Cait’s Canine Care

Cait’s Canine Care DTC Certified Dog Trainer 🦮 Full DBS check, fully insured, and licensed by C.C.C.


If I do *insert punisher* he stops reacting!

I saw someone a number of months ago, not in a professional training capacity, who was absolutely adamant that a firm ‘no’ and a leash pop would stop his dog reacting to others. I stood and observed as he demonstrated for me his training. He told the dog to sit when another dog appeared and his dog turned his head away from the handler, ignoring the first cue. He then leash popped the dog with a firm ‘no’ and asked for a sit again. The dog again turned his head away and licked his lips, flashing the whites of his eyes but obeyed and sat. The handler was then very pleased and told his dog what a good boy he was, eliciting a soft tail wag. The handler informed me because he was confident that the dog was confident.

This got me thinking about how we view our dogs and how we often focus on obedience over emotional stability. In this particular dynamic, this handler valued obedience moreso than his dogs emotions in that moment. I’m not convinced the dog felt the same. I felt for the handler because he didn’t know better, and we can only do what we know. He went on his way and I saw him a few months later but more on that below.

Now I’m not a super fluffy trainer. I do interrupt behaviours I don’t like (and shock I even use the word no!) but I am a firm believer that punishment is not the solution to reactivity. ‘No’ does not change emotion and ALL behaviour is driven by emotion of some sort. Remember the last time you were crazy stressed and upset and someone told you ‘calm down!!!’ How did it make you feel? It probably did jack s**t.

Imagine you came to see me to deal with your fear of spiders. What I’m going to do is put you in a bathtub filled with spiders and every time you shout or kick or scream I’m going to give you a firm ‘no’ and hold you in place. Eventually you’ll likely stop screaming and kicking off, but have I dealt with your feelings about the spiders? Not likely.

‘But it’s not always fear!’ I hear the fanatics shout! Say you came to me because you’re addicted to chocolate. You just can’t stop! So every time you reach for the chocolate I tell you ‘no’ and hold you in place. You’ll probably stop reaching for the chocolate but when I’m not there, you’ll go right back to it!

Behaviour work can be tricky and you can get bogged down in the details, but put simply, good behaviour work is about working with the emotions of the animal in front of you (dog and human!). For long term changes to behaviour, avoid the quick fix that seems to elicit immediate response. Look at WHY it works too.

The leash pop dog I spoke about at the start? He didn’t react because the worry of his handler was greater than the worry of the other dogs. Six months down the line I spoke to that same handler who told me he had to rehome the dog as he had started becoming destructive in the home and his reactivity was worsening with other dogs and turning to reactivity to people too. The reality is that the lead pop and a ‘no’ had put a sticking plaster on the problem that had no long term viability in terms of behaviour modification and created a pent up ball of stress that had nowhere else to put that stress, and his couch and his neighbour got the brunt of it.

Now obviously this story is on the more extreme end of the scale, but I’m seeing more behavioural fallout from trainers that don’t understand body language or communication or basic behaviourism who have stopped a behaviour without considering the emotion that led to the behaviour to begin with.

Deal with the emotions first, then work on the obedience. Enforced obedience alone is never the fix.

You’re a queen everyday in this house, not just on your birthday 😆 Liver cake to share with your buddies is a great way ...

You’re a queen everyday in this house, not just on your birthday 😆 Liver cake to share with your buddies is a great way to spend the day! Happy 2 years of you Poppy 🥰💕

One of my favourite photos ever ☺️

One of my favourite photos ever ☺️

Life lately… 💕

Life lately… 💕



It’s that time of year again where farmers fields have blossomed into pretty yellow flowers, these plants are called rapeseed. Although it may be tempting to place your dog in the midst to take a scenic photo, please avoid this at all costs!

Rapeseed is extremely poisonous for dogs, especially in highly sensitive canines.

Rapeseed is listed by Dogs Trust as toxic to our dogs if ingested and can cause symptoms such as:

❌Haemolytic Anaemia
❌ Blindness
❌ Damaged Nervous System
❌ Digestive Disorders
❌ Breathing Problems

Even walking through these fields should be avoided! In June 2019, a dog was reported to be suffering from severe open wounds after running through a crop of rapeseed.

Please seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog shows any signs of rapeseed poisoning!



We want to use this post as an opportunity to talk about Flexi leads and the use of them. So we’ll start off by saying we are NOT anti flexi lead so don’t go coming for us in the comments.

Today whilst enjoying a stroll down to Penarth pier we witnessed a beautiful staffy being walked on a flexi next to the road. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but what we witnessed was wrong. The dog was being allowed full extension of the flexi lead next to a busy road. The dog also walked on to the road on a blind bend. Thankfully there were no cars coming but this situation could have been potentially fatal for the dog. This is not the first time we have witnessed something like this, in fact we see flexi leads being used inappropriately on almost a daily basis.

