Hayes farm stables

Hayes farm stables Yard information


There were a few inaccuracies about when i worked in the front paddock, though, and these should be corrected, so that others know that I was in the right and did the correct thing.
The lower fence was touching the floor and this cannot be accepted, as it may earth the line and endanger other people's horses. I picked it all up and left it neat but the person in the next area took it all down again and left it dangerous and untidy. She later took the line away and the posts and it must be pointed out that Tony had a fence there and the posts and the line must be restored, if you should go.. so please don't think that you can just take it all and leave.. the fence was there and has to be there at the end.
In the end, taking it all away.. and we spent a fair amount of time digging these posts etc out of the long grass, as it had grown in and become dangerous, left her neighbour with a problem, as she is now short of line and has a problem lowering her fence towards the hedge.
There were 5 inaccuracies said about this area... I never put wire up.. I put nylon sheep line behind the tape, as the half dozen attempts that I made to make the tape work to the end were unfruitful. This means that the horse could still see the tape that was still there and meant that I had not left it dangerous, as the horse could still see it and would not run through it and possibly be injured. I just wanted to clear this up, as it sounded bad. If she had come to me in a friendly way, I would have put her right in a friendly way and everyone would have been reassured... but she didn't and she involved people that knew nothing about the situation and had not checked the facts. A kind word and a visit to the site would have proven everything and this is best practise next time. We are here to help, we want to see you happy but we cannot allow something wrong to cause damage and maybe endanger your horse or other people's horses.
Electric fences should always be on or the horses may lose all respect for them and get tangled, if they are not maintained, and leaving them in loops is a real problem as the line may not be able to be recovered and it may earth, so keep it on reels or at least wound around a wooden stake.
As I say, fences that are left to grow into the grass can be a major problem and can be dangerous, so please lift them, if they are on the floor,, and look after them.
There are instances where people have dumped droppings onto the fence and this is a major problem, as it may earth a line, it may cause it to grow into the grass and it may be very difficult to lift out.
Any expert.. and I mean expert.. you know someone who really knows.. that rare breed of real experts.. not just people who think they know.. but people with decades of experience on all aspects of horses and land management.. will tell you that you should not pick up droppings and leave them in a heap in the field. This is catastrophic to the hedges and grass and may encourage dangerous weeds.
The experts.. and I mean real experts.. someone who has read a good book on the subject.. will tell you that it is best to break up the droppings where they are and leave it to the sun or frosts or birds to sort out the parasites.
This enriches the soil and allows you to spend more time looking after the fences and your horse. If you want to bring it into the yard muck heap, then it is up to you but field heaps are not an option and it would be good if you could take a fork out and throw the muck heaps around a bit, as they will never be moved, as it is too problematic. Ten minutes a day and you should have the heaps gone by summer and the grass will be better.
Another problem that I saw was the use of nylon sheep line with horses. This can be ok with tape alongside or a hedge or fence there but it is problematic in open fields, as the horse may not see them until too late and then put the brakes on and leave divots everywhere... and maybe get tangled at low speed.
I suggest plastic ribbons between the posts, so the horse sees it sooner. You may say that my horse knows but another horse may come in contact with it and be fooled... there was a line at the bottom of the passage and any horse could bolt down there and not see until it is too late.. we do not say these things for our own entertainment.
We have noticed that these electric lines have been taken away from the post and rail fences and this is why so many post and rail fences have been smashed to pieces this time.. we put the electric line there for a reason and maybe put it on posts 2 metres from the fence, to stop horses ducking under the line and breaking lower rails. We corrected much of this but not all of it, so if you could have a look and sort it out, it would be much appreciated, as it may save damage that might endanger your horse.
These water pipes are another worry.. please ensure that there are no leaks or Tony could be left with major bills not of his making.. thankyou.. as I say.. we are here to help and sometimes saying something that you may object to, may enlighten you to the truth and a better way of doing things


I came to help and I understand some people being worried by someone checking their fences and making them work.. thereby protecting everyone's horses further down the fencing line
I' have been appalled by what I have seen so far but I have known people with little experience of electric fence in the past and understand people's worries.
I am here to help and not to worry and will not change any more fences.. I will just tell you if they are a danger to others or in need of tidying up.. that way you can do it yourself and, maybe,, learn where you are going wrong and how to fix it.
As I say, I have talked to many of you and have not upset anyone that I have talked to and, hopefully. have, reassured people that I know how to fix things and can sort it with little if any inconvenience.
I sorted the school in about an hour and told people how they can keep it looking as good as it does now... at no cost to Tony.. which helps him and you.
As I say, I hope to talk to all of you and I hope that I can reassure you about land management and what is best for your horse. I have had to deal with people that have been throw out of place after place before and always know that I'm a passive persuader but will take on what you say, as you may have a point.
All the best


