finish dryer only. Ear clean good, nails a bit fidgetty but worked for a treat. I started clipping and she lay down, quite happy. Clipping her front legs good, but with her shakey back legs I clipped as far as I'd want to with a flat blade, then a longer blade for the rest, for safety. I clipped her head, but any other face work was met with quite a lot of resistence. Her owners said she'd probably not go for a walk, but she was quite happy when I put the lead on and we went out. She also went to the toilet. Back on the table, we worked on facework and adopting the chin rest. It was a bit hit and miss, it's a new approach, but she'll get there. She was very head snatchy, or turns her head away. Her eyebrows were trimmed, and I trimmed her muzzle up a bit. Paw trim a bit wriggly but again, worked for food. Another clip and we headed out for respite again, happy to trot along next to me. Back on the table a final clip, blend and a tail trim. No problem with that, loved being told how good she was. Post groom we had some ball play and when her owners came, she said hello and then immersed herself in the toys. Quite content. ❤️

The gang were in today, Dudley, Maggie and Alfie. Dudley and Maggie say hello, Maggie with her awwooo! Alfie the destroy...

The gang were in today, Dudley, Maggie and Alfie. Dudley and Maggie say hello, Maggie with her awwooo! Alfie the destroyer is off to find some stuffies to rip open! Maggie has conjunctivitis and her eye was weeping. Was expecting some averse behaviours with facework. Dudley was really matted. Alfie needed a good coat card. As they were so dirty, decided to wash them separately. Alfie first in the tub, he's really good no loop. After a quick dry, I put a towel on the floor and he dries himself. Then Dudley, gosh the muck! He was scrubbed 3 times. He loves a towel dry, particularly around his ears and he loves to have kisses on his nose. Maggie was bathed last to not cross contaminate flannels/towels with her conjunctivitis. Maggie good with her bath. Alfie stood by the gate, so I took them out, he needed the toilet. Maggie dries naturally anyway as she doesn't like the dryers. On return, Maggie goes to her safe place under the table on a blanket and goes to sleep. Dudley up first. He's great with the blast dryer. Lots of dead hair and some of his mats dislodged. He had his nails trimmed and an ear clean then removed all his mats. He was brushed, undercoat raked, combed, deshedded and had a trim of his tail and feathers. Where I'd had to cut some mats out of his bottom, it was blended to hide the holes. Never far away is Alfie waiting for a treat. Then it was Alfies turn, he is much happier with his groom now he's not hand stripped. He does like to loll about on the table eating sausage. It's like a day's holiday camp for him! he's good with the blast dryer as well, then his ears were cleaned and his nails clipped. He was brushed, he loves a belly brush, combed, carded and had a banded comb run through him. Facework, he was good. Adopts the chin rest. I tried to trim other areas but he just wanted to roll around, so trimmed his paws, ears and that was about it really! His owner wanted his teeth Emi-Pet cleaned, he sat up for this, he does quite like having his teeth cleaned, not bothered at all. He had, some Orozyme applied and was given a dentistik. We then headed out for respite and toileting. Finally it was Maggie's turn, she was brushed, combed, nails trimmed and ears cleaned. Clipper work had her trying to bite the clippers initially, we used to have this in the early days. It was a couple of runs, treat, extending the runs then another treat, and she forgot about biting and started focusing on the food. Head and facework a bit fidgetty, but not as bad as I'd expected, I cut her eyebrows shorter to get any hair out of her eyes. A scissor blend, tail/paw trim, and she was done. Post groom we headed out again for a final toilet stop and were having some cuddles, as we always do, when their owner came for them. ❤️❤️❤️

Clover was here this morning. When she arrived she said hello and jumped on the table. She knows the routine and she ass...

