New Beginnings Dog Training

New Beginnings Dog Training 20+ years experience training dogs and dealing with dog behavioural issues. Please see my website for further details of courses etc I offer.

My name is Jo (Joanne) and I have in excess of 20+ years experience working with dogs of all breeds and temperaments, formerly as a professional dog handler (Hampshire and Thames Valley Police - now retired ) and latterly as a pet dog behaviourist and trainer.

I am passionate about what I do and will work with you, either on a 1:2:1 basis, or in a group setting, to problem solve and give you th

e skills required to have a 'New Beginning' with your dog.

I am a hands on trainer who won't just stand back and tell you what to do. I will show you, guide you and give you the knowledge and explanations necessary, in a friendly and positive way, to facilitate you then being able to continue to train your dog. As well as addressing behavioural issues and teaching general obedience, I also teach Scent Detection and Tracking. I have my own dogs and I am also an Accredited Kennel Club Assured Breeder of English Springer Spaniels.

My ‘office’ for a few hours this morning waiting for my Tracking clients to come and ‘play!!!’

My ‘office’ for a few hours this morning waiting for my Tracking clients to come and ‘play!!!’

Big 🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉 to Paddy, Rolo, Maude & Hugo for passing my 6 week Puppy Course!I ask a lot from both the owne...

Big 🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉 to Paddy, Rolo, Maude & Hugo for passing my 6 week Puppy Course!

I ask a lot from both the owners and the very young pups and my aim is by week 6 for all the pups to be walking both on and off lead in high distraction environments AND recall with distractions too!

This morning ALL ACHIEVED this and ignored all the distractions of the ducks, pigeons and other members of the public along the canal path in Meadowlands.

Well done 👏👏👏


The last of my adoreable puppies has gone today to their 5⭐️ forever home.Video here of pups last run with mum.
No more litters now for another 2 to 3 years 😢🐾❤️🐾


Last walk with my WoodleyOak C Litter puppies before 3 of them go to their forever 5⭐️ homes this afternoon.
Very mixed emotions but I know they will have the best of lives with their new families ❤️🐾❤️



Update from one of my clients:

Hi, if you have other clients in Plymouth: there is ant poison it seems on the Kings Road.
***** started vomitting violently while we were out.
I collected some vomit because it had white powder in it and took him to the vet. He's fine but the vet says it is most likely ant poison.
Location - Kings Road, next to trees and bushes on both sides of the road, close to the City College


It’s never too early to start RECALL training and I’ve been imprinting this RECALL cue since they were 4 weeks old!!
Great example here of pups playing but even at 8 weeks old, they understand that when asked to RECALL it’s not optional but it is FUN!!!!
Hopefully their forever homes will carry this on!!!


What fun you can have with 4 pups, an agility tunnel and some balls / gundog dummies!!!!!



As dog owners, we know that our dogs love to explore the great outdoors.

Unfortunately, this adventurous spirit can sometimes lead to encounters with bees and wasps.

While a sting is usually a minor issue, it’s important to know how to handle it properly to ensure your dog’s comfort and safety.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if your dog gets stung by a bee or wasp.

Recognising a Sting

First, it’s crucial to recognise the signs that your dog has been stung. Common symptoms include:

* Sudden yelping or whining

* Licking or biting at the affected area

* Swelling, redness, or hives

* Limping or pawing at the face or body

In more severe cases, your dog might exhibit signs of an allergic reaction, such as:

* Difficulty breathing

* Excessive drooling

* Vomiting

* Collapse

If you notice any severe symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Step-by-Step Response

1. Stay Calm and Keep Your Dog Calm

Your dog might be distressed after being stung, so it’s essential to stay calm to help soothe them. Speak in a soft, reassuring tone and try to prevent them from further aggravating the sting site by licking or scratching.

2. Identify the Insect

If possible, try to identify whether your dog was stung by a bee or a wasp. Bees leave their stingers behind, while wasps do not. Knowing this can help you treat the sting more effectively.

3. Remove the Stinger (If Present)

If a bee stung your dog, the stinger may still be lodged in the skin. Using a pair of tweezers or the edge of a credit card, carefully scrape or pull out the stinger. Be gentle to avoid squeezing more venom into the wound.

4. Clean the Affected Area

Clean the sting site with mild soap and water to prevent infection. This will also help to remove any residual venom from the skin.

5. Apply a Cold Compress

To reduce swelling and pain, apply a cold compress or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the sting site for about 10 minutes. Repeat as necessary, giving your dog breaks in between applications.

