Pain and behaviour links are massively underrated so I’m so glad this getting considered and recognised now 🙏
Let's get this straight.
Pain in dogs
This is the one thing that needs checking out immediately if your dogs behaviour has changed or he/ she suddenly dislikes sharing the sofa or he growls when on the bed
I have grown tired of reminding people that pain IS the one thing that needs to be checked out immediately by your vet, because pain causes behaviour problems-dogs can only give us so much information about how they are feeling, instead of blaming them and excluding them from the sofa or the bed please get them checked over
I am a Bowen therapist and have been for many years, and if you need a list of things which indicate that your dog might be in pain I can send them to you-as they are way too numerous to list.
But as I am always saying observation is EVERYTHING.
Here are just few indications your dog is in pain-and I have missed a many out-as I would be here all day
If he "shakes off " the shake will not be down the entire body (if neck pain is present a dog will avoid moving his head and neck)
Eating habits will change
He may drink far more or less
He may be less able to regulate his temperature (so will seek out places where he is warmer-like your bed)
He will be reluctant to walk on squishy/ soft surfaces,if a dog is arthritic-and many are-especially ex racing greyhounds.
He may look like he is desperate to go out for a walk when you get ready but then decline to go out (its not always reactive dogs that don't want to walk).
Vets are not mind readers so please take video and pictures and information with you when you book an appointment-this will help them to diagnose problems.
Dogs that growl or snap are frequently in pain!
Those of us that are trained as canine therapists are worth asking too. We are trained and we DO know what we are talking about
If you have problems with your dog you would like to discuss give me a call 07910 720961