Clover was here this morning. When she arrived she said hello and jumped on the table. She knows the routine and she associates the table with treats. Health check - not a single mat which made me very happy indeed. Left ear is being treated for a yeast build up, it did smell very ye**ty, so was expecting some reluctance with dryers and facework. Bath time no loop, really good, face and ears flannel washed. After her bath she waited by the gate, she did this last time, and she needed a wee. Once back in the salon, she jumped on the table. Lay down, no loop. No dryers today, she can be a bit reluctant to have her nails trimmed. I can always tell by the first paw, today I'd need to do a paw at a time during her groom. I cleaned her good ear. Then damp clipped her. To clip her hind legs and around her bottom she has a licky mat. Facework some resistence today, not as much as I envisaged. Clover did very well considering and worked to get her welfare areas done for a bit of sausage. After a tail trim we headed out for a break. On return another 2 clip arounds with the licky mat replenished. Doing her nails as we go along. Clover accepted the clippers on her front legs again, she permits this more times than not now. Good with paw work and a blend. Post groom, she stood by the gate, so I took her out again. It must be this cold snap! On return she sat back on the table thinking she'd get more treats! We had some cuddle time, and was sat on the floor with her, teaching her some tricks she didn't even hear her owner come in. I cannot believe this is the same girl that first came to me. Pacing the table, lip licking, yawning, shaking, absolutely terrified. Her groom took quite a while with decompression breaks. I'm so glad she's happy here. With going at her pace, identifying areas that bother her and working around it, has made her so much more groom confident. The food helps too! ❤️

Here's Rosie. She's was so excited to see me, she ran in, crying and jumping up and giving my face a good wash. Rosie he...

Here's Rosie. She's was so excited to see me, she ran in, crying and jumping up and giving my face a good wash. Rosie headed to the toy basket and her owner left, not bothered. We had a few mins of playtime. Health check, some ear matting but everything else good. Bath time is not her favourite thing she was clinging onto my arm, I used bottles, instead of the shower rose, same effect. So I popped her on the floor and floor bathed her, she was a bit better there. No bath photos as a result. She's bathed at home in the bath, so no idea what the issue is here. She then jumped on the table for cheese. Finish dryer on low. Nails were interspersed with brushing, ear clean, good for cheese. She was brushed and undercoat raked all over, she doesn't like the comb. I then damp clipped her, she thought it a game of catch me, running and hopping all over the table. I took her out for respite, although putting the lead on was also a game of catch me and she was doing zoomies. Back in the salon, another clip around with her twirling all over the table. Gave her a kong and a licky mat that she picked up and twirled around with, adding another element of fun to the process. Let's do facework. She was lifting her chin to the ceiling, refusing the chin rest, impossible to do much at all really. I lowered the table to try and do facework from a different angle, and that had the opposite affect of Rosie dropping her head on her chest. Ear trim not so bad. Tail trim good. Another rather entertaining clip around, then it was a paw trim. We had the hokey cokey with this (Mack has a dance partner!) so they are trimmed as much as I can, there's no mats at least. A small blend as that's all we could manage. Post groom we had some playtime, fetching the ball was the most cooperative Rosie had been in 3 hours! When her owner came to collect, she wasnt bothered about going home she just wanted more of my love and fuss. Jumping up for cuddles and giving me more kisses. When I got her lead she thought I was taking her for a walk. Aww. ❤️

Here's 14 year old Bert, in for a spruce. When left he started crying so took him out. On return health check, some isol...

Here's 14 year old Bert, in for a spruce. When left he started crying so took him out. On return health check, some isolated patches of matting under his chin, under ears and armpits and in his muzzle. Bath time he paced a bit and was crying, I took him out and dried him over the floor drain. On the table, still crying I kept it low. Nails and ear clean wriggly, still crying. I did one damp clip around as he won't accept the dryers and we went out. On return he stayed by the gate barking, couldn't get him back on the table, he was then running to the other door and barking. I took him out again, he just sniffed about. Managed to get him back on the table this time. I clipped the mats out of his ears and jacket, another run around with the clippers. Incessant crying and uncooperative. Even giving him sausage didn't stop him crying. Off the table he ran to the gate and was crying and barking, I took him back out. No toilet just sniffing about again. Back in the salon, I got his mats out of his muzzle, trimmed it up and his head and ears. He was twirling about, crying and I was trying to stop him falling off the table, even though it was low. He is a dog with older bones at the end of the day. Another clipper run, all over, I wasn't going to scissor blend and prolongue his time here. After his groom he was back to the gate and repeatedly barking. I kept him outside a while then brought him in just before his owner came. Since he's been losing his hearing and sight his separation anxiety has gotten worse. So have suggested bringing in something familiar like his bed or blanket with them next time, if he's getting overwhelmed he can go to his safe place. ❤️

Oatley my Cornwall dog was here today. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. He's very clingy to his family  on arrival, he ...