I came to help Tony and sort out a few problems. I'll be gone in a week or so.. I cannot just leave my operations in Hurghada and things are not going as they might with the people that I have left to handle things.. though I know that they are all genuinely trying their best.
I come back every year, as we have to leave Egypt at least once a year for visa reasons. My task is to try to do those things that Tony can no longer do on his own but need to be checked, to prevent a major disaster that could happen if they were not checked.
Tony has lived here and run things for 50 years and he knows the place even better than I do and I know every hedge and every gateway.
Tony tends to let horse people do as they like, as it is just easier to do that rather than go round and correct things.. but this means that he relies on people to do things right.
I never cause trouble and I only step in for 4 reasons.. to protect your horse, to protect other people's horses, to stop damage and to stop things being too unsightly.
I try to do it discretely and never make major changes but it is important that fences work and that electricity is not running to earth, which costs money and earths the line out, so it does not work properly further down.
I have checked 8 fences and 7 were in dire need of attention and only one person noticed and we could have sorted things out in a friendly way but they did not come to us but went to people with no knowledge of this area of the farm and certain major inaccuracies occurred that could have been solved and corrected in 5 minutes but were left to fester.
It should have been calmly reported and a solution brought about in a friendly way but it got out of hand, partly due to who she told, and the good work that was done was undone and the line was left to earth out again and taken back to the dangerous position that it was before I started.
I'm sure that a quiet talk and an explanation would have solved it easily.. we had just bought new electric fence tape that evening, and it could have easily been sorted but it rather blew up badly and I'll feelings have occurred and that is the furthest from my aim
I never do wrong, because I'm always willing to listen and compromise, to ensure that you are happy with what I've done.
I know that my words are hoping to bring around the decent moderates, for Tony and I have had a great deal of experience of dealing with people that have been thrown out of farm after farm. Someone wants to come back now but Tony would prefer an empty field rather than have them back and that says something.
I have a great deal of experience in industrial relations and deal with people according to how they behave, calming people down when they seem frustrated, for they know that I am working in their best interests and only doing what they know is right in the long term.
I have not come to upset people but to get things right and assure those that are worried why it has to be this way and find a compromise, if they still have reservations and any good ideas.
As I say, on 7 fields, people didn't even notice or may have noticed but said nothing in thanks and that is ok.. our gratitude is getting things right, so I can go away for another year and know that the place is in a much better position that it was when I came.
I always have to be careful for bad people, with terrible reputations, who have been thrown out of decent place after decent place, have caused manor problems in the past and decent people don't need it and Tony doesn't need it either.
You should come her to enjoy yourself.. if you have a problem, come over and have a quiet chat and we can sort it out. I am honest and genuine and positive.. I want everyone to be happy and the place run correctly.
I know that the bad people will make a big furore of this but things need to be said and sometimes you need a witness, as bad people will try to make a mountain out of a molehill.
I'll finish now and may add somethings later but Tony must have his medicine.. he has not been well in a couple of days but getting out helps him no end, as long as he does not run into anger. We can sort it out.. we are here to make you happy.. long term.. and if this means that we must get your fences working properly and looking good, then that is what makes you and others happy long term.
I hope that you have taken this well.. decent people will be assured that our actions and attitude is correct. We used to have good senior renters that would calm the situation, not feed the fire.. but sadly.. one of the worst horse people that I have ever met caused her to put down her horses and she never came back. I had already gone and you would think that the bad horse person would be happy with her vistory but she continued to cause trouble... incidentally she had been kicked out of yard after yard but claimed wrongly that she was a good friend of Tony. Tony had helped them a great deal in the past and got them onto the housing ladder and helped them make it good, when they had no idea what to do.. but gratitude was not in her vocabulary and she normally ended up renting a a field and staying alone.
As I say, I'm here for a week or 2 and have already done a great deal of good.. the school is much better.. it just needs raking the loop every day or so and the membrane buried, when it comes to the surface, as it has been damaged by neglect. It's a 4 1/2 minute fun task and you can do it together.. just fill from the excess outside into the trench.. it doesn't matter if it slightly heaps in the oval.. the first horse will make it flat.
All the best and be nice to each other


The Hayes Farm

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Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm





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