So here are our tips on the safe appropriate use of flexi leads 👇

🐶 If you use a flexi ensure you use the flat tape type not a cord type. The cord leads can lead to painful friction burns on your hands if you need to real the dog in quickly.

🐶 NEVER let your dog walk ahead of you on a flexi lead next to a road. Keep the flexi locked in a short lead position. Better still use a regular lead next to roads.

🐶 Only allow your dog the freedom to explore on the flexi in enclosed safe spaces such as feilds and parks.

🐶 Use your flexi as a tool to safely and appropriately teach your dog recall.

🐶 Be respectful of other people, it is easy to trip over a flexi lead if a dog is given free rein to do as they wish on shared paths.

🐶 Keep an eye out if anyone approaches you and your doggo, people can easily cut the lead and take your furbaby

Remember, be safe and be respectful ☺️




Dear Dog Pawrents,

I’m not sure what’s happening lately but I’m seeing so many off lead dogs, running up to on lead dogs, and their owners are no where in sight or they’re completely oblivious.

I want to highlight what happened to Mila last week. An off lead dog came running over to her, albeit wanting to play (as it was play bowing ect) but this is not okay. Adding to this, she had her sign on stating ‘I’ve got a bad back’, and if you’re a dog owner you should know that yellow means ‘nervous’.

I don’t know what else I could have done to make it more apparent to other dog walkers that Mila wants to be left alone. It’s not okay that your dog runs up to her, it’s not okay that your dog has no recall, it’s not okay that you’re on your phone not paying attention, it’s not okay that your dog is friendly, I’m sick of hearing this phrase.

When your dog runs over to an on lead dog, you have no idea what that dog has gone through. In our case Mila slipped her disc 3 years ago and she was paralysed, she’s still unsteady on her back legs because her nerves are still damaged from when the disc slipped. She does not want your dog jumping on her. This is not okay. Have some respect for others.

Similarly, there are so many more reasons why dogs are on lead and why they do not want off lead dogs invading their space. They could be a rescue dog who was previously abused, they could be anxious, nervous, previously used as a bait dog, reactive, scared, disabled, the list goes on. There are so many reasons why, but my point is all dogs should be able to enjoy their walk. And ultimately it’s the on lead dogs who then get judged because they are reacting to a situation that they never wanted to be in, in the first place.

It’s a privilege to own a dog, it’s not a hobby. To all dog owners who have off lead dogs with no recall and say ‘my dog is friendly’ please educate yourself. This is NOT okay. Shame on you for being so naive, have some respect for other dog owners and their dogs. You have no idea what their dog has gone through. Do not let your dog approach a dog that is on lead, take some responsibility and stop being irresponsible. Respect other dogs and their owners who are on their own journey.

Kind Regards,

Former resident Mila and her mum who is one of the trustees of TRH.

I would take snow over mud every single minute, hour, day ❄️☃️🌨️Will it EVER stop raining 😭I want to go exploring again ...

I would take snow over mud every single minute, hour, day ❄️☃️🌨️

Will it EVER stop raining 😭

I want to go exploring again with cold noses, crunchy feet and frosty skies 🏔️ bring on summer! ☀️

I will forever share these

I will forever share these

It may only be Tuesday but I still wanted to share some cuties, to make room for more cuties 📸🐶

It may only be Tuesday but I still wanted to share some cuties, to make room for more cuties 📸🐶

It’s Thursday….. so you know what that means😌    #2023

It’s Thursday….. so you know what that means😌 #2023

Look what’s finally arrived ☺️🎉

Look what’s finally arrived ☺️🎉

A little end of week thought: please don’t be afraid to advocate for your best pal in anyway you know how. I know it can...

A little end of week thought: please don’t be afraid to advocate for your best pal in anyway you know how. I know it can be daunting thinking you are giving them a ‘label’. I have been through the emotional toll of this as an owner. You are not labelling them, simply giving them a voice.

Delilah can be an anxious girl when first meeting unknown dogs, we have to ensure the meetings are calm, slow and controlled, but when out in public, you cannot manage this sometimes.

All dogs deserve this though.

I use these tools to help create space when we’re out, granted it’s not always successful. Even when asking people to recall their dog, or pop them on a lead, but if using these tools takes some pressure off yourself, please do not feel guilty; we are simply trying our best💗

I wanted to share this to give others the confidence to be outspoken if your dog needs that space, a lot of things in life are out of our control, like off lead dogs running up to you, but we can only try. Happy Friday everyone 🥰🐶🐾

It’s Thursday!!! So you know what that means…  A few gems from 2022 📸(Personal fav is pic 6 of Delilah using Mabel’s ear...