Oatley my Cornwall dog was here today. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. He's very clingy to his family on arrival, he whines for a little while when they leave. Today he rushed straight in very happy to see me, jumping up for pets and fuss. Very calm and sat by me waiting for a treat, remained sitting by me waiting for another treat when he was left. Not bothered at all. Health check coat in great condition, just a couple of toe mats, everything else in order. I put some sausage in the bath and he jumped in. He jumped on the rim when he got in and was trying to open my treat bag! Great with his bath, a flannel facewash. After his bath he ran and hopped on the table, this was a first. He now knows the routine. Finish dryer on low, I cleaned his ears and he let me trim his nails without a growl or resistence. He let me brush and comb him all over. I put a licky mat out for him and clipped all one side, replenished it and clipped the other side. The only bits he is upset with is inside rear legs if I clip there more than once, he is resistent and growls and front legs are a no with the clippers. I clipped his ears, and performed a small face and head trim and we went out for a respite break. On return, I continued trimming his muzzle and stop area. He normally adopts the chin rest for facework. He did for a few seconds and then started head rotating. But I'm happy his hair's out of his eyes. Front legs were scissored and paws trimmed, back hocks blended and paws trimmed. He even let me remove some paw mats. Oatley gave me lots of kisses when telling him how good he was. No biting, no mouthing, just growling and resistence when he doesn't want something, so we move on to something else. Once we'd finished, we played the scratchboard game, he really loves this. Lots more kisses too. When his family came to collect, he greeted them, then returned to sit by my side. Wasn't bothered about going home. Apparently, he only kisses certain people that are in his circle of people he likes, so feel very privileged! Oatley turned a real corner today, I'm so happy with this boy's progress from the traumatised little dog that first came to see me. It's been a very slow burn getting him to trust me, and he's had the odd relapse particularly when he was muzzled at the vets. However, we keep to the same routine and I read his behaviours, and in this session he started to let his guard down ❤️

Winnie was in this morning for her usual. She was so happy to be here, crinkling her nose and showing me her teefies. A ...

Winnie was in this morning for her usual. She was so happy to be here, crinkling her nose and showing me her teefies. A few bits of cheese then health check, coat is always so lovely not a single mat. Ears nice and pink. Bath time a treat in the bath, she jumped in, no loop. Good with her bath, no shower spray on her head. Flannel wash only. After a brief dry, I put a towel on the floor and she drys herself. She then hopped onto the table. No dryers at all today, she paw lifted. Coat conditioner on, good with a brush, refused the comb and the undercoat rake. I trimmed her nails with a piece of cheese for every single nail, otherwise she'd put her head in the way, blocking me doing any work. I damp clipped her, she was twizzling around. Tail trim, could only brush it and trim. I trimmed her eyebrows, but she was repeatedly head bouncing. We went out for respite. On return, I reclipped her. Trimmed her face/head and ears up inbetween her head bouncing. A leg and paw trim was only conducted with cheese bribes, otherwise more head blocking. Post groom we had playtime and she showed me her tricks for cheese. I got the talking paws buttons out, she was intrigued but not sure what to do. Winnie's owner has said her behaviours have been odd at home this week, will only drink water if her owner holds the bowl, and has starting pressing her going out to the toilet bell to obtain treats. She is funny. It wasn't Winnie's best day but her welfare areas are addressed. ❤️

Bella was in today. Lovely behaviours on arrival if not a tad sleepy. Health check good, coat in excellent condition. Ba...