6. Monitor for Allergic Reactions

Keep a close eye on your dog for the next few hours. If you notice any signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling around the face or neck, difficulty breathing, or excessive drooling, seek veterinary assistance immediately.

7. Administer Antihistamines (If Recommended)

For minor swelling and discomfort, your vet might recommend an over-the-counter antihistamine like Benadryl. Always consult your veterinarian before administering any medication to ensure the correct dosage and safety for your dog.

8. Provide Comfort and Care

Ensure your dog remains comfortable and hydrated. Provide a cozy place for them to rest and monitor their behaviour. Most dogs recover quickly from a single sting, but providing comfort can help speed up the healing process.

When to Visit the Vet

While most bee and wasp stings are not life-threatening, there are situations where veterinary care is necessary:

* Multiple Stings: If your dog has been stung multiple times, the cumulative venom can cause more severe reactions.

* Severe Allergic Reactions: Signs such as difficulty breathing, collapse, or extreme swelling require immediate veterinary attention.

* Stings Inside the Mouth or Throat: These can lead to swelling that may obstruct your dog’s airway.

* Infected Sting Sites: If the sting site becomes red, warm, or produces pus, it may be infected and require treatment.

New Beginnings Dog Training


A huge well done to DAZZLE the tail wagging Cocker Spaniel, who last night successfully completed my 4 week “Introduction to Scent Detection” course.

He can now find and let his mum know that he’s found, a single droplet of the following which I hid within my Training Room:

Truffle Oil ✔️
Gun Oil ✔️
Clove Oil ✔️
Blood ✔️

- he had such a fun time!!!


A huge well done to CECE the adorable Newfoundland who tonight successfully completed my 4 week “Introduction to Scent Detection” course.

She can now find and let her mum know that she’s found, a single droplet of the following which I hid within my Training Room:

Truffle Oil ✔️
Gun Oil ✔️
Clove Oil ✔️
Blood ✔️

- just goes to prove that ANY breed if they love sniffing can succeed and have fun doing this great activity.




My WoodleyOak C Litter Springer Spaniel puppies are 7 weeks old today!!! They had their first ‘run out’ with the rest of the family/pack yesterday and loved it!!!!!
I’ve now secured amazing forever 🏠 for 2 of them ❤️🐾❤️


Just another video clip of last nights ‘WalkOut’ session.
All the dogs are at different stages in their learning journeys and some have only just finished my puppy classes!! Super proud of all of my WalkOut groups - walking nicely, being steady as other dogs pass 👍👍👍👍👍

Teaching obedience continually in a Village Hall or similar is not real life!! My ‘WalkOut’  groups overcome huge distra...

Teaching obedience continually in a Village Hall or similar is not real life!!
My ‘WalkOut’ groups overcome huge distractions to achieve a really high standard of obedience in distraction rich environments.

Well done to my Friday WalkOut session tonight for focus / fun and achieving personal development goals.

Huge congratulations to all the puppy teams who have just completed my 6 week Puppy Course. I ask a lot from them: my mi...

Huge congratulations to all the puppy teams who have just completed my 6 week Puppy Course. I ask a lot from them: my minimum is to achieve walking nicely both on/off lead in a real life distraction environment and RECALL in a high distraction environment too!
Not all pictured here but 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️🐾❤️


Lovely video here of a one of the dogs in this afternoons ABC class, learning how to safely negotiate the agility Seesaw .


Pup George here showing his steadiness and obedience whilst tackling agility style equipment in yesterday’s ABC class.


Only week 2 for the NEW Heelwork to Music (HTM) training classes!
All dogs and owners have worked so hard and had lots of fun along the way and their early results are evident!! 👏👏👏

If it’s something you would like to try send me a message!

We successfully dodged the ☔️ this morning for our ABC class!Outside - introducing the dogs to the seesaw to build trust...

We successfully dodged the ☔️ this morning for our ABC class!
Outside - introducing the dogs to the seesaw to build trust and confidence, and then inside to use agility style equipment to practice on and off lead obedience with LOADS of distractions!!!!

Great focus from all 4 dogs - Evie, Quinn, Buddy and Maisey ❤️🐾❤️

Very mixed emotions day as 3 of my 5 pups were picked up by their ‘forever homes’ new families.I know they will have the...

Very mixed emotions day as 3 of my 5 pups were picked up by their ‘forever homes’ new families.
I know they will have the best of lives but I couldn’t help shed a tear -
Red collar pictured here waiting for his new mum to turn up whilst the other 2 watch on, knowing they get to stay for a few more days ❤️🐾❤️


Good morning!!’ Walks well underway with the pups, mum, dad and adopted grandad Barney!