It’s Thursday!!! So you know what that means…

A few gems from 2022 📸

(Personal fav is pic 6 of Delilah using Mabel’s ear as an eye patch, to be subtle whilst begging for pizza 🏴‍☠️ 👀🍕)

I’d like to make this a weekly tradition as my phone storage keeps reminding me you guys need to see them all😍

Out of office is on for us three🥳Thank you to all our doggos and their wonderful owners for a busy full year in business...

Out of office is on for us three🥳

Thank you to all our doggos and their wonderful owners for a busy full year in business. We have learnt so much and had plenty of fun, but it’s time for a well needed break.

A special thank you also to those who have treated both myself and Double Trouble to gifts. We’re so greatful 🙏♥️

We’ll be back to it on the 2nd of Jan. Have a fab Christmas everyone, hope Santa brings you all lots of toys and treats 🥰🎅🏻🦴🐶

I can’t believe I’ve actually gone and done it.I’m in total shock and awe. This has been an incredibly hard journey: emo...

I can’t believe I’ve actually gone and done it.

I’m in total shock and awe. This has been an incredibly hard journey: emotionally, financially, physically and mentally. What a year I’ve had. I have questioned myself every step of the way, doubted my abilities and convinced myself I’ll never be good enough and through it all, it’s always been the same end goal. To make the lives of the dogs so much better, safer, happier and fun. Training with kindness is all I’ve ever wanted, and to be able to understand our best friends to the best of my ability. I feel incredibly emotional and lucky to call myself a dog trainer now. It’s difficult to feel proud whilst I’m still processing the hard work paying off and the imposter syndrome is at large but I really will do my absolute best for you all.

Thank you to everyone who believed in me and kept me going. Now the hard work really does start. We’ve got this 🫶



My purpose.Sometimes I wonder why I juggle so many things, but if I’ve learnt anything this year, it’s that good things ...

My purpose.

Sometimes I wonder why I juggle so many things, but if I’ve learnt anything this year, it’s that good things don’t come to those who wait… they come to those who work flipping hard. Doing my professional dog training with the Dog Training College has taught me so much already and it’s all for these two (and the other amazing doggos we have in our lives). I’m yet to take the leap to qualify, but I’m nearly there and I’m already seeing the benefits pay off with my sensitive girl. Delilah has taught me more about life than I could ever imagine and she is the most incredible, emotionally intelligent, unconditionally loving yet fiercely independent and driven girl I’ve ever loved. Dougie is the complete opposite, a class clown, always striving for attention, guidance, company and a good game. I have a huge amount of respect for the two of them and how they handle life so differently yet equally admirably.

Thank you.

For teaching me the value of fresh air, that silence is golden and that time with loved ones is precious.

You guys truly are the best♥️

What a beautiful day! My absolute FAV weather ❄️☺️ Besties taking on the mountains🏔️

What a beautiful day! My absolute FAV weather ❄️☺️

Besties taking on the mountains🏔️

Before the sky went black and the storm came in ⛈️ ☔️Great walk with these beautiful faces! Binky was too fixated with t...

Before the sky went black and the storm came in ⛈️ ☔️

Great walk with these beautiful faces! Binky was too fixated with the ball and running to stay still for many photos 🙈


Thinking this would be a wholesome sensory activity, what could go wrong? 3 Labs, 1 snuffle box…..1. Smash and grab2. Ge...

Thinking this would be a wholesome sensory activity, what could go wrong? 3 Labs, 1 snuffle box…..

1. Smash and grab
2. Gentle, gets the job done
3. Eats her way through the paper to the treats 🤦‍♀️😅

Check out CaitsCanineCare's video.

Today wasn’t our best walk, think everyone was out of sorts thanks to the fireworks ☹️🎇🎆I really wish they could ban hou...

Today wasn’t our best walk, think everyone was out of sorts thanks to the fireworks ☹️🎇🎆

I really wish they could ban households from buying them, as setting them off from Thursday til Monday night is quite enough!! Or at least make them silent 🙉 anyone else finding the rubbish everywhere, and the dogs helping collect it?!

Look how cute they all are for a post walk snap though 📸

Better behaviour Thursday please 🙏😌 no more fox poo parties! 🦊💩

Liver cake station 😋

Liver cake station 😋

“Trick or treat?” 🎃💀Silly question, treat everytime👻 got any gravy bones? 🦴 (Mam underestimated the Dougie b***y. Turns ...

“Trick or treat?” 🎃💀

Silly question, treat everytime👻 got any gravy bones? 🦴

(Mam underestimated the Dougie b***y. Turns out I’m juicier than the lab online👀)



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm





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