Bella was in today. Lovely behaviours on arrival if not a tad sleepy. Health check good, coat in excellent condition. Bath time really great with that. Tablework unusually, no dryers. Nails intermittent with brush work. Ear clean, no issue. Combed with the undercoat rake, she's not a fan of the comb. Clipperwork very wriggly, wanted to lie down, tuck her head into her shoulders or arch her back. Tricky to clip with nice sweeping lines. I didn't prolongue her clip, just quick 2 runs either side. Didn't like her bottom/tail being touched. A small underpaw trim. Then we headed out, hoping some fresh air might perk her up a bit. She loved her walk, looking behind regularly to check I was still there. On return she initiated ball play which was amazing. Back on the table though much of the same! Face/head/earwork had her rolling her head or snatching, so have done what I can. Legs blended with scissors when I could get her to stand up. Bella wasn't feeling the grooming love today, but that's OK, it happens. Bella was happy to take treats and play ball games post groom. She's had her welfare areas sorted and not been stressed out, so I'm pleased with that. ❤️

Here's Luna in for a full groom and deshed. Blimey was she moulting! She was a bit clingy to her owner at the beginning,...

Here's Luna in for a full groom and deshed. Blimey was she moulting! She was a bit clingy to her owner at the beginning, but she soon warmed up when the treats made an appearance. Health check good, refused the bath. Jumping excitedly at the gate and twirling around showing me her teefies. Last time she needed the toilet and had to take her out, she now thinks that's part of the routine. Out we go, on return a treat in the bath and she hopped in. Good with bathwork, loves her bottom scrubbed. My bath though, major clear up job! On the table, she got on with a treat, finish dryer on low, an ear clean and nail trim. Great with that. A good brush then an undercoat rake. She enjoys a brush on her bottom. She keeps showing me her bottom to brush it some more. She was damp deshedded, then we went for respite. On return she had another deshed with various sized coat kings, next all around with a comb. Followed by a furminator on her shorter areas. Another brush and comb and she was done. She's so good, takes everything in her stride for treats. Post groom, she was twirling about, jumping up and grinning at the gate. Really?! Out we go again. Then she had some belly rubs and a bum scratch when we got back. ❤️

This is Summer, she does suffer with a bit of anxiety.  In the early days she used to wet herself, but her previous sess...

This is Summer, she does suffer with a bit of anxiety. In the early days she used to wet herself, but her previous sessions have gone really well. A bit shy on arrival, so decided to take her for a walk, which she got very excited about. Back at the salon she settled down. Health check, quite a lot of matting, another dog that's been sprayed down with a hosepipe to remove mud. She got into the bath following some sausage. Good with bath time. After a towel dry, she headed to the table, a piece of sausage on the table and she hopped on. Finish dryer on low, her ears were cleaned, nails clipped and paws trimmed under and over. Really good with that. I cut an inch off the end of her tail fur whilst she was drying off. First clip around a bit damp, she's normally averse to having her bottom clipped, but it was so matted she was happy to let me remove it all. After a clip around her ears, we went out for respite. On return another couple of clip arounds, tail and ears trimmed and tidied her up with blenders. She loved working for sausage. I took her out for a final walk, she was twirling around and barking when I got my coat on. When we got back, we had some ball play, she likes to roll the ball to me and I roll it back. Then we had some cuddle time and she received belly rubs. When her owner came, she said hello then went back to the blanket and settled down. Really good work from Summer. ❤️

Here's Freddie in for his 3rd puppy groom. He couldn't wait to get out of the car - he was dragging his owner in. In thi...

Here's Freddie in for his 3rd puppy groom. He couldn't wait to get out of the car - he was dragging his owner in. In this session, I'd try a bit more clipping on areas he wasn't so sure about last time and face sc******ng. He knew what to do he jumped straight on the table, he's very, very food motivated and he's been doing extremely well in his sessions. His owners are working hard behind the scenes too, to help him overcome some aspects he's apprehensive about. I could see that they've been making some great progress with facework, especially around Freddie's eyes. Ear clean good, brush and comb, excellent. I clipped him all over, wriggly but he worked for a treat. He had a paw trim, good with that. Tried a nail clip, that was a refusal he wouldn't let me stroke his paws with them either, so that's an area to work on. Then facework, I trimmed his eyebrows, I trimmed his stop area a bit, then moved to his head, really didn't like scissors on his head. So, with some soft brush stroking I trimmed a bit of his head, but that requires some desentisiation. I'm not going to bath him until he's comfortable with the table aspect. He's bathed regularly at home so I have no concerns over that. But the key is to not overload him with too much all in one go. He's not ready for that just yet, so his sessions will just be increased incrementally until he's nailed it. Post session we went for a toilet walk. Freddie is reluctant to stay still for the camera as I'm not giving him treats, so he does jump up repeatedly and becomes very exuberant on the table reminding me about the treat bag, 11 photos with only 1 that was usable! He is so funny 😆❤️

Gertrude was in for her groom today. It's her 2nd visit. She was very happy to see me. Health check, a few isolated mats...

