A carbon neutral ecommerce site selling eco-friendly products with the underlying belief that we can all make a difference by making small changes to our everyday consumer habits to help the environment by reducing the use of plastics. We are a family run business that been on a journey over the last year trying to find a way of reducing the affect that we have as a family on our planet to ensure
that we secure the future for our children. As we progress on this journey we hope we can bring a few people with us.
2020 has been a challenging year for everyone but we as a family have taken some useful things away from it:
- Recognise what you have and make the most of it - whether that is family, friends, work or pets
- Mental health/well-being is fragile and something that needs to be looked after and nurtured especially in young people
- Making small changes can make a big difference - reducing the amount of single use plastic and being more aware of everyday consumer decisions can make a big difference to our environment
- We all need to do our bit to secure the future for our children
We have 4 children and this year has really helped us to realise that our children's future is uncertain and probably more challenging than our own when we were their age. This opened our eyes and made us want to make changes to the way we live our lives but like many others we felt overwhelmed with the enormity of the problem and were left contemplating whether or not small changes would have any impact on the climate emergency that we are facing. Despite thinking like this we decided that we would start by trying to make a small difference to our local community, taking our children out to do some litter picking. Recycle
It was at this point that Purchase With Purpose Limited was born and we wanted to show other people, families, like minded friends that we can all make some small changes to our consumer habits to make a really difference to the environment, and ultimately the futures of our children. At Purchase With Purpose we believe that we can all make a difference by making small changes to our everyday purchasing habits to help the environment by reducing the use of plastics. Reducing the amount of single use plastic is at the heart of what we do and we think is one of the easiest ways to start making changes to your everyday lifestyle choices. Not satisfied with just stocking eco-friendly products we were determined to have an even greater impact with every sale, which led to our partnerships with Ecologi. By partnering with Ecologi we are ensuring that as a family and as a business we are Carbon Positive with our very own Company Forrest. We are also committed to donating 10% of our products to a charity that supports young people and we are excited to say that we will shortly be announcing this charity.