Meadowlands in Tavistock is a fantastic dog training/socialising venue for dogs as long as park rules and etiquette are ...

Meadowlands in Tavistock is a fantastic dog training/socialising venue for dogs as long as park rules and etiquette are adhered too!!

Don’t forget that Trudy Scrumptious Cafe in the park now sells Doggy Ice Cream for ‘sit down time’!


2 great practical obedience ‘WalkOut’ sessions completed this morning in Tavistock and now home.

Time for pup / dog walks!
5 pups, mum & dad and adopted Grandad Barney (my retired Police Search dog).
3 pups still looking for their forever 🏠

Finally advertised my ❤️🐾❤️ litter of KC Registered Springer Spaniel Pups.8 weeks old today and they will be having thei...

Finally advertised my ❤️🐾❤️ litter of KC Registered Springer Spaniel Pups.
8 weeks old today and they will be having their first jabs this week and a full health check by my vets.
Not on the advert, but I additionally offer a free space on one of my Puppy Courses for any local forever homes.
Please share

GunDogsDirect: Easy buy/sell platform for gundogs. No complex forms, ads stay until sold. Update easily via email.

Photo from earlier today whilst the training room was set up for its first PROPRIOCEPTION class.Proprio—what?!!!!!That’s...

Photo from earlier today whilst the training room was set up for its first PROPRIOCEPTION class.

That’s what my reaction was anyway!!

Proprioception is from the Latin proprius, meaning “one’s own,” and capere, meaning to grasp. Thus, proprioception means to grasp one’s own position in space, including the position of the limbs in relation to each other and the body as a whole.
Proprioception is how a baseball player hits a 3-inch ball going 95 mph with a 2-1/2-inch bat. It’s how an Agility dog flies over the dog walk, placing its feet in exactly the right spots on a narrow board. Proprioception is how your athletic dog snags a thrown ball in mid-air and lands running. It’s responsible for your dog’s paw-eye and mouth-eye coordination.

As your dog moves, proprioceptors send messages that contain information about the exact positions of all parts of the body, how fast and in which directions those body parts are moving, and how much load they are bearing so that instantaneous corrections can be made. So, if your dashing dog makes an error in foot placement, the proprioception system instantaneously tries to correct it. You can see why this system is so important in injury prevention!
The following table lists examples of canine activities that get a major assist from proprioception:

Unfortunately, “use it or lose it” seems to be the motto of the neurological system. Despite our best intentions, there are times when the proprioception system can go into decline. Here are some examples:
When your dog is injured and has to spend weeks or months with minimal exercise. This is one reason why a slow return to activity is recommended.
When your dog is tired, proprioception is temporarily impaired. This is why exercising your dog to exhaustion greatly increases the risk of injuries.
As your dog ages, the proprioceptive system starts to lose its polish. However, we know from studies of elderly and frail people that strength and balance training help to slow that process and reduce the risk of injuries.

Just Do It!
Hopefully you realise the importance of the proprioceptive system for improving your dog’s ability to experience a full and active life while reducing the likelihood of musculoskeletal injury.
Keeping your dog’s proprioceptive system honed might be the most important thing you can do to reduce the risk of injuries, with all of their associated costs, downtime, and heartache. In addition, the scientific evidence suggests that proprioceptive exercises are one of the best ways to increase your dog’s health span—the length of time your dog is healthy and active—and who doesn’t want that?

What to expect in a session with NBDT :
Balance training on donuts, stools and peanuts. Walking over poles and navigating pole puzzles; balancing on pods; walking across different surfaces; sitting on fitballs; weight shifting with leg raises; even good old sits, downs, stands and play bows. All these exercises ( and more) help dogs to be aware of their bodies and movement; encourage body alignment; builds strength; aids stability and coordination and improves muscle and joint action.
Want to attend a session and see for yourself the benefits of proprioception exercises for your dog - then send me a private message to receive further info.


Going for a walk with 🐾 mum Sabby and 🐾 dad Floki is definitely the highlight of the pups day!!!!!

My Springer Spaniel pups will be 7 weeks old tomorrow.I’ve loved watching them grow into confident little individuals al...

My Springer Spaniel pups will be 7 weeks old tomorrow.
I’ve loved watching them grow into confident little individuals all with very different personalities.
I guess it’s time to start to look at new forever 🏠 for them from next week 😪😪 and get them on the KC website.

Just cherishing every moment with these little jewels ❤️🐾❤️




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