Gertrude was in for her groom today. It's her 2nd visit. She was very happy to see me. Health check, a few isolated mats but overall coat in very good condition. Before getting in the bath she stood by the gate, I took her out and she wanted a wee. In the bath she did try one cheeky escape attempt, but with some treats she stayed in the tub. After a towel dry she jumped on the table. Nail clip and ear clean good. She was ok with my less powerful blast dryer. Not around her ears though. Finish dryer only. She was brushed and combed out. She had her jacket clipped, taking out a couple of mats. Then kept her legs a bit longer with a guard comb, trimmed her paws and we headed out for respite. On return a head, face and ear trim. Gertrude is very wriggly/head snatchy with head work and coming to do anything around her tail/bottom, she doesn't like too much either. But she will work to some extent for food and being told she's a good girl. Gertrude had a large mat in her tail which was clipped out. Another clip around and a scissor blend and she was done. Post groom, she stood by the gate, she loves a walk! On return she helped herself to toys in the basket and we had a game of ball throw. Improved behaviours from Gertrude in this session, the treats definitely help with her focus! ❤️

Fergus and Lola were in today. Fergus happy to see me, Lola more aloof, but comes around once she gets some sausage.  Sh...

Fergus and Lola were in today. Fergus happy to see me, Lola more aloof, but comes around once she gets some sausage. She is very food motivated and has a tendancy to counter surf. Health check, both incredibly matted. Fergus had mats inside his ears. Lola had a load of flea dirt in her coat, then located a few fleas, Fergus also had flea dirt in his coat so it would be flea shampoo for them both. Fergus' eyes are really gunky. But his owner said he's coping ok with his oesophagus issue, we are amazed he's still with us as his prognosis wasn't good a few months back. He is very skinny though. Fergus got into the bath using the steps. Really good with his scrub, I washed his face and gunky eyes with a flannel. The more I felt of Fergus, I was sceptical of saving his coat. After a dry, Lola got into the bath after a piece of sausage. Really good with her bath, although Fergus was getting upset she was getting attention and not him! once towel dried she rested on a blanket whilst I focussed on Fergus. I tried to dry him but he was not drying well, I tried to undercoat rake him but his coat was just too matted. I do not take shaving a double coated dog down lightly, but I had no option but to do the right thing for his welfare. He was a walking lump of mat. He was quite fidgetty with his clip as his skin would have felt so restricted and painful. His coat was coming off in pelted sheets. His undercarriage was very clumped up with matting, I'm not sure how he was going to the toilet. Front legs, he's always a bit reluctant, but I think as his skin was so taught he appreciated the relief working for food. He had massive mats in his paws and toes, and he let me remove them for tripe stick bites. A clip of his ears and removal of mats growing out of his ear canal, then cleaned his ears and grinded his nails. We headed out for respite. On return I clipped his tail, it was too far gone with matting and had to clip his face which I didn't enjoy doing, but he will feel better particularly with eating and drinking. Another wipe of his eyes, a blend and he was ready. We headed out for another break. Then it was Lola's turn, I part dried her. Clipped her nails with the enticement of sausage, cleaned her ears and feeling around some areas really were quite matted, so she was short clipped as well. Not too bad with her jacket and hind legs, not so much on front legs, but she allowed one run front and back to get rid of the mats and sc******ng the rest. She had mats in her v***a and all around her bottom, which she was good at letting me remove. A clip of her tail and ears and we headed out again. Back in the salon face/headwork, a bit wriggly but removed her muzzle and beard mats. Lola will work for food and loves being told how good she is. Which upsets Fergus and he barks, so I gave him some fuss and told him what a good boy he is too. It was then removing her paw mats, ok with her toe ones but wriggly with her inside paw ones. So I used the mini trimmers first, praise, she got sausage then snipped the mat twice with scissors, praise, sausage, repeat. The first 2 she struggled a bit, but once she knew the routine she was waiting for the treats. She had completely calmed down by the time we got to her last one. She must feel so much better without that hard marble feeling in her paws. After a scissor blend she was ready. I wiped Fergus' eyes again. They are weeping continually, bless him. Not the best grooms, but my priority was mat removal today. Post groom Fergus kept resting his head in my lap for an ear rub and Lola was waiting for more good girl treats. When their owner came, Fergus stood by me just wanting extra fuss. He's such a love bug, he just wants 24/7 cuddles. Going forward, we are now doing 8 weekly grooms to avoid their coats getting into this state again. ❤️❤️

Buffy was here today for her 2nd puppy groom. She was happy to see me, remembered I had treats! Today would be a nails, ...

Buffy was here today for her 2nd puppy groom. She was happy to see me, remembered I had treats! Today would be a nails, paws and scissors day, with some clipper and dryer noise. I turned the dryer on then I popped a treat into the bath, she put her paws on the door ledge, I helped her in. Turned on the water, a sniff of the shampoo, a mock towel dry which she thought a terrific game! I don't have any concerns over bathtime as she's bathed at home. Treat on the table, she climbed on. Not too bothered by the dryer. I cleaned her ears, very good with that. I brushed and combed her, not too bad, but didn't like brushes or combs around her head or face and nibbled me a few times. I showed her the nail clippers for a sniff, stroked her paws with them. Starting with the back paws, one nail - treat, 2 nails - treat, 3 and so on. Really good with nails, very focussed. Paw trim, a little bit wriggly at times but we got there with treats. I then used a small cosmetic brush around her stop, muzzle and forehead, reward when she consented, no reward when she went to bite. I showed her some small bull nosed scissors, she sniffed them, I ran them around her face, she's a bit wriggly so didn't progress to bigger scissors in this session, she's not ready. We then went out for a break. On return, I did some more face stroking with the bull nosed scissors, it was a bit hit and miss. We then moved onto clippers. I put them on the table with no blades attached, she sniffed, I turned them on. Not too happy with the noise. Turned off. Turned on again, treat. We did this quite a few times until she was more comfortable with the noise, then moved the clippers around her body, sort of air clipping. She was looking around to see what was going on, so we practiced this quite a few times. I put a scratchboard out for her, she knows how to use this. Even though she had her nails clipped, it's teaching her positive reward. Post session she helped herself to some toys and was quite happy when her owner came to collect her. ❤️

Here's Ginger in for her bath and brush. On arrival she was happy to see me, we've become friends since she's been comin...

Here's Ginger in for her bath and brush. On arrival she was happy to see me, we've become friends since she's been coming more regularly. She is now in the routine of a walk before her bath. On return she got on the table for her health check, Her owner has taken her to the vet where she has a cyst type growth on her neck. I could see where she'd been shaved, a few areas of isolated matting. Today she wouldn't get in the bath, sometimes she does this where I've had to get in the bath first and she follows me in, today I tried the steps and she got straight into the tub. Not sure if this will work next time, but it did in this session. Good with her bath, but did have a tendancy to hide her right hip. Loved a towel dry, especially on her ears. She headed straight to the table afterwards. Finish dryer on low. Even though Ginger is only having a bath and brush, I do like to look at welfare areas so, nails were trimmed, paws trimmed, ears cleaned and mats removed. Brushing ok until I get to that right side hip area again and she twirls around. I put a licky mat out and she let me brush it. I then followed with an undercoat rake and comb but that right hip was a refusal. She's fine with her rear end being brushed, she let me brush and comb her tail too, it's her hip. I demonstrated her behaviours to her owner, even when I stroked it she was hyperventilating. It may be a reason for her wanting steps in and out of the bath. She's due her vaccinations soon, it would be worth getting that hip checked out at the same time. Whilst I'm chatting to her owner, Ginger sits by me waiting for more treats and pets. She is so comfortable here. On the whole Ginger is really good with her table groom, and is a dream with paw work. ❤️


Curload, Stoke St Gregory